My learn the basics attempt, take 1.


Active Member
So I just moved in my first place on my own, just me and my ole lady. I've always wanted to grow for personal use so I grabbed 3 bagseeds before leaving town, and on arrival paper towel'd em. 2 of the three germ'd surprisingly quick(well surprising to me, I was still unpacking and was totally unprepared lol). Not knowing where any garden stores were around the new town, I went to wally world and grabbed organic MG (I know i've been looking threw these forums and others for quite some time so spare me the flaming). I had an early problem with what I expect was overwatering which caused to much release of the mixed in nutes=burned the first true leaves which I later clipped off(was that a good idea?) I've since transplanted my two babies to the squares you see in the pictures. I cut back dramatically on watering, and also mixed a substantial amount of perlite into the MG for added drainage to hopefully solve the over watering which I hope will also help with the nute release.

I saw the design for the light bar online and went to home depot and made my own, I'm no electrician but it was basic enough and no fire yet after 3 weeks on. I think my girls were stunted from the overwater/overfeeding early on, growth seemed slow, and they seems small(you tell me im an amatuer) for 3 weeks old. You may also notice in the pictures the tip of one leaf on each plant is browned at the tip--lingering nute burn? It hasnt got any worse in the last weeks so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Helpful tips? What do yall think, besides the obvious--get fox farm, MG sux ect? O and yes, I need a fan, working on splicing a 120mm fan atm. O and they're on 18/6 light timed cycle.




Well-Known Member
So I just moved in my first place on my own, just me and my ole lady. I've always wanted to grow for personal use so I grabbed 3 bagseeds before leaving town, and on arrival paper towel'd em. 2 of the three germ'd surprisingly quick(well surprising to me, I was still unpacking and was totally unprepared lol). Not knowing where any garden stores were around the new town, I went to wally world and grabbed organic MG (I know i've been looking threw these forums and others for quite some time so spare me the flaming). I had an early problem with what I expect was overwatering which caused to much release of the mixed in nutes=burned the first true leaves which I later clipped off(was that a good idea?) I've since transplanted my two babies to the squares you see in the pictures. I cut back dramatically on watering, and also mixed a substantial amount of perlite into the MG for added drainage to hopefully solve the over watering which I hope will also help with the nute release.

I saw the design for the light bar online and went to home depot and made my own, I'm no electrician but it was basic enough and no fire yet after 3 weeks on. I think my girls were stunted from the overwater/overfeeding early on, growth seemed slow, and they seems small(you tell me im an amatuer) for 3 weeks old. You may also notice in the pictures the tip of one leaf on each plant is browned at the tip--lingering nute burn? It hasnt got any worse in the last weeks so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Helpful tips? What do yall think, besides the obvious--get fox farm, MG sux ect? O and yes, I need a fan, working on splicing a 120mm fan atm. O and they're on 18/6 light timed cycle.

what soil is that?? sorry for all the seperate post I have short term memory loss


Well-Known Member
i dig that cfl light fresno that would be awsome for mothers. but for about 60 bucks you can get 150 watt hps. i hate fox fams soils since ive used humbolt great stuff but sunshine soils at yur local hydro store is good stuff an one is inexpensive cant rember which one but around 10-12 buck. but if your carfull and a little smart which adding pearlite is a great step to mg soil you can use it but its not as good as others because most have calcium an lime to help ph. also try an get better genetics. but since this is your first grow ill tell you read as much as you can about gardning an never stop reading. you get what you put in, all it takes to get a green thumb is time an effort. keep posting, good luck an have a growtastic day.


Active Member
Any comments of the plants? Are they small from being stunted as i suspect or about what you would expect from 120ish watts of cfl?


Well-Known Member
The plants do look a little stunted for 3wks but they look healthy. Just keep the lights as close as possible to the plants. The problem with MG soil is it has a ton of peat moss so it retains a lot of moisture. Cannabis roots like to breathe between waterings, you want a soil that dries out and has good aeration/drainage.


Active Member
I figured as much, there was a period of seemingly no growth for about 4-5 days at around day 10. Ive been taking them outside on my balcony(no one can see) for 11am-4pm on sunny days because i think warmer air/breeze/stronger light helps them dry faster, with the added benefit of better lumens fewer kwhs.

Glad you think they look ok, was a few days i where i thought my first attempt was turning into an abismal failure. Theyre working on their first 5 point leaves, think its ok to top it after that node?