Many cartel grows in the woods behind us!


Well-Known Member
yeah im sure the mexicans werent planning on coming back for awhile after getting busted and with the weight they were expecting to harvest i doubt they would even care about the little bit still left. but i still would have stayed clear but thats just me


Active Member
All u fucks running ur mouth get the fuck off my post, I can give a fuck if u dont think it was right, it wasn't STEALING, if it was already busted..... And growing plants haha u lames are not shit, grow ur schwagg and learn a thing u fucking lames.. It's sad how many people don't know shit about growing pot, so many anti rips...haha read the article again I didn't hop dudes fence get ur facts straight. No mother fucker should be growing like that either way.


Well-Known Member
All u fucks running ur mouth get the fuck off my post, I can give a fuck if u dont think it was right, it wasn't STEALING, if it was already busted..... And growing plants haha u lames are not shit, grow ur schwagg and learn a thing u fucking lames.. It's sad how many people don't know shit about growing pot, so many anti rips...haha read the article again I didn't hop dudes fence get ur facts straight. No mother fucker should be growing like that either way.
lmao we all grow schwag here on riu.....but you are ripping off paisa weed in the woods?? lmao we don't know shit about growing pot? yet your are harvesting unknown plants that may have deadly chemicals on hear that guys? respect this mans knowledge or perish muahahahaha


Well-Known Member
i'm going with the op on this one. Fuck em. If you can't stand to lose a couple plants off the 10,000 you planted you're a major douche.


Well-Known Member
why would broke ass mexicans spray the weed, that costs money. they would just sell it with the mold and bugs in it.


Well-Known Member
lmao we all grow schwag here on riu.....but you are ripping off paisa weed in the woods?? lmao we don't know shit about growing pot? yet your are harvest unknown plants that may have deadly chemicals on hear that guys? respect this mans knowledge or perish muahahahaha
my schwag is so shitty, i just feed it to my ducks.


Active Member
All u fucks running ur mouth get the fuck off my post, I can give a fuck if u dont think it was right, it wasn't STEALING, if it was already busted..... And growing plants haha u lames are not shit, grow ur schwagg and learn a thing u fucking lames.. It's sad how many people don't know shit about growing pot, so many anti rips...haha read the article again I didn't hop dudes fence get ur facts straight. No mother fucker should be growing like that either way.
Chuckthapollen, the second?


Well-Known Member
Pics... Hahaha of what? A bunch of chopped down plants or old branches laying around or wait... Maybe some bagged up bud haha I don't care if u don't believe me man, don't have any pics.. Plus I'm using a phone and can't figure out how to post pics even if I had any.. Just started this site..
Don't post pics of any illegal activity from your phone. There is data in the file that can identify your phone, and you. The cartel won't kick your ass for ripping their grow. They will kill you, and possibly your family also. However, a busted grow, cops are likely to be watching.


Well-Known Member
lmao. stick around keep that loud mouth shut and maybe you will learn a thing or two about growing some real pot. look the fuck around at some real grows on here and say that we grow shwagg your fucking trippin. i dont even know why im waisting my finger strokes on you lol.

you wanna run your mouth about growing some good weed then post up pictures of your flowering bud covered in resin, iv got my pictures ready, were the fuck are yours


Well-Known Member
Don't post pics of any illegal activity from your phone. There is data in the file that can identify your phone, and you. The cartel won't kick your ass for ripping their grow. They will kill you, and possibly your family also. However, a busted grow, cops are likely to be watching.
lol anything uploaded to riu is stripped of its properties


Well-Known Member
nope they might feed it to the roots. I don't think they know about any techniques like foliar feeding.
LMAO......bro I have lived around paisa's all my life.....they may not know english but they know a shit load about growing weed....may not be good weed but they know how to grow ALOT of it


Well-Known Member
LMAO......bro I have lived around paisa's all my life.....they may not know english but they know a shit load about growing weed....may not be good weed but they know how to grow ALOT of it
i just don't see them paying the astronomical amount of money it would take to spray 10000 plants. plus the time. you get 10,000 plants by only planting all summer long they don't have time for spraying down 10000 plants spread over like 10 acres


Well-Known Member
why would broke ass mexicans spray the weed, that costs money. they would just sell it with the mold and bugs in it.
Mexican cartels are hardly "broke ass mexicans", but I agree it is unlikely they would spray their crops.


Active Member
LMAO......bro I have lived around paisa's all my life.....they may not know english but they know a shit load about growing weed....may not be good weed but they know how to grow ALOT of it
He's right about that, they might not grow the best but they know what they are doing.


Well-Known Member
all they do is water and dig holes. why would they put 40k into something they can get with just labor.


Well-Known Member
lol anything uploaded to riu is stripped of its properties
Oh, really? I have not seen that mentioned anywhere else. I know there is software that will do that. I use an old digital camera that didn't have the ability to embed exo data. Got it at a yard sale for $1.


Well-Known Member

they have miracle grow but i don't see any pesticides