• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

BJ's 38 degree NorCal backyard grow-The trials and tribulations of a moron

Well, seems like everyone has been as busy as me :) We had a gig to play yesterday so the last several days have been devoted to band practice and getting set up. It was a biker wedding and it was a blast!!! We played "Born To Be Wild" for grins and giggles as the bride and groom roared off on his old panhead for a month-long honeymoon. It was way too much fun :-D

But now, back to work!!

My clones seem to be doing fabulous. I'll give them another day or two and then check for roots. I've got them rooted in clear Solo cups nestled inside red ones so I can pull the clear ones up to look for root growth. BigJon, here's a pic of the "ghetto dome" I made......................


And here's the more pernament one..............................................


I still got to use Saran wrap and duct tape on this one :-D You can see that the walls of my little grow room are still dark in these pics. I've started painting them gloss white to make things a little brighter for the cuttings.

BigJon, you said you never worried about himidity domes and I considered not making one. I've done rootings on lots of other plants, house plants and outdoor plants and trees, but I always had a greenhouse in the past. I don't have one here in Oregon and thought I should try to create the same happy-plant humidity I had in my greenhouse. Maybe next time I'll try it with just spritzing water on them--lots more humidity in Oregon than in southern New Mexico--but since this was the first time I've tried cloning marijuana, I felt more comfortable making a little greenhouse for the cuttings. I'm so excited about this!! It's working!!

Igorina, on the other hand, does not seem happy although she's not actively trying to die on me.


You can see behind her where I started painting the walls. I'm not sure Igorina is going to turn out well. She's just sitting there, not dying and not growing. However, the little Blue City Diesel cutting I took from her when I cut her back is doing well along with the others. And I have two more BCD's in the garden :) If Igorina dies, it was not in vain: she gave her life for a great cause. If she lives, I'm going to try a variation on the sea of green growing method called screen of green. I don't have a lot of room and screen of green looks like it'll give me more definite boundaries to keep things under control. We'll see how it goes.

My ultimate goal, which still needs some fine tuning, is to grow outside the majority of what we need. I love having a garden, even if I've only got a few veggies this year. For next year, the garden beds will be revised so I can add more veggies and kitchen herbs while next year's crop is farther away from the house to get more direct sunshine. They're too close to the house. It gets light out, enough to see anyway, at 4:30am and dark at 10pm but the Smurfs don't get direct sun until about 9:30, then they get a little dappled shade from trees on the hillside to the south in mid-afternoon for about an hour and then permanent shade from trees on the west side of the driveway at about 7pm. I didn't think about that when I first planted the clones I had. Last year's crop was grown in a two-foot-tall raised bed where my little walk-way is now. They were higher up so they got a lot more sun in the morning and evening. In spite of this, the Smurfs are bushier and bigger than last year's crop at this same time and I think they're too crowded. I haven't taken pictures of the garden Smurfs in several days. I'll get some pics later today--bug patrol, feeding and all that--and post one here. Anyway, I want the outdoor crop but I want to be able to keep one or two plants at a time going year round. Or start my outdoor crop early so I can put them outside when they're bigger and bushier than this year or last year. Or obtain some seeds for some exotic strain to start indoors and see what happens :-D

I don't know what I'm going to do with the 8 clones I have, yet. I don't have room to grow so many plants inside. At least, not yet. If I have to, I'll give some away to someone who actually knows how to and does grow indoors year-round. Ill bet the resource center in Ashland will be able to help me out. I'll let y'all know if I need to get rid of some; maybe some networking will find the extras a good home, if they need one and I can't find one for them locally :) I'd love to take a drive down the Wonderful One; haven't made the trip yet this year :)

We had quite a bit of rain this week. The garden Smurfs really had some drooping branches from the weight of the rain. It's been dry and mostly sunny for two days now (today will make the 3rd day) and they seem to have recovered nicely. I didn't think I was going to have to provide some support until they started stacking but those long, lanky Sativas have very flexible limbs :) I guess I'll eyeball how I'm going to do that while I'm playing with them today.

