Atheists Are Going To Hell


Well-Known Member
It is easy. Spirituality, and even spirituality uses forms of science, none that you will agree with of course because your personal beliefs sway your judgement. Its a trick question really, you think everything that exists can be explained by science, so that pretty much only leaves the supernatural, which you'll reject because science cannot explain it. So you will forever live under the illusion that you are poking holes in peoples bubbles yet you are the one in the bubble because you are dependent on the limited knowledge of science. So with your question, the only option is the supernatural, and like it or not, it has value. Science is the B team and spirituality is the A team =).
What forms of science does spirituality use? It can't be tested so spirituality can't use the scientific method..

You don't seem to understand that science knows alot of things that it once didn't know.. Pad isn't dependent on science, he has faith in science.. Well I can't speak on his behalf but that's my personal view at least.

Before you start thinking that you're smart and use the word "faith" against me, I suggest you look up the various definitions.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I depend on facts to show me truth.. Not that it matters since science will still prove the truth for eternity.

You know I do have morals right? You act like we're robots that can't have our own views.. lol, now that I think about it, you have actually called us robots.

What knowledge has spirituality given you that science or human nature hasn't been able to give you?
lets see... God, the after life, better grasp on reality, the consciousness/source field, chakras, seemingly endless possibilities ... Just to name a few lol. I got a feeling I know what your gunna say next.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
What forms of science does spirituality use? It can't be tested so spirituality can't use the scientific method..

You don't seem to understand that science knows alot of things that it once didn't know.. Pad isn't dependent on science, he has faith in science.. Well I can't speak on his behalf but that's my personal view at least.

Before you start thinking that you're smart and use the word "faith" against me, I suggest you look up the various definitions.
You really dont have any say when discussing science with me, you fought me with every single point I made and in the end you corrected me only once, and you strutted off like you were victorious when winning 1 battle out of 10. :clap:

I know what faith means, its something I dont have.


Well-Known Member
lets see... God, the after life, better grasp on reality, the consciousness/source field, chakras, seemingly endless possibilities ... Just to name a few lol. I got a feeling I know what your gunna say next.
If god is real and is a undiscovered fact, then science can show you him..

You can't say that you know there's an after life yet. (On a side note, don't be so scared of death man).

Spirituality actually deludes your grasp of true reality.. The reality of it all is that you honestly don't know.. You don't know what the future holds.

Chakras? Really? Just do some good ol meditation. Or trip on shrooms.. Or how about some laboratory made LSD?

If there's one thing that amazes me about science, it's how they are always coming up with new ways to make the world a better place. There new discoveries and inventions are truly amazing.

Your feeling was correct..


Well-Known Member
Im not getting owned. Im laughing at skeptics dependence on science lol. Why should I even bother listing the qualities of spirituality? You and Pad are convinced those things dont exist or are impossible to know about, so why elaborate? Spirituality/god was my example that I provided for Pads question, only the supernatural fits into Pads question, so really its a trick question because hes gunna reject the answer because it doesnt sit well with his views... You guys say god cannot be found in science NOR spirituality, why waste time trying to make points against such ignorant views?
The question wasn't the qualities of spirituality, but the values. I don't think anyone said god cannot be found, just that he has not been. Whether we reject the values you list or not, it would be refreshing for you to list them, anyway. It'd be much more interesting than your current posts. You are like a sales guy that says, 'I have this wonderful product, it is truly awesome and will help solve your problems!' We respond with, 'Oh, great! what is your product and what does it do?' and you say, 'don't worry about it, just buy it, it's great!' It would seem irresponsible to take a person like this seriously. If it is a great product, one would be able to list it's values. The fact that you cannot or will not reflects on what you're selling...


Well-Known Member
You really dont have any say when discussing science with me, you fought me with every single point I made and in the end you corrected me only once, and you strutted off like you were victorious when winning 1 battle out of 10. :clap:

I know what faith means, its something I dont have.
lol.. Ok.

You tried to tell me Francis Cricks discovered DNA.. I proved you wrong.

You tried to tell me Cricks tripped on LSD during his studies, but you provided no evidence..

You sided on a claim that aliens brought life forms to earth..

You tried to convince me that there's people that can see the color of sound in rays of light..

You made no claims that provided on value lol.. I had to teach you a thing or two about the discovery of DNA. Just give up.

Yes, you have faith. Faith is a belief that isn't backed up with proof.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
If god is real and is a undiscovered fact, then science can show you him..

You can't say that you know there's an after life yet. (On a side note, don't be so scared of death man).

