Business told to either give up their religion or give up their business

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are you arguing that cocaine should be paid for by insurance even if for recreational use? that would be consistent with your birth control stance but I respectfully disagree.
are you arguing that cocaine should be paid for by insurance even if for recreational use? that would be consistent with your birth control stance but I respectfully disagree.

My stance? My stance is health insurance is for health reasons. Getting pregnant is a natural result of fucking, without such a result, none of us would be here. Not allowing pregnancy is funding recreation.
lol Canna, I thought I was quoting canndo. I thought he stepped in it. I owe you both my apology.

I can tell my weekend has started, allow me to wallow in my shame in peace.

I agree completely with you.

this haze had me in hyperpost mode
I can't believe people support this. Fuck Freedom, right in the Ass!!

Nobody is forcing anyone to work there, nobody is preventing them from getting an insurance policy that covers what they want, nobody is preventing them from paying a 10 dollar copay like they do on nearly EVERY OTHER PRESCRIPTION DRUG.

A construction company that employs all men now has premiums going up because they are forced to cover the pill. This is cheered? why? I mean, I know why insurance companies and big pharma are happy, but why is anyone else?

These construction they have wives or daughters?

I carry my wife and daughter on my insurance. I am in an extremely male dominated environmental industry.

My health insurance is really good, but my vision and dental are shitty. Just the discount bullshit.

My new eyeglasses and sunglasses cost more by using the discount than using the in-store promotion. In fact it was twice as expensive(500 for B.O.G.O 1000 using discount card, I shit you not).

My wife is pregnant and due pretty soon. I am happy that my insurance will cover birth control, or her tubes tied, or a hysterectomy. I am delighted that my insurance covers that stuff, as she plans on using one of those options.

Sorry for rambling. Off work and smoked a bowl. I am happy lol.
or, that birth control is treated like all other prescription drugs that are also for health reasons. That might be even more fair to everyone.

Kinda like viagra? It is a prescription medicine, it deals with health issues as pregnancy is a health issue, Insurance would rather pay a portion for this preventative than pay for a birth. If you have religious reasons for not taking birth control, then don't take it, if you can convince others that your belief is the most moral then they won't take it either. Preach abstanence in church, put anti-birth control posters up, buy adversting time and tell folks that it is wrong but you don't get an exeption from the regulation of commerce simply because you think you don't have to pay for something that everyone else has to.
These construction they have wives or daughters?

I carry my wife and daughter on my insurance. I am in an extremely male dominated environmental industry.

My health insurance is really good, but my vision and dental are shitty. Just the discount bullshit.

My new eyeglasses and sunglasses cost more by using the discount than using the in-store promotion. In fact it was twice as expensive(500 for B.O.G.O 1000 using discount card, I shit you not).

Aint that a crock of shit
And the dental insurance is even worse
The dentists say they called the insurance company here is what you owe
Then 3 weeks later they tell you the insurance company only paid this much so you owe the dentist even more

This happens every fucking time

We are using the hra and the fsa for optical and dental now
Screw the dental and optical (discount) insurance
A construction company that employs all men now has premiums going up because they are forced to cover the pill. This is cheered? why? I mean, I know why insurance companies and big pharma are happy, but why is anyone else?
They don't have wives or daughters?
I'm sure some of then do. I'm sure some of them don't. Let's raise premiums on all though because the cause of the day is free birth control for all.

A copay like we have for other drugs would be more sensible.
Can't these sluts just tell one of the guys their sleeping with that if he wants to get some he has to pay for her birth control?
I'm sure some of then do. I'm sure some of them don't. Let's raise premiums on all though because the cause of the day is free birth control for all.

A copay like we have for other drugs would be more sensible.

The right is pretty much nuts over this pregnancy issue.

Let's see. They don't want birth control - the absolutly cheapest method of dealing with the human condition of horneyness. No, no birth control, and wait, no abortion either, that would be immoral. But wait, if you have a child and you can't afford it, we don't want to pay for that either cause you should have thought about it. But wait, if you have that kid and can't work out the details of parenthood, well that kid is responsible for his own actions and should go to jail when he breaks the laws that he inevitably will when he grows up angry with a system that didn't want him. But wait, we are paying too much to governments that maintain those prisons. But wait, that kid shouldn't be able to go to school because schools cost too much and his mom should get a voucher for half of the cost of the school. But wait, that kid got pregnant because the right doesn't believe in condoms vended at school either and we don't want to pay for her or her kid's medical care, it isn't right to take from some people to give to others, but wait, we don't even want to pay for the teachers that might turn that kid around or get him a job. But wait, we don't think that anyone who is not educated should have a minimum wage, let them get paid whatever the company that hires uneducated folk are willing to pay - and of course that won't be enough to afford birth control. But wait, on top of all that, if the owner of a business is Catholic he shouldn't have to pay for insurance supplied birth control, that isn't fair either.