Ta-ta, all. Hope everyone has a good day. Happy gardening!!


Well-Known Member

Rootbounded summamambitch! I had to root prune. It's like the beginning of the first week of flower for Jack Herer. I have no dough for bigger pots or bags nor the soil to fill em. So here it is recovering under the blackberry bush.

My Sour Diesl has been droopy. That will need a repot too.

My thread is the perfect beginner thread because I'm making mistakes that I already knew to avoid but couldn't foresee the whole picture.

If any newbie growers stumble across this the main thing I have learned is to have your big pots or holes dug at the beginning of the season. Transplant from clones right into its permanent spot. Sad thing is I knew this already and believe it or not, I am using much bigger pots than in my first year. Next year you have to go big. The plant demands it. Or don't plant until the teens or 20s of July.
Quick update: I see root tips on my clones!! I thought I saw tips on the Blue Widow and the Green Crack when I checked them a week out. Today is two weeks out and I definitely see root tips!! I thought I might as it looks like there's some new growth on the cuttings. Yay!!

On a sadder note: it seems Igorina is in a coma and is not expected to live. I had really hoped for a persistent vegetative state (pun!!) but the surgery was too much for the patient to survive. I'll name her daughter Igorina II in honor of her mother's ultimate sacrifice in the cause of growing great smoke :-D

OK, off to Medford today. Hopefully, I'll be able to spend some time on here in the next couple of days, post some pics and get caught up.

BigJon, how's Jack doing?


Well-Known Member
Really? I wouldn't have thought that :) OK, I want to add another coat, anyway, so I'll get flat white for the second coat. Thanks, SSB916 :-D
not a problem, and i know what u mean i thought the complete opposite until i got jorge cervantes' growers bible. flat white paint contains basically zero light absorbing pigment, so it doesnt absorb hardly any light and reflects almost all. i dont have my book on hand but i believe its somewhere in the 90% reflective range. where as semi-gloss will only reflect somewhere in the neighborhood of 80% if ur lucky. it contains varnish that inhibits reflective light. foylon or mylar are the most reflective at around 95% but personally i use flat white paint just because i think its easier to paint a wall than tape a bunch of mylar to it, its cheaper, and with only a slight decrease in light reflection.


Well-Known Member
I've spray painted those black nursery pots flat white before. Major difference out in the hot sun if you touch a black, unpainted one versus a flat white one


Well-Known Member
Quick update: I see root tips on my clones!! I thought I saw tips on the Blue Widow and the Green Crack when I checked them a week out. Today is two weeks out and I definitely see root tips!! I thought I might as it looks like there's some new growth on the cuttings. Yay!!

On a sadder note: it seems Igorina is in a coma and is not expected to live. I had really hoped for a persistent vegetative state (pun!!) but the surgery was too much for the patient to survive. I'll name her daughter Igorina II in honor of her mother's ultimate sacrifice in the cause of growing great smoke :-D

OK, off to Medford today. Hopefully, I'll be able to spend some time on here in the next couple of days, post some pics and get caught up.

BigJon, how's Jack doing?
How long have you kept Igorina alive again? I dont have much of an indoor set up and I have all these clones that I want to grow out next year.

Jack is looking about the same. I had to pull off some yellowing leaves in the lower. I just pulled it out of the shade bush yesterday so I'm assuming this week I'll get some more growth/stretch out of her. I'm dissapointed in her because I keep Jack for September harvesting. Hopefully I plan better next year.

Anybody who says that you can't fill up a 5 gallon pot with roots when planting in July is a moron. Sorry. Flat out. Moron or noob. Plants want to fill out all the dirt you can give it. 15 gallon minimum next year or hole in the ground.

This red solution is nori seaweed rotting in water. Should be high in potassium. I've added this liquid to my teas and have also started diluting it with clonex-water. Eventually I'll run experiments with clones and the nori-water alone.