Spirituality actually deludes your grasp of true reality.. The reality of it all is that you honestly don't know.. You don't know what the future holds.

Chakras? Really? Just do some good ol meditation. Or trip on shrooms.. Or how about some laboratory made LSD?

If there's one thing that amazes me about science, it's how they are always coming up with new ways to make the world a better place. There new discoveries and inventions are truly amazing.

Your feeling was correct..
Pad said science cant measure the supernatural, god is the supernatural, the telepathic properties of DNA was once considered to be the supernatural. So using science to find god is absolutely ridiculous, its a wild goose chase. Spirituality is the only way to find god, and your right with one thing, meditation is good, fits in with "Know thy self and you shall know god", also fits in with the Third Eye chakra (pineal gland).
Whats deluding is BELIEFS, like you believe god is not real (dont lie) which is just as ridiculous as a belief in god, Z would agree with me on that one. Saying something is impossible to know because science cannot know it is an argument from ignorance. You can create little shelters of comfort through your faith in science, well I live comfortably without faith. Dont bother me none :bigjoint:

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
lol.. Ok.

You tried to tell me Francis Cricks discovered DNA.. I proved you wrong.

You tried to tell me Cricks tripped on LSD during his studies, but you provided no evidence..

You sided on a claim that aliens brought life forms to earth..

You tried to convince me that there's people that can see the color of sound in rays of light..

You made no claims that provided on value lol.. I had to teach you a thing or two about the discovery of DNA. Just give up.

Yes, you have faith. Faith is a belief that isn't backed up with proof.
Only one you got is that I claimed Crick used LSD in his studies. Which we cant know because it was the word from his scientist friend that was beside Crick on his death bed. Thats the ONLY thing you got against me.

I didnt side with Crick about aliens. I sided with him that DNA is the result of an intelligence of some sort, which is very possible.

Synesthesia is what those sound seeing people have, go look it up. The two people on the documentary "Super Humans" had a unique case of Synesthesia where they can see and taste sound.

Keep trying Hep... Keep trying


Well-Known Member
Pad said science cant measure the supernatural, god is the supernatural,
He's right.. If he's wrong, show me how you measured the supernatural.

the telepathic properties of DNA was once considered to be the supernatural.
It's not proven to be telepathic.. If I'm wrong in saying so, prove it to me.

So using science to find god is absolutely ridiculous, its a wild goose chase.
Using your own whacked out guesses on how the world works (AKA religion and spirituality) is also a wild goose chase to find god. How do you know your beliefs are the right beliefs out of everybody else that believes their god and their views are right?
Spirituality is the only way to find god,
Then why hasn't it been able to prove god is real?
and your right with one thing, meditation is good, fits in with "Know thy self and you shall know god", also fits in with the Third Eye chakra (pineal gland).
No, it fits in with the whole know yourself to know yourself..
Whats deluding is BELIEFS, like you believe god is not real (dont lie) which is just as ridiculous as a belief in god, Z would agree with me on that one.
So if you think it's ridiculous to have a belief in god, why do you still believe?
Saying something is impossible to know because science cannot know it is an argument from ignorance.
Who said it's impossible?
You can create little shelters of comfort through your faith in science, well I live comfortably without faith. Dont bother me none
You're trapped in your faith bubble. You can't leave your comfort zone.. We don't discredit science, facts, and logic in search for comfort.. We don't trick ourselves into believing that we'll live on forever.


Well-Known Member
Only one you got is that I claimed Crick used LSD in his studies. Which we cant know because it was the word from his scientist friend that was beside Crick on his death bed. Thats the ONLY thing you got against me.

I didnt side with Crick about aliens. I sided with him that DNA is the result of an intelligence of some sort, which is very possible.

Synesthesia is what those sound seeing people have, go look it up. The two people on the documentary "Super Humans" had a unique case of Synesthesia where they can see and taste sound.

Keep trying Hep... Keep trying
I also showed you that Cricks did not discover DNA..

And about his death bed friend, where's his quote that I asked for? I'm still waiting for it.. Where's the quote that shows Cricks' friend claiming that Cricks discovered the double-helix on LSD? (A little side note: Cricks didn't discover the double-helix structure.. That credit should go to rosalind).

(In reference to the sight of sound) Do you believe everything that you watch?

