Business told to either give up their religion or give up their business

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by fabricating a fake war on women and further driving a wedge down the middle of our country

edited to add: unfortunately to an apathetic Independent not paying very close attention tactics like these sometimes work and are often times attempted. See Obama's a Kenyan Muslim for evidence.

also, the more we can get you to hate the other side the more stupidity from ours you'll ignore

Emphasized for truth. cn
if i were a practicing catholic i would choose the plan that has the catholic diocese stamp of approval. insurance companies prepare plans for many different groups, from jews (no pig heart valves or pig derived insulin) to moslems (ditto, plus other restrictions) to christian scientists (the no-plan plan). demanding that all plans be the same for all purchasers is bullshit.

some employers choose plans based on their own convictions, because they pay for it for fuck's sake. you also conveniently forget that they will be REQUIRED to provide insurance or pay the fines which for a small business will be crippling. if the cheapest plan doesnt cover birth control pills or "contraceptive abortions" then the purchaser may simply have a financial reason for buying that plan, would that also be forbidden?

i choose my auto insurance based on my choices (and the minimums demanded by the bullshit insurance mandate) if Obamacare demands i get comprehensive coverage and uninsured motorist coverage does this mean i get it for the same price? nope of course not. Obamacare demands many things, it does not provide anything.

Then the answer is
Dont provide insurance
and pay the fine
Then the answer is
Dont provide insurance
and pay the fine

then the answer is
go out of business
and live a life of penury
on the public dole
but feel good about
sticking to your principles

thats not a solution to a problem with an unconstitutional interference by the government in private contracts, its a smug assertion that you are right, and everyone who dares hold another opinion can just go fuck themselves while you bask in the glow of your own self-satisfaction for being so clever.

the fee/fine/tax provisions of obamacare are designed to ensure that large contributing corporate enterprises will be able to choose whether to offer health insurance to their drones, while smaller businesses will either go broke paying the insurance companies or go broke paying government fines/fees/taxes however they wish to characterize them today.

the obvious solution will be to fire all employees and make them all private contractors. this will incur legal fees on small businesses which will either bankrupt them, or make them into wholly owned subsidiaries of their legal advisers.
then the answer is
go out of business
and live a life of penury
on the public dole
but feel good about
sticking to your principles

thats not a solution to a problem with an unconstitutional interference by the government in private contracts, its a smug assertion that you are right, and everyone who dares hold another opinion can just go fuck themselves while you bask in the glow of your own self-satisfaction for being so clever.

the fee/fine/tax provisions of obamacare are designed to ensure that large contributing corporate enterprises will be able to choose whether to offer health insurance to their drones, while smaller businesses will either go broke paying the insurance companies or go broke paying government fines/fees/taxes however they wish to characterize them today.

the obvious solution will be to fire all employees and make them all private contractors. this will incur legal fees on small businesses which will either bankrupt them, or make them into wholly owned subsidiaries of their legal advisers.

Aint gonna drive them out of business
The fine is probably a lot cheaper than the half assed insurance they are carrying anyways
Thomas Jefferson's famous "wall of separation" quote is not found in the constitution, the federalist papers or any other document relating to the US constitution nor it's resulting agencies.

the phrase was used by Jefferson in a PERSONAL LETTER sent to the Danbury Connecticut Baptists Association in January 1802. This phrase has been used by the supreme court to prohibit religious instruction in public schools since 1948, the rulings have generally ensured that government not be used to endorse, or repudiate any particular religious denomination, thus creating a hands-off situation that is intended to protect the federal government from religious influences, and protect religion from government influences.

every state in the union as well as the federal government have religious exceptions for most laws regarding alchohol consumption, as well as special laws exempting tribal authorities and religions from the prohibition of mescaline and in some rare cases cannabis. ritual use of cannabis is an affirmative defense in the case of rastafari and some east indian denominations, but membership in a mansion or a temple's rolls is required, and you must generally prove that you are actually an observant member of the religion in question.

thus we have several cases and several established laws which make substantial exemptions for religious observance, while Obamacare demands that all employers sever their religious and ethical views from their business practices.

all banks in the US are required to abide by federal and state banking laws and regulations, without exception. MOSTLY!

Sharia banks operate outside federal and state banking laws and regulations, they do not pay interest,, nor do they charge interest,, they dio not participate in the FDIC program, nor in the federal reserve program. their formation administration and membership is in the form of a credit union based on religious laws from a far off land. they operate under scrutiny from a commission of specialists and clergymen to ensure the bank does not violate the special position it is granted under federal and state laws. any non-religious organization who attempted to set up a financial organization along similar lines would be busted for money laundering and fraud.

meanwhile catholics, and moslems both are required by Obamacare to either submit, and sacrifice their beliefs morals ethics and religious tenets on the altar of Obama's hubris,or cease engaging in employment or business at all.

demanding that others act in a manner you insist is right despite their religious or ethical objections is not constitutional, nor is it rational.

it is authoritarian, doctrinaire and criminal.

