....whether a person is prudent or not, it's THEIR money is it not?
Some people are incapable of planning ? Are you okay with those that desire to be responsible being left alone or should the mommy state always divvy things up ? If that's the case why not give them everything ?
Yeah but it isn't like the goverment takes your money and splits it in half with your neighbor...they take taxes out...and they don't redistribute much...
I am sure that there are a lot of people that are on assistance that shouldn't be, that don't need it...
In my area the biggest issue I see is people that work under the table that get foodstamps because they don't claim that income they actually get...these people are the worst, I think, not only because they are abusing the system and taking benefits someone else might really need, and they are able to do this successfully just because they don't pay in...so they don't pay in, and yet they continue to draw more and more...but pay in nothing, even though they are generating income for themselves.
Like ok, if you are a baller drug dealer, you don't need foodstamps...you can buy some food with that drug money and we both know it...! Don't keep going to get help when you don't need it..
the system would work just like it is supposed to if so many people didn't misuse it. I mean there are lots of jobs you might have that just don't pay enough to make ends meet, so you get foodstamps, but you continue to pay into the programs through your continued work...
Forcing huge companies like walmart to pay their employees a wage they could live on would be a start! I mean it doesn't make sense for these people to work for such a lucrative business but still have to go get foodstamps.