Gay marriage?

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Wow. Im really suprised at how many ppl on here support gay marriage. I guess alot of stoners are wild liberals now a days. Once again, I think alot of ppl on here try to encompass anti gay marriage in the anti gay field, when its not. You can be anti violent movies for your kids, but still like UFC. Same shit. Being anti gay isnt being intolerant towards people, its about disliking a choice ppl make.

I was referring to the choice of getting married

Kaendar, you were clearly referring to homosexuality as the choice, and this is consistent with everything you've posted on the topic since you started that thread in SS&P. So ... that dog won't hunt. cn
So you admit that being gay isn't a choice then?
No, and yes. When ppl here choice they automatically think like the choice between sprite and coke or something blatant. When I say choice I just mean like a bad habit or an addiction, with the choice to quit. Gay ppl werent born gay, but I also dont think they woke up one day and decided to start flamin. It was a progressive development thru adolescence, to gradual to notice right away.
Kaendar, you were clearly referring to homosexuality as the choice, and this is consistent with everything you've posted on the topic since you started that thread in SS&P. So ... that dog won't hunt. cn
Please excuse my typo, or lack of proper sentence formation. What I was trying to say was being anti gay marriage isnt being anti gay.
No, and yes. When ppl here choice they automatically think like the choice between sprite and coke or something blatant. When I say choice I just mean like a bad habit or an addiction, with the choice to quit. Gay ppl werent born gay, but I also dont think they woke up one day and decided to start flamin. It was a progressive development thru adolescence, to gradual to notice right away.

Wow, I'm done with you. It's pointless talking to people like you that won't admit to anything and refuse to believe proof, done.
Wow. Im really suprised at how many ppl on here support gay marriage. I guess alot of stoners are wild liberals now a days. Once again, I think alot of ppl on here try to encompass anti gay marriage in the anti gay field, when its not. You can be anti violent movies for your kids, but still like UFC. Same shit. Being anti gay isnt being intolerant towards people, its about disliking a choice ppl make.

You are being intolerant. You think that gay people should be denied the same rights that others enjoy. Really, in a sense, this is punishment.
Wow. Im really suprised at how many ppl on here support gay marriage. I guess alot of stoners are wild liberals now a days. Once again, I think alot of ppl on here try to encompass anti gay marriage in the anti gay field, when its not. You can be anti violent movies for your kids, but still like UFC. Same shit. Being anti gay isnt being intolerant towards people, its about disliking a choice ppl make.
Gay marriage does not affect me in the least. As such, I have no reason to oppose it.

And the only kind of Liberal I could be called is a Classical Liberal; which has very little in common with a Modern Liberal. So there's that.

Two gay men in a loving, stable relationship has no bearing on how I live my life.

Two lesbians who choose to share their life together affects me not at all.

So the question actually is: What is it about gay marriage, or homosexuality in general, that frightens Kaendar so much? :shock:
Don't care what someone else does. They aren't bothering me so why should I tell them they can't get married? Not my place, not the Governments place. Whatever happened to separation of church and state?

First Amendment "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

United States: Shitting on the Constitution since 1789.

Also, for comical relief.

So the question actually is: What is it about gay marriage, or homosexuality in general, that frightens Kaendar so much? :shock:
fear that he has more in common with what he despises so much. it would be good therapy to make a gay friend. not a flammer but a nornmal dude. not all are flammers. i hope he never has a gay kid. a flammer. it would kill his ego. and ruin his argument. and the poor kid would wind up in therapy too. and one more was never a choice...that's why they call it a sex DRIVE.
No, and yes. When ppl here choice they automatically think like the choice between sprite and coke or something blatant. When I say choice I just mean like a bad habit or an addiction, with the choice to quit. Gay ppl werent born gay, but I also dont think they woke up one day and decided to start flamin. It was a progressive development thru adolescence, to gradual to notice right away.

Really!?? That may be your opinion but is not fact
Religion says it is wrong as a religious ceremony..people are fighting for the civil aspect regarding benefits and insurance and such...
I mean if you are married and you die your wife/family gets what you have...
If you have lived with your partner for 15 years and have adopted 2 kids and then your partner dies, you are screwed, because all that person's things will go to someone else somewhere else...
It causes a lot of issues...I mean we have all kinds of families now, and I say I don't care if the parents are both women, or both men, or both hermaphrodites they should be able to take care of each other just like any other family under the law.
fear that he has more in common with what he despises so much. it would be good therapy to make a gay friend. not a flammer but a nornmal dude. not all are flammers. i hope he never has a gay kid. a flammer. it would kill his ego. and ruin his argument. and the poor kid would wind up in therapy too. and one more was never a choice...that's why they call it a sex DRIVE.
I have gay friends.. gay ppl are pretty cool for the most part, just average ppl like you or me.
I have gay friends.. gay ppl are pretty cool for the most part, just average ppl like you or me.

So why do you dislike the idea that they can get married? Marriage isn't as sacred as it use to be. If it was, you wouldn't have over 50% of heterosexual couples getting divorced within 5 years. If anything homosexual/lesbians respect the sanctity of marriage more than heterosexuals.
Well since religion is, I feel like, in the minority right now, nobody sees marriage as a holy union...It is a way to get health insurance
I say eff it...
I mean who really cares anyway?
Wow, I'm done with you. It's pointless talking to people like you that won't admit to anything and refuse to believe proof, done.
he's great for doing it. also running from statements and back stepping. this is the person who wants to be LAPD as well. he sounds perfect for the job if you ask me.
should i go on??
So why do you dislike the idea that they can get married? Marriage isn't as sacred as it use to be. If it was, you wouldn't have over 50% of heterosexual couples getting divorced within 5 years. If anything homosexual/lesbians respect the sanctity of marriage more than heterosexuals.
he dislikes the idea because they are gay........and being gay is the wrong choice to make in life
If a religious group wants to marry two individuals that is up to them or if they don't the same goes. I thought we have religious freedom and seperatio nof church and state, hows it the governments choice.
So why do you dislike the idea that they can get married? Marriage isn't as sacred as it use to be. If it was, you wouldn't have over 50% of heterosexual couples getting divorced within 5 years. If anything homosexual/lesbians respect the sanctity of marriage more than heterosexuals.
I dislike the idea of any type of alternative marriage.. Marrying animals, objects, polygamy, marrying children, or even 2 drunk ppl getting married in vegas and wondering wtf happened the next day.. its not just gay marriage.
Well, I feel bad for him because that is the definition if ignorance.
No its not.

Ignorance is a state of being uninformed (lack of knowledge).[SUP][1][/SUP] The word ignorant is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware and is often used as an insult. Ignoramus is commonly used in the US, the UK, and Ireland as a term for someone who is willfully ignorant.

what am I unaware of? Throwing out words like ignorant and homophobe as an insult only muddies the meaning of the word... 99% of the time when ppl call someone ignorant or homophobic they are either out of context or flat out wrong.
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