By biggs34 at 2012-07-30

By biggs34 at 2012-07-30
This is the GDP flowering very early. I might be able to harvest her in September...
not a problem, and i know what u mean i thought the complete opposite until i got jorge cervantes' growers bible. flat white paint contains basically zero light absorbing pigment, so it doesnt absorb hardly any light and reflects almost all. i dont have my book on hand but i believe its somewhere in the 90% reflective range. where as semi-gloss will only reflect somewhere in the neighborhood of 80% if ur lucky. it contains varnish that inhibits reflective light. foylon or mylar are the most reflective at around 95% but personally i use flat white paint just because i think its easier to paint a wall than tape a bunch of mylar to it, its cheaper, and with only a slight decrease in light reflection.
Alrighty, then :) Today's payday for me so flat white, it is! I really wanted to go the Mylar route myself but, on a once-a-month retirement income, I didn't think I could (or should!) afford it. I even thought about covering the walls with foil but decided that's way too much work when I wasn't sure if it was better than white paint or not. And spray paint seems to be adhering to my stapled-up-tarp walls just fine :) We're growing on a shoestring budget here, folks, although, I have to admit that last month I cut out a couple of extra treats to buy the Fox Farm fertilizer and rooting hormone I really wanted to get :) Ahhh, the sacrifices us dedicated farmers make :weed:
I've spray painted those black nursery pots flat white before. Major difference out in the hot sun if you touch a black, unpainted one versus a flat white one
Oh, yes! I'll remember this for next year :) In New Mexico, you never left a plant of any kind in a black pot in the sun!! You'd have fried roots before the end of the day. Up here, however, after having lived through my first northwest summer last year, the thought never even crossed my mind. Such mild, beautiful summers up here!! However, the sun still gets hot, right? Just because it doesn't get to 114 here like it does every summer day in NM doesn't mean that the roots won't fry. I have a tomato plant in a black 10-gallon pot and I have to water it twice a day to keep it cool, even after moving it to mostly shade during the day. If it wasn't so covered with little tomatoes, I'd re-pot it but I left it way too late. Oh well. That's why I signed on to RIU, to learn new methods and to be reminded of what I already know :-D
Look!! A root!! The White Widow clone is the only one that put enough root against the side of the cup for me to take a pic of. The others are only showing the tips and bits; the pics didn't really show them. Maybe the WW is showing off!


BigJon, I got Igorina as about a 6" Blue City Diesel clone on April 30, planted her out with her sibs on May 1 and pulled her back out of the ground and potted her on May 20. I cut her branches back and moved her inside on July 8. I've been reading back over my journal to get these dates. After some thought, I think I killed her by cutting her back too severely. Lesson learned. She actually started some new leaves but all of a sudden she just wilted and died. I'll remember this when I start experimenting with indoor growing methods this winter.

This is where the Smurfs are now. The other Blue City Diesels are on the right, the west side of the garden. They're just under 5 feet tall and much, much bushier than I expected them to be; much bushier than last year's crop. They were the ones that were trimmed by the caterpillars. You can also see that my garden is just coming out of its daily mid-afternoon shade. Oh, and there's a Green Crack and a White Widow mixed in with the BCD's. The Blue Haze (Dream?), Blue Widow, Blue Kush, Trainwreck and The Unknown are on the left. The 2 Blue Haze are the super-tall ones, pushing 6 feet. None of them are as bushy as the ones that were eaten by caterpillars :-D


