Colorado Massacre, Fishy business

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Well-Known Member
I've heard that, but also heard building experts and explosive experts testify that the building collapsed the way it did because the jet fuel melted the beams in a way that they collapsed inwards.
some of it had to do with the flame retardant that was on the steal beams... the building was actually built to take an impact from planes, the flame retardant that was on the beams broke off/flaked off... there is now a new retardant that is being used that won't or shouldn't flake off... I saw this on a show... i think it was best evidence. stay high


New Member
Yeah the new tower is built to last, expensive is building in the world now actually, better fucking stop a plane lol.


Active Member
9/11 was clearly an inside job.. I dont even think there is an argument against that now.
Ya, people just think what they want its America..But somebody tell me how Building 7 came down the same way... don't tell me Jet fuel.. its what happened after this event that make's the whole thing stink to high heaven.. The Patriot act is the Biggest scam ever pulled on all of us... Do any of you guys know what a put is in trading or shorting... the market is ? Did you know some body bought over a million shares short on american Airlines the day before this event,, No one ever does that.. Its a huge long shot bet on that stock crashing.. and somehow some company places a short call on this.. Ya right... It was the biggest indication of something rotten in denmark,, next big thing with in just a few months The patriot act was written and passed and its over 35000 pages.. So you tell me when that was written and name another piece of legislation ever written and Passed that fast... Now who is being naive... Both partys have sold us down the tubes there bought and paid for by big business they don't represent us.. Sorry I did it again... I'll stop now...


Well-Known Member
I mean the one thing that really sealed the deal for me was the fact that the towers collapsing was a completely controlled demolition. Firefighters inside even heard explosives going off before they collapsed.


Well-Known Member
Jeez, your theory makes no sense. 9/11 was not a government conspiracy, it was the act of terrorists who had a clear agenda.

And the theater shootings were not a conspiracy by the police. It was the act of a sