Gay marriage?

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An inability of an audience member to comprehend has no significance on the original message. Can you describe the equation for the gravitational pull of jupiter on our tides? Does it still exist? Your individual ability to comprehend something has nothing to do with its existence.
Sarcasm. Learn about it.
every dad wants to hear from their son, that they are a

and there has never been someone on earth afraid to admit their sexual orientation to their parents...LOL

DUHR...what planet do u live on
If my son was a sissy I would want to know.

I wasn't afraid to tell my mom I like girls lol.

I live on earth......I think?
Gay marriage why are the government trying to get it leagal as marriage is a religeous ceremony so they want to change religeon?
Don't get me wrong why cant they just be happy with civil ceremoys as i have not heard of a religeon that says homosexuality/lesbianism is right.
I have nothing agenst peoples sexual preference as i have explored mine in the past.

My point is what right do the government to change religion?
Marriage is a legal contract.

Religion comes into play only if the two parties agree.

The consent of the church is not a requirement, but a license is. A license issued by the state.

As the state is involved, two consenting adults who wish to marry should be allowed to do so. Sexual orientation is not a factor.

Having said all of that, should a minister be forced to preside over the ceremony of a gay couple? Absolutely not.

They can find a judge (who would not have a choice), or a minister who is willing.
Gay marriage why are the government trying to get it leagal as marriage is a religeous ceremony so they want to change religeon?
Don't get me wrong why cant they just be happy with civil ceremoys as i have not heard of a religeon that says homosexuality/lesbianism is right.
I have nothing agenst peoples sexual preference as i have explored mine in the past.

My point is what right do the government to change religion?

i see what your saying, and it makes since. I think most of the people here just saw gay marriage and assumed your were bashing it so they began with the oh your a bigot and everyone else just followed suit.

I am not entirely sure what the difference in a minister marriage and judge civil union is but i'm sure the later it is something humiliating and dreadful that you could never expect a human to endure, jk lol. The biggest issues i can see here is, people are trying to make a point and may or may not be going over board. its kinda like when your on a roll and you go for it because you can without ever questioning if you should. So in our case we have began to remove more and more of the anti gay fabrications in society and the gay rights community has gained a ton of steam over the last few years. Now that equality is drawing close in many ways we are running out of reasons to fight, so the natural choice is to target the church, the one group that has pretty much been at odds with homosexuality and vice versa since... idk the beginning of time... thus we have 2 groups who have no interest in associating with each other and have completely opposing view points who want to fight over how they need to be involved with one another. I see it kinda like a fish and a bird arguing over weather the ocean or sky is better.
Exactly. Everytime someone says they are against gay marriage, ppl are quick to point the finger at them and blame their religious beliefs. You dont have to be religious to know that homosexuality is wrong.

You don't have to be, but it usually helps since there is no real reason to believe that.

did you know that by acting like that towards someone simply because their personal beliefs differs from yours makes you close minded? Since your gay im sure you want everybody to accept everybody and respect everyones beliefs. Dont be a hypocrite like most gays are.

No it does not. Being intolerant and stubbornly unreceptive of new ideas makes you closed minded. Dismissing and ignoring hatred spewed from uneducated half wits that base their opinion on propaganda and unsubstantiated claims, and cannot provide any logic or rationale for their opinion besides prejudice is closed minded. You are the one being closed minded.

After seeing the strongly religious opinions you've posted, I don't believe that. In the words of a friend "I'm not even renting that one". cn

Let me remind you this is the same person who believes in a full fledged 911 conspiracy.

The problem is that if a gay gets married, it basically takes away the meaning of all traditional marriages. Its not just a gay thing.. any type of non traditional marriage (marrying animals, objects, having multiple wives) undermines all traditional marriages.

No it doesn't. How does gays getting married take away ANY of the meaning of a traditional marriage? How could it even possibly affect the bond between a traditional heterosexual couple?

By the same logic shouldn't people that marry for money, marry while drunk in vegas, get annulments, get divorced, or cheat on their spouse be even worse for the institution of marriage? You don't want 2 gay people that love each other to enjoy the same benefits as a heterosexual couple, but you are ok with the rest of it? Mind boggling.

Scientifically proven? Please show me this ground breaking evidence that im sure would have been announced publicly by now...

No dude, it hasnt been proven. In fact, its leaning more towards feelings of homosexual being brought on by distortions in sexual development during adolescence.

I guess all those animals were raised in turbulent environments with gay distortions constantly hurled at them. Poor little animals. Notice those little numbers by the various claims in the article Kaendar? Those are called "references". They provide the original source.

Yes. I feel especially bad for the old folks that have been married for decades. If that was me, and gay marriage or any other alternative forms of marriage would be legalized, I would be pissed and saddened. What would be the point of getting married anymore? Like I said, this isnt only a gay thing, any type of alternative marriage dissolves the meaning of a traditional matrimony.

You are a sad human being. Maybe you would get married because you love that other person and want to share and spend the rest of your life with them? Or if gays could get married would that make you love your wife less?

I beg to differ, and any glance at a Facebook newsfeed can confirm the fact that you are wrong. The whole openness of homosexuality has led to almost all teenage girls claiming to now be bisexual.

Facebook news feeds are not a credible source to draw conclusions from. The sample size is far too small and not representative of the whole population. Especially since you are only looking at YOUR newsfeed. Furthermore I would be willing to bet that even localized entirely within your group of facebook friends that the claim "almost all" is wildly inaccurate. It is more likely to be far less than "almost all".

Also another interpretation is that it has always been this way and you never noticed. Or maybe it always has been this way and people are only just now feeling comfortable admitting it. 40 years ago there was no facebook to post your status on, and if you told the neighborhood you were gay you got an ass beating. I think that kind of prejudice could certainly influence the number of openly gay people. Note that it would not change the number of gay people, only the number who openly admit it.

Very true. 90% of them do it to get attention and use the gay community to defend them. The problem here in 2012 is that it isnt just empty claims for attention, they are actually doing it. I cant even log into my Facebook anymore without being bombarded by pictures of 16 year old girls making out and giving eachother oral sex. This whole gay pride movement is having a direct negative effect on todays youth. Same thing with drug use in music and tv.. kids are inventing all these new drugs and getting high and shit.

Unsubstantiate claims much?

Im heterosexual, and there is no conflict with that because I got 8 inches and 2 balls between my legs. When I say being gay is a choice, I dont mean that its a concious choice. Its a subconscious choice. For example, I have a foot fetish. I wasnt born that way, but at some point in time during my youth I started finding feet a sexy part of a women. Didnt really make a conscious choice to start liking it, but I do make the conscious choice to act on those feelings.

Subconscious choice? You mean a choice that you have no control over? How is that a choice?

I suspect that someone has some repressed homosexual urges.
I ignored it because it had a lack of credibility. Your "evidence" still isnt proof. Did you ever read the study on 200 gay men? Most of them went back to heterosexuality. There have also been numerous studies done on other animals that clearly show sexuality is a choice.

btw, heres the results from that study
View attachment 2275779View attachment 2275780View attachment 2275781

Ignores article because lack of credibility.

Posts results of study with no source and no backing information.

That would make a good kaendar meme.
gay people should be able to's kinda like this story right here

[h=1]Church refuses to marry black couple in Mississippi[/h]

Those are words an African-American couple used to describe how they felt when they were forced to change the venue of their wedding because of their race."Because of the fact that we were black, some of the members of the congregation had got upset and decided that no black couple would ever be married at that church," Charles Wilson told CNN on Sunday night."All we wanted to do in the eyes of God was to be man and wife in a church that we thought we felt loved. What was wrong with that?"
Black couple denied wedding in church