Damn this socialistic country anyway, why can't they just keep their knees together, right?
Worked at a machine shop owned by some really wonderful christians
Problem was
Although it wasnt mandatory to attend
Those that didnt attent the before work prayer Didnt get promoted
Didnt get fired
But didnt get promoted either

Alot of us do very similiar things. I didn't open my own business so my employees and the government could tell me what I had to tolerate each and everyday.

My two big ones are your religious preference and if you are a tobacco smoker. I wont work all day next to someone who stinks like tobacco, and I won't listen to someone bashing on what I love most all day long.
I'm sure some of then do. I'm sure some of them don't. Let's raise premiums on all though because the cause of the day is free birth control for all.
I'm sure some of the guys at the work site have impotence issues, is it fair to the guys that don't to have to pay for his Viagra? Or what about the club guys coming down with std's every so often? Do we deny them antibiotics because we don't approve of sex before marriage? Or do you cover everyone's medical needs?
I'm sure some of then do. I'm sure some of them don't. Let's raise premiums on all though because the cause of the day is free birth control for all.

A copay like we have for other drugs would be more sensible.

That is, uh, the concept of insurance - a group of people pool their resources against individual risk?
The right is pretty much nuts over this pregnancy issue.

Let's see. They don't want birth control - the absolutly cheapest method of dealing with the human condition of horneyness. No, no birth control, and wait, no abortion either, that would be immoral. But wait, if you have a child and you can't afford it, we don't want to pay for that either cause you should have thought about it. But wait, if you have that kid and can't work out the details of parenthood, well that kid is responsible for his own actions and should go to jail when he breaks the laws that he inevitably will when he grows up angry with a system that didn't want him. But wait, we are paying too much to governments that maintain those prisons. But wait, that kid shouldn't be able to go to school because schools cost too much and his mom should get a voucher for half of the cost of the school. But wait, that kid got pregnant because the right doesn't believe in condoms vended at school either and we don't want to pay for her or her kid's medical care, it isn't right to take from some people to give to others, but wait, we don't even want to pay for the teachers that might turn that kid around or get him a job. But wait, we don't think that anyone who is not educated should have a minimum wage, let them get paid whatever the company that hires uneducated folk are willing to pay - and of course that won't be enough to afford birth control. But wait, on top of all that, if the owner of a business is Catholic he shouldn't have to pay for insurance supplied birth control, that isn't fair either.

Damn this socialistic country anyway, why can't they just keep their knees together, right?

Wars don't fight themselves
How are we going to have enough taxpayers and soldiers if everyones on birth control or getting abortions?
And God hates Abortion and birth control so we cant let women and their doctors go murdering their babies because it will piss him off and you don't want him pissed.
lol canndo, I thought this was a pot forum not a crack forum. Asking for a copay like you would for insulin or beta blockers is not saying what you said at all. Put the pipe down and back away.

The only reason people are screaming for free birth control is because Pelosi used Fluke to stage a non-existent war on women from the right. They researched which universities did NOT offer birth control on their insurance and had her enroll there. It worked out well for miss Fluke and her political career was launched. Once this little tidbit was exposed she disappeared from the media as well as the truth.

You fell for it I see.
I'm sure some of the guys at the work site have impotence issues, is it fair to the guys that don't to have to pay for his Viagra? Or what about the club guys coming down with std's every so often? Do we deny them antibiotics because we don't approve of sex before marriage? Or do you cover everyone's medical needs?

If their Viagra did not have a copay and my beta blockers did I would think that unfair too. If syphilis Sam didn't have a copay for his antibiotics but I had one for mine treating a cold then yes, I would say that's unfair.

Do you even know why you don't want a copay on BC pills?
It's not because they require it, it's because of a liberal conspiracy?

It was a purposeful calculated effort by Pelosi that was exposed. Why do you want to eliminate the copay on BC pills but not Viagra?

Or do you think people were keeping women from actually buying them?
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