Obama announces new education program focused on African Americans...executive order

Stupendous fail
Who is getting segregated?

legal segregation based on the notion of racial inferiority is racist.

Blacks are now segregrating themselving is how I see it. No other race is allowed and that is segregation.

~The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, housed within the Department of Education, will work with the Executive Office of the President and Cabinet agencies to identify evidence-based best practices to improve African American student achievement in school and college, and to develop a national network of individuals, organizations, and communities that will share and implement these practices. It will also help ensure that Federal programs and initiatives administered by the Department of Education and other Federal agencies maintain a focus on serving and meeting the educational needs of African Americans. The Initiative will complement the existing White House Initiative that strengthens the nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by working with Federal agencies and partners nationwide to provide all African American students with a more effective continuum of education programs.~

This smacks of segregation everything is for blacks only. Shouldn't we target all people who have need of educational aid, instead of one, and only one race?

[TD="class: td1, colspan: 2"] segregation (ˌsɛɡrɪˈɡeɪʃən) [/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"] [/TD]

[TD="class: td2, colspan: 2"]— n [/TD]

[TD="class: td3n1, width: 1%, align: right"]1. [/TD]
[TD="class: td3n2"] the act of segregating or state of being segregated [/TD]

[TD="class: td3n1, width: 1%, align: right"]2. [/TD]
[TD="class: td3n2"] sociol the practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society for the use of a minority group [/TD]

[TD="class: td3n1, width: 1%, align: right"]3. [/TD]
[TD="class: td3n2"] genetics See also Mendel's laws the separation at meiosis of the two members of any pair of alleles into separate gametes [/TD]

[TD="class: td3n1, width: 1%, align: right"]4. [/TD]
[TD="class: td3n2"] metallurgy the process in which a component of an alloy or solid solution separates in small regions within the solid or on the solid's surface [/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"] [/TD]

[TD="class: td1, colspan: 2"] segre'gational [/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"] [/TD]

[TD="class: td2, colspan: 2"]— adj
Perhaps you could prove how there is no reverse discrimination at all. I recommend you begin by demonstrating the neutrality of Affirmative Action. cn
Duke doesn't demonstrate or prove anything, he likes Obama MORE than Buck and just swallows ANYTHING the liberals say.
So can anyone here logically explain how diverting funds to academic programs that revolve around a specific race, is not racist?

Now imagine if the same government funded academic programs targeted towards "not-so-smart caucasians". Please tell me that's not racist, because it's just as racist as funding any other program on the basis of race.

And using the premise that there's an academic gap between races, in no way justifies racism.
So can anyone here logically explain how diverting funds to academic programs that revolve around a specific race, is not racist?

Now imagine if the same government funded academic programs targeted towards "not-so-smart caucasians". Please tell me that's not racist, because it's just as racist as funding any other program on the basis of race.

And using the premise that there's an academic gap between races, in no way justifies racism.

Diverting funds from what programs
Can you at least tell me what the white students will lose out on?
Your silly rejoinders demonstrate you are racist. You're the type of racist who is so enamored of the "cause", that you can't see the hypocrisy of your words and actions. Imagine your reaction if a non-black president announced a new government program that would only be available to members of his own race. You would be outraged. Yet you see nothing wrong in a black president doing the exact same thing. That or you're just a troll? Your transparent attempt at diverting the debate to irrelevant drivel about "what is whitey losing?" is getting any takers.
Back to lying about me again? I'll take that as an admission of defeat. Apparently you are awfully familiar with Stormfront. What a loser.

why they always picking on the black kid?
Your silly rejoinders demonstrate you are racist. You're the type of racist who is so enamored of the "cause", that you can't see the hypocrisy of your words and actions. Imagine your reaction if a non-black president announced a new government program that would only be available to members of his own race. You would be outraged. Yet you see nothing wrong in a black president doing the exact same thing. That or you're just a troll? Your transparent attempt at diverting the debate to irrelevant drivel about "what is whitey losing?" is getting any takers.

Dude after reviewing his profile I think he is a totall troll. Nothing at all to do with growing. He is just in the political section defending the establishment. Hes a paid troll IMO.
Dude after reviewing his profile I think he is a totall troll. Nothing at all to do with growing. He is just in the political section defending the establishment. Hes a paid troll IMO.
He's DukeAnthony, he's a little famous around these parts.

Anytime someone copy/pastes alot, fellates Obama or says something stupid and pointless, they did "a Dukeanthony".

It can also be used as a noun in the form "you are such a Dukaanthony".

EDIT: His signature writing style is to add "Mc" randomly to non-related words in a sentence ie. "Shut the McFuck up".
Dude after reviewing his profile I think he is a totall troll. Nothing at all to do with growing. He is just in the political section defending the establishment. Hes a paid troll IMO.

Yeah Im controlled by the Jews

In reference to your post: If the jews are in control of our country it is not racism to call them out on it. 6 Jews control 90% of the media in this country. No wonder congress cowtows to the JEwish prime minister when he comes for a visit. No wonder we give them billions in arms and money. They control the mainstream media. This should be illegal. No wonder nobody watches the news anymore its total propaganda. The majority owner of the private federal reserve stock is a jew. Rothschild. It's true. Rothschild enslaved us all making serfs of us in 1913 by usurping control of our banking system. Simultaneously having the IRS created to enforce collection of his interest by imposing an income tax. The IRS is the collection arm of the private federal reserve. Wake up dude! We didnt have an income tax before we had the misnamed federal reserve. IT wasnt necessary. His heirs own and control the federal reserve today. Along with the Morgans, the Loebs, the Warburgs and a few other select families.

If you want to advertise the fact you grow a illegal drug on the internet
Go for it
Diverting funds from what programs
Can you at least tell me what the white students will lose out on?

Academics have absolutely no relevance to race. That is until the government starts mandating that certain academic programs are established and/or funded on the premise of race. That is racist.

Can you explain yourself, and your flawed logic in regards to what you just said? Probably not, because you have no idea how bigoted your statement really is. Completely oblivious aren't you?
Academics have absolutely no relevance to race. That is until the government starts mandating that certain academic programs are established and/or funded on the premise of race. That is racist.

Can you explain yourself, and your flawed logic in regards to what you just said? Probably not, because you have no idea how bigoted your statement really is. Completely oblivious...

1 you didnt answer either of the questions
2 You dont think it is right that someone is trying to help out and rectify a acheivement gap in regards to a group of people?

Maybe you just like things the way they are

And i thought it was laughable back in the 70s everytime I heard the white man was try to keep the black man down
The achievement gap comes from socioeconomic issues, regardless of race. Do you think the melanin in your skin makes you dumber or something? I do not believe that.