The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

Go for it then. Probably gonna take a long time to use a whole 1 L bottle since it's only for clones. I just use the A&B in 1/4 strength with no problems. Why have another bottle sitting around? I'm sure the stuff is legit and much easier to use though. That is what you are paying for anyway.

Time is money and anymore im short on time. Im down for anything that helps in that aspect.
What Canna does for me!
BioCanna :weed:

Hello Alll :weed:

Cal-Mag Question

There seems to be many different answers as far as when to add Cal-Mag.

I.E. when the plants show diffs. or every other week with my res change.

Although canna's online feeding chart shows the min EC starting level needs to be around .2......."which is 100 ppm" While reading their "canna talks" they say cal mag needs to be added along with the other nutrients.

My question is, Should I be adding Cal- mag every week to get a starting value of 100 ppm? or only when there are diffs?

Thanks to the community :hug:
Hi everyone!!

First time going 100% organic with 2 grows under my belt, and I am a little confused at the moment, I am trying to to figure out if I can use organic nutrients through out the whole flowering cycle without flushing it with water until the last week or 2 before crop. Is that possible? I know if you use synthetic nutrients you have to flush at least once or twice a week because those nutrients can lock up your medium but growing organically you are building microorganism which feeds your plant, so is it safe to say I can load up organic nutes and brew throughout my flowering cycle without a flush until the last week or 2?

I built a rocketship to the moon and I am never coming downnn!
Just finished a grow using Canna Coco A&B..nice yeild and tastey results so I couldn't wait to try it on some new sprouts since people say this is a mild chemistry. I can't believe I just used 4ml A&B and 8ml Rhizo per gal. on 2 sprouts <1 week burn.. only got bigger in the last two days....this stuff is amazing.
Just finished a grow using Canna Coco A&B..nice yeild and tastey results so I couldn't wait to try it on some new sprouts since people say this is a mild chemistry. I can't believe I just used 4ml A&B and 8ml Rhizo per gal. on 2 sprouts <1 week burn.. only got bigger in the last two days....this stuff is amazing.

I start my cuttings out at 5mL A & B and 15mL of Rhizo with good results. They show a tiny over fert on the very very leaf tip. But it works just fine. I even add 5mL of CaMg + and 5mL of Microblast and my total ppm comes to 550ppm. I know 550 is a little high to feed cuttings but I've never had a disaster doing it that way.
Hi wat do u recommend for nutes wen grwing in coco peat and perlite mix its a first grow an cauld do with as much info on nutes growing how i am in coco an perlite mix
thanks for any help
Carry on from above im just about to start to germinate so need help from wat to put in from the start, in a wilma system and without if theres a difference
Hi everyone!!

First time going 100% organic with 2 grows under my belt, and I am a little confused at the moment, I am trying to to figure out if I can use organic nutrients through out the whole flowering cycle without flushing it with water until the last week or 2 before crop. Is that possible? I know if you use synthetic nutrients you have to flush at least once or twice a week because those nutrients can lock up your medium but growing organically you are building microorganism which feeds your plant, so is it safe to say I can load up organic nutes and brew throughout my flowering cycle without a flush until the last week or 2?

I built a rocketship to the moon and I am never coming downnn!

Which nutes are u using?
Hi wat do u recommend for nutes wen grwing in coco peat and perlite mix its a first grow an cauld do with as much info on nutes growing how i am in coco an perlite mix
thanks for any help

Keep it simple on ur first grow, canna coco A&B is all you need for nutes and rhizotonic for your roots
Do you guys ever use the Rhizo for seed germination instead of water? According to Canna it speeds up the process. I just never heard of using it for that before.
Sorry, another question...I thought of using Canna Coco Substrate as the way to go (mixing with perlite of course), but someone recommended I use the Botanicare Cocogro instead. He said it was a higher quality product. Anyone have thoughts on the comparison?
Do you guys ever use the Rhizo for seed germination instead of water? According to Canna it speeds up the process. I just never heard of using it for that before.

Canna recommends diluting the rhizo @15ml/gal of water. Sometimes I just sprinkle a couple drops over the seeds when they are in a wet paper towel. I've noticed increased germ rates when using it.
Do you guys ever use the Rhizo for seed germination instead of water? According to Canna it speeds up the process. I just never heard of using it for that before.

Sorry, another question...I thought of using Canna Coco Substrate as the way to go (mixing with perlite of course), but someone recommended I use the Botanicare Cocogro instead. He said it was a higher quality product. Anyone have thoughts on the comparison?

Rhizo helps with seeds germination and cuttings! And it does really make the difference rhizo is a, a class root stimulater I would highly recommend it,Always dilut the rhizo I never give straight rhizo only

I would recommend canna coco professional plus it's a defenatly premium coco and one of the best out there! U can mix perlite or clay pebbles with the coco if u which hope this helps
This thred is gone very dead sins jberry has stopped visiting often hope to see u more often buddy

Whats every one got going in they garden at the moment ?