Obama announces new education program focused on African Americans...executive order


you are so fucking dumb.

please read back and see who the very first person in this thread to throw the race card was.

hint: rhymes with beenqueer and abuses plants by starving them for nitrogen.
Buck I agree with you as to the need for education but we are way the heck out of line on spending, even the greatest Obama lovers must see that spending is out of control. I think we need a total government shutdown to wake every one up once and for all.

I know it sounds harsh, we are not Greece, but we are without a doubt headed there very quickly. No budget, no plan just spending is not going to work for us or our kids.

education is an investment, not spending.

i know it's tough for low IQ righties who have been brainwashed by all the fanciful GOP propaganda to tell the difference between spending and investment.

and our spending is not out of line when compared to other nations. perhaps if we did away with the failure that is trickle down, our revenues would be in line with our spending again, like they pretty much were before reagan led us down the path of massive deficits.
i HEART racial stereotypes and making light of problems that so heavily affect a historically persecuted segment of our population.

So you can't jump and got no game huh?

Why do you feel an obligation to defend every instance of stupidity Obama performs and reach into your handy deck of race cards anytime somebody calls the dipshit on another stupid idea of his? If Obama was really trying to do something, he'd end the racist drug war now wouldn't he?
Why do you feel an obligation to defend every instance of stupidity Obama performs and reach into your handy deck of race cards anytime somebody calls the dipshit on another stupid idea of his?

so, fighting to end the achievement gap is a stupid idea? trying to even the education levels between two races is racist?

kindly explain that fail logic to me.

alternatively, you can just come out and say what's on your mind. i'll make it easy for you:

The fail logic comes from treating people differently through government, how is that not promoting segregation? Obama is just pandering to the black folk.
The fail logic comes from treating people differently through government, how is that not promoting segregation? Obama is just pandering to the black folk.

trying to even the education level is not treating people differently, it's trying to make them more equal.

this thread is so much fail, but it's great for exposing the bigots.
Cross-breeding our pasty skin into the darker races and they havnt even figured out our plan yet...


One of the basic beliefs of Black Muslims
Is that a mad scientist a long time ago
Took black people and bred them until they were white
The whiter they are
The more evil
In an interview on BET last September he answered a question about why he didn’t create more policies specifically targeted at African Americans: “That’s not how America works,” the president replied, “America works when all of us are pulling together and everybody is focused on making sure that every single person has opportunity

When asked if this latest executive order is timed to mobilize African American voters ahead of the election, one White House official said it is “one more step along a path that the president has been walking.” The official cited the fact that the president enacted the Race to the Top initiative and new flexibility on No Child Left Behind, actions aimed at improving educational opportunities for all students including minorities, according to the Official

so, fighting to end the achievement gap is a stupid idea? trying to even the education levels between two races is racist?

kindly explain that fail logic to me.

alternatively, you can just come out and say what's on your mind. i'll make it easy for you:


I see people as individuals capable of standing or falling on their own merits. Racism is stupid, so is playing the race card where people are seen in a collective mindset.
I see people as individuals capable of standing or falling on their own merits. Racism is stupid, so is playing the race card where people are seen in a collective mindset.

i see what you did there, you're playing the rawn pawl card. "i can't be racist because i don't see people in groups!"

too bad both you and rawn pawl have identified people in groups quite frequently.

fail some more. or just explain to me how striving for equality in education makes the guy a racist.
i see what you did there, you're playing the rawn pawl card. "i can't be racist because i don't see people in groups!"

too bad both you and rawn pawl have identified people in groups quite frequently.

fail some more. or just explain to me how striving for equality in education makes the guy a racist.

Because silly
somehow supporting equality = being anti white
because it's not like there's an achievement gap or anything.

Look at this a fucking hypocrite.....Didn't you call someone else a bigot for mentioning the gap on another thread? Oh that's right, you never offer any real insight to a situation just random trolling. When your proved an idiot, you revert to name calling and race baiting, how about you try to back up the retarded shit you sling in threads and leave the insults to someone that has a pair. I thought libtards were smart enough to realize we have been down the road of race segregation in education. It wasn't ok then but it is now?
Look at this a fucking hypocrite.....Didn't you call someone else a bigot for mentioning the gap on another thread? Oh that's right, you never offer any real insight to a situation just random trolling. When your proved an idiot, you revert to name calling and race baiting, how about you try to back up the retarded shit you sling in threads and leave the insults to someone that has a pair. I thought libtards were smart enough to realize we have been down the road of race segregation in education. It wasn't ok then but it is now?

why so mad, kiddo? did daddy not take you out to mcdonald's at lunch today? didn't get your happy meal?

why so mad, kiddo? did daddy not take you out to mcdonald's at lunch today? didn't get your happy meal?


Douchebag? You're a fucking pussy, I guess daddy let the alpha-male gene roll down your momma's ass crack. A fucking pedophile trolling me for grammar mistakes, talk about renting head space.