Charles and Te'Andrea Wilson had planned to marry this month at the First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs in Mississippi, but were asked at the last minute to move.Southern Baptists elect first black presidentTheir pastor, Stan Weatherford, made the request on behalf of some congregants who didn't want to see the couple married there, according to CNN affiliate WLBT. He performed the ceremony at a nearby church."This was, had not, had never been done here before so it was setting a new (precedent) and there were those who reacted to that," Weatherford told WLBT."I didn't want to have a controversy within the church, and I didn't want a controversy to affect the wedding of Charles and Te' Andrea. I wanted to make sure their wedding day was a special day," he reportedly said.On Sunday, some church members reacted to news of the wedding with surprise, many hadn't known what happened to the Wilsons until they heard about it on the news, and offered apologies."I would say I'm sorry this happened and would you forgive the people who caused it? Because we're gonna try to," Bob Mack told WLBT.Talking about the group that opposed the wedding he said: "We hope we can straighten them out, you know, get them to understand what Christianity is all about because they have some misconceptions about it."But for Charles and Te'Andrea Wilson, support from the church now might be too little, too late."I had dreams of having my wedding the way I wanted it, and I also dreamed of having it at the church and unfortunately, it didn't happen," Te'Andrea Wilson told CNN.Her husband said if there was a time to "step up and be Christ-like," it was before their wedding. Hindsight is 20/20."If it was such a minority of people, why didn't the majority stand up and say, 'in God's house we don't do this?'" said Charles Wilson.North Dakota paper reviews ban on same-sex wedding announcements
I've always thought marriage should be removed from government functions. They should provide civil unions and nothing else - a way for people who live together to join their finances, health insurance, assets, etc. meaning it could be used by longterm roommates, polyamorists and gays. If you want to get married, go to a church for it... marriage has religious connotations (as that's where the idea originated), and I want to see separation of church and state.
exactly. Everytime someone says they are against gay marriage, ppl are quick to point the finger at them and blame their religious beliefs. You dont have to be religious to know that homosexuality is wrong.

hahahahah lol is this a joke?
Why do people like Kaen even sign up for a forum? If you want to debate that's fine but accept when you're wrong, it's really not that hard or embarrassing.

Debate, discuss, learn something, accept, move on.
Exactly. Everytime someone says they are against gay marriage, ppl are quick to point the finger at them and blame their religious beliefs. You dont have to be religious to know that homosexuality is wrong.

Its not wrong, but that kind of statement is. Yes, survival of any species is dependent on mating and reproducing, but homosexuality exists in all of nature, not just in humans. If two people love each either, same sex or not, it's not for others to say its wrong.
i can't convince myself that marraige between two ppl of the same gender does anything other than prove to the world that they are the same in all ways but one. sexual preference. i think it all revolves around acceptance. and equality. if no one fucking cared whether gays wanted to marry or not, many wouldn't even want to. but we're in an age of change i think. and the political forces that be see a voting block that votes together for the most part. so even if they have to shove it down our throats...parden the pun, they'll get their way. why anyone would want to get married when half of all marriages fail is beyond my comprehension. your odds of success are about the same in any casino. but i don't judge. or i do i just don't admit to it. marriage is a relic. it never worked. it never will. all it does is make more babies of the religion you happen to subscribe to. or not subscribe to. but ppl will continue to do it anyway because they think it MEANS something. they think it will make them closer. it doesn't. it's a scam. but if gay men and women WANT to be scammed then who are we to say no? i will catch a lot of shit for admitting to being gay and not supporting gay marraige. or maybe i should put it this way...if you wanna get scammed then go right ahead...see you in divorce court. but as far as kids are concerned i really believe a child needs the male dominant figure and the female nurturing figure for balance. they need the discipline and the compassion. they need mommy to say no so daddy can say yes. mb i'm just to simple to understand. but i see the issue from two perspectives. being the oppressed and not wanting the thing many gay men and women think will relieve the oppression.
Wow. Im really suprised at how many ppl on here support gay marriage. I guess alot of stoners are wild liberals now a days. Once again, I think alot of ppl on here try to encompass anti gay marriage in the anti gay field, when its not. You can be anti violent movies for your kids, but still like UFC. Same shit. Being anti gay isnt being intolerant towards people, its about disliking a choice ppl make.
Wow. Im really suprised at how many ppl on here support gay marriage. I guess alot of stoners are wild liberals now a days. Once again, I think alot of ppl on here try to encompass anti gay marriage in the anti gay field, when its not. You can be anti violent movies for your kids, but still like UFC. Same shit. Being anti gay isnt being intolerant towards people, its about disliking a choice ppl make.

Your unrepentant error here is insisting that homosexuality is a choice. The ONLY source for that doctrine is virulent dominionist politicized religion. cn
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