Obama announces new education program focused on African Americans...executive order

mypresident told me-

they are the problem. my 69 camaro has carb that works real nice. i don't fuck with it.

my lawn mower on the other hand has a fuckin problem with the carb ENDLESSLY. certainly it requires extra attention.

quite simply the things that require attention due to malfunction are broken. from the lips of god to my ears.

by the way uncle betty, i'm quite sure hittin that carb with a hammer isn't gonna work. it never did. giving grow advice and everybody, huh?

the guy getting his in yard grow molested by twelve year olds hardly get s to chastise with "champ".

Since when does race baiter Obama care about black people, he thinks they are stupid but they dont need federal assistance to realize that his Hope and change are really Bull and Shit.
sounds like you're on the side of the weed thieves.

murfy the racist ripper.

very nice-

if twelve year olds can intimidate a grown man into willingly giving his crop, id say they deserve it. you definitely must admire their tenacity. we'll call it the american dream. wasn't one of those nice young fellows african american? you should let him know your un relenting political stewardship has led to free opportunity for him............................oh, wait. lol
i tried-

to find pics of shitty areas of portland, but all that came up was transvestite musicians. they keep a clean neighborhood.
very nice-

if twelve year olds can intimidate a grown man into willingly giving his crop, id say they deserve it. you definitely must admire their tenacity. we'll call it the american dream. wasn't one of those nice young fellows african american? you should let him know your un relenting political stewardship has led to free opportunity for him............................oh, wait. lol

willingly give up? intimidate?

is that why they walk on the other side of the road nowadays?

you are such a fucking failure murfy. it's like weed thievery makes you giddy.

go be a racist weed thief elsewhere.
are you shooing me away-

[h=2]did you not get your share of black cock today?[/h]
i'm trying to think of another explanation for the return of your fail trolling and i couldn't think of anything else that would make you so upset.

did he not fill up your anus sufficiently with his seed? was he a little too rough when he gagged you?

you're such a fucking dumb fuck that it hurts.

i hope you die choking on black cock.
maybe we can get away from murfy's love of weed thieves and dark meat and get back on the question of "why is it racist to want to do away with the achievement gap?"
for a white guy-

you sure know a lot about black cock.

it's common that one will perpetuate the circumstances of their childhood.

oooooooooooohhhhh,,,,,.............................betty, you so TOUGH.

the proper term for your demeanor is "frenchy".

apparently we can't get back to the topic of this thread because murfy is too hung up on his obsession with the dark meat.

not surprising.
I have a 1/4 black girlfriend. Actually not my girl yet..but I'm getting there. Anyway, I can't even count the amount of racist things that have been directed at us..well me.. from black guys on the streets here when we're walking around. Never has a white person commented on our relationship. Makes you think..