Keep trying what?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
The question wasn't the qualities of spirituality, but the values. I don't think anyone said god cannot be found, just that he has not been. Whether we reject the values you list or not, it would be refreshing for you to list them, anyway. It'd be much more interesting than your current posts. You are like a sales guy that says, 'I have this wonderful product, it is truly awesome and will help solve your problems!' We respond with, 'Oh, great! what is your product and what does it do?' and you say, 'don't worry about it, just buy it, it's great!' It would seem irresponsible to take a person like this seriously. If it is a great product, one would be able to list it's values. The fact that you cannot or will not reflects on what you're selling...
LOL What difference does it make, honestly? Do you honestly think listing values is going to sway your decision? I can list a ton of values only for them to be mocked because they dont fit into the skeptics concept of possibilities and reality. Its a wild goose chase.
Pad said god cannot be found through science, science is your only source for information about reality, so Im lead to believe that you guys think god cannot be found.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Sagan does a wonderful job explaining the physiological needs of the believer of thoughts without evidence.

You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe.

This is because god can only be found through your imagination...

Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability of forming new images and sensations when they are not perceived through sight, hearing, or other senses.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Screw the DNA conversation though, that's irrelevant..
You say its irrelevant because I danced circles around your oblivious ass with facts lol But you are right, the DNA discussion is irrelevant.

Did you google synesthesia? quit being lazy, Im not gunna keep repeating these things to you.


Well-Known Member
You say its irrelevant because I danced circles around your oblivious ass with facts lol But you are right, the DNA discussion is irrelevant.

Did you google synesthesia? quit being lazy, Im not gunna keep repeating these things to you.
Holy shit.. Are you serious? I guess Cricks did discover DNA while tripping on acid right? And aliens brought DNA to earth..

How could I not see those facts that you gave me ;)..

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Pad said science cant measure the supernatural, god is the supernatural,
He's right.. If he's wrong, show me how you measured the supernatural.

the telepathic properties of DNA was once considered to be the supernatural.
It's not proven to be telepathic.. If I'm wrong in saying so, prove it to me.

So using science to find god is absolutely ridiculous, its a wild goose chase.
Using your own whacked out guesses on how the world works (AKA religion and spirituality) is also a wild goose chase to find god. How do you know your beliefs are the right beliefs out of everybody else that believes their god and their views are right?
Spirituality is the only way to find god,
Then why hasn't it been able to prove god is real?
and your right with one thing, meditation is good, fits in with "Know thy self and you shall know god", also fits in with the Third Eye chakra (pineal gland).
No, it fits in with the whole know yourself to know yourself..
Whats deluding is BELIEFS, like you believe god is not real (dont lie) which is just as ridiculous as a belief in god, Z would agree with me on that one.
So if you think it's ridiculous to have a belief in god, why do you still believe?
Saying something is impossible to know because science cannot know it is an argument from ignorance.
Who said it's impossible?
You can create little shelters of comfort through your faith in science, well I live comfortably without faith. Dont bother me none
You're trapped in your faith bubble. You can't leave your comfort zone.. We don't discredit science, facts, and logic in search for comfort.. We don't trick ourselves into believing that we'll live on forever.
You said science can find god, I proved you wrong. I measured the supernatural through experience and understanding, yes, I've experienced the supernatural. You can save me the lecture about experiences.

Telepathy is the supposed transmission of information from one being to another without using any of our known sensory channels of physical interaction. Thats the whole reason they called that quality of DNA TELEPATHIC.

In your own words, science and spirituality dont go together, thats why god hasnt been proven. That and you are clouded by your biased belief.

You've provided no valid argument with this question (the know yourself question)

I dont have a belief in god. My experience is good enough evidence for me.

All the skeptics say its impossible.

You're using my argument against me, good job.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Faith is a late invention of organized religion as a cover for dealing with skepticism.

Religion is rarely a matter of choice, and by the time people are hooked (usually in earliest childhood) it's tough to talk any sense into them.


Well-Known Member
You said science can find god, I proved you wrong. I measured the supernatural through experience and understanding, yes, I've experienced the supernatural. You can save me the lecture about experiences.

Telepathy is the supposed transmission of information from one being to another without using any of our known sensory channels of physical interaction. Thats the whole reason they called that quality of DNA TELEPATHIC.

In your own words, science and spirituality dont go together, thats why god hasnt been proven. That and you are clouded by your biased belief.

You've provided no valid argument with this question (the know yourself question)

I dont have a belief in god. My experience is good enough evidence for me.

All the skeptics say its impossible.

You're using my argument against me, good job.
You're only fooling yourself.. Snap out of your beliefs. I'm starting to think your head is too far up your ass to learn from others.