So, re-potting Jack is going to set it back? You didn't have a bigger pot, right? Crap. It looks healthy enough in the pics but since it had already started flowering, it might go back to vegging while the roots recover? I'm not sure I understand but I'm not re-potting my tomatoes because of the fruit. It might drop all of them if I do it now. And cannabis "fruit" is basically the flowers so you don't want to do anything to interfere with that? And GDP is in the same boat? Man, I've got a plastic 55-gallon drum cut in half that I was thinking about using this year but didn't. Too bad I can't get the two halves to you in time to do you any good. Igorina was in a 10-gallon pot. I was thinking 10-gallons might be big enough to grow a couple of plants indoors but now I'm wondering if I better go find me some more plastic 55-gallon drums :-D Because, yes; most plants will take up all of the available space that their genetics will push the roots to. The mature size of the plant, from cactus to oak tree, will determine how much pot you need but my tomatoe still took me by surprise :-D

So, you're right: if it looks big enough, get (or dig) a bigger one!!

I was looking at the pics of your GDP and wondering how you got them to grow so straight and upright. Is that the way I'm supposed to keep mine growing? Is there an advantage to the really vertical growth? Besides more room around the bottom :) Bigger buds? I had a lot of buds on last year's crop but none of them real big. Is that because I prune them too bushy? Too many buds? Hmmmmm. Small buds are harder to clean but easier to smoke because I don't have break them up. Big buds are easier to trim and much more beautiful :) Should I learn how to prune the clones so that they have fewer bud sites-whatever they're called? I've heard about keeping the plants smaller indoors, "sea of green" and all that, but haven't really thought about keeping them small outdoors. After all, I have space so let's grow 'em big. Gotta have a bigger garden bed next year though. I think they're getting too crowded. What do you think? Prune them smaller or build more grow space outdoors?

I've been interested in your fertilizer teas, too. Your plants look very healthy to me but I'm not sure I want to go to the trouble? I really like the convenience of dumping a measured amount of ready-to-go fertilizer into my watering can for feeding. More ideas to let simmer in the back of my head for a while.

OK, off to run errands. Grow, Baby, grow!!


Well-Known Member
I might have a picture update later today. I have some 3 day old pics on imageshack ready to post but I might go ahead and wait until I can post new ones tonight. Almost every plant except for my Sour Diesel, (experimental) GDP, and Urkel are starting to flower or pre-flower. Some not necessarily showing pistils but changing from the even bushing to the cone shaped branches.

Ms Jazzman, I knew you asked a couple questions a few weeks ago but I haven’t been able to sit down and answer them. Regarding my curled leaves, I’m pretty sure I was having some kind of nitrogen deficiency. I thought it might be nitrogen OD because I had so much manure in that particular GDP. I’ve tried watering with only teas but nothing was changing. Leaves were dying. Leaves were falling. The problem, obviously, is that its competing with the zucchini for nutrients. Zucchinis are some motahfuckas…Of course we all seen this coming when I first planted, but I was confident that I would be able to learn something and fix something as a result.

By biggs34 at 2012-08-03

It was horrible. It wasn’t going to get any better and was looking worse by the day so I gave it a tablespoon of all purpose miracle grow and the leaves are straightening right up and leaves are getting darker. This may or may not affect the taste because I will not be giving it a regular feeding regimen, just a boost. Unfortunately that leaves my experimental GDP without an organic control for flavor. Oh well. There’s always next year.

You also asked how I got those main terminal branches going. That is a result of the bend and selective pruning. I love the bend and I know I said I preferred the FIM to the bend as far as Alaskan Ice goes but now that they’re full grown, I take back that statement. Sativas are perfect for bending.

By biggs34 at 2012-08-05

Next year I will be using the results of my bone meal experiment on about 4 plants. Possibly half of my entire garden. Reason being is that its looking like I might be able to harvest Alaskan Ice#1 on September’s full moon or very early October. The Gardenbox GDP, possibly middle September.

Looking at the pics, would you guys agree?


Well-Known Member
Looks like it, hard to be sure though without being there with a scope ;) plus each grower likes their buds at a different ratio of milky/amber :)


Well-Known Member
right on Jon.....I see you got yo bitches staked up as well now.....Have you ever used norwegian seaweed extract before?? I am right now.....I just started. I just want to know how beneficial it is.