The Sharia's? American citizens? I must look into it and maybe if you stop for a second and remember how much taxes the catholics with all their land/wealth Should be paying in taxes compared to the taxes it pays.

Excerpt from [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+3]

Thomas Jefferson
"Eternal Hostility"
To Dr. Benjamin Rush
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif](September 23, 1800)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I promised you a letter on Christianity, which I have not forgotten. On the contrary, it is because I have reflected on it, that I find much more time necessary for it than I can at present dispose of. I have a view of the subject which ought to displease neither the rational Christian nor Deists, and would reconcile many to a character they have too hastily rejected. I do not know that it would reconcile the genus irritabile vatum who are all in arms against me. Their hostility is on too interesting ground to be softened. The delusion into which the X.Y.Z. plot shewed it possible to push the people; the successful experiment made under the prevalence of that delusion on the clause of the constitution, which, while it secured the freedom of the press, covered also the freedom of religion, had given to the clergy a very favorite hope of obtaining an establishment of a particular form of Christianity thro' the U.S.; and as every sect believes its own form the true one, every one perhaps hoped for his own, but especially the Episcopalians & Congregationalists. The returning good sense of our country threatens abortion to their hopes, & they believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly; for I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. But this is all they have to fear from me: & enough too in their opinion, & this is the cause of their printing lying pamphlets against me, forging conversations for me with Mazzei, Bishop Madison, &c., which are absolute falsehoods without a circumstance of truth to rest on; falsehoods, too, of which I acquit Mazzei & Bishop Madison, for they are men of truth. [/FONT]

This letter clearly states that freedom of religion was a compromise, I forgot it was press, likely cause we haven't had that one in decades or in my lifetime.
the righties are out en masse showing off their delusions and mental retardations.

"this is turning us into nazi germany!" - mr. douchetron

"this is a war on religion" - desert douche

"this is going to make businesses go broke" - dr. kynesdouche

"this is so unfair!" - ginwillydouche

the goal of the PPACA was to lower the costs of health care in this country. a stitch in time saves nine. cover preventive care without a co-pay and you won't have to pay for something more expensive later on. common fucking sense to non-douches.

a company that is not religious in nature wants to pretend that it is against their religion to offer health insurance that includes birth control. too fucking bad. boo hoo. call the waaaaaaahmbulance. that little box of pills costs quite a bit less than pre-natal care and delivering a child.

it's not a war on religion, it's not nazi germany, it's not a ploy to put companies out of business, it's not unfair. it's cost containment.

grow the fuck up you whiny pussies on the right.
Why dont these employers who believe in god
Trust in him enough
That their employees wont use the birth control that the insurance company will pay for?

Or is it really just them pushing their personal religous beliefs on those who rely on them for a pay check??
...war on religion.

covering preventive care for the reasons of cost containment is a war on religion in the same way that pointing out the staggering new levels of income inequality is class warfare.

onlypartisan hack right wing idiots actually believe that crap. the rest of us adults are here to actually solve problems.
Pelosi used Fluke to stage a non-existent war on women from the right. They researched which universities did NOT offer birth control on their insurance and had her enroll there. It worked out well for miss Fluke and her political career was launched.

and just when i thought you were a righty with a lick of common sense. please provide citation of this years in the making conspiracy.
the righties are out en masse showing off their delusions and mental retardations.

"this is turning us into nazi germany!" - mr. douchetron

"this is a war on religion" - desert douche

"this is going to make businesses go broke" - dr. kynesdouche

"this is so unfair!" - ginwillydouche

the goal of the PPACA was to lower the costs of health care in this country. a stitch in time saves nine. cover preventive care without a co-pay and you won't have to pay for something more expensive later on. common fucking sense to non-douches.

a company that is not religious in nature wants to pretend that it is against their religion to offer health insurance that includes birth control. too fucking bad. boo hoo. call the waaaaaaahmbulance. that little box of pills costs quite a bit less than pre-natal care and delivering a child.

it's not a war on religion, it's not nazi germany, it's not a ploy to put companies out of business, it's not unfair. it's cost containment.

grow the fuck up you whiny pussies on the right.

Why didn 't you pidgeon hole me? I'm hurt. I consider myself to be at least as intelligent as them all, and I'm a much bigger asshole.
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