hahahahaha!! well said!! coudnt have put it better if i tried!!2012 its when london hold the olympic games
end of the world same thing lol
I never said the earth isn't slowly getting warmer; but as someone else has pointed out our happy little Earth has gone through periods of global warming and cooling since the day she was born - and we didn't exist in this world until very, VERY recently so I don't think it has much to do with us. Human beings are NOT the cause of this phenomenon, but we do more than our part. I'm all for the preservation of the environment, but I'm more concerned with sullying of the ground than the molecular battle going on miles above me.Actually I believe its from their burps more so than their farts, but that doesnt mean its bullshit...so youre telling me that the earth isnt slowly getting warmer? What makes you think its bullshit?
Part of it is looking it up yourself. If you do your own research than you don't just have to sit there and believe what other people tell and show you. You can make your mind up for yourself that way. ^_^do you have any good links to information like this, I'll do some reading on the info....
i think what she means is that it has always been there and we are not the cause of it, were just adding to it a bit!!?Well when I look it up, all I find is evidence supporting it because like you said it most certainly does exist so you are contradicting yourself and I will assume you are not worth talking to, cite some evidence...thats what I was asking you to do
with that will come advanced space travel or global decriminalization of marijuana.it is the end of the age of pisces and the beginning of the age of aquarius, thats all it is...nothing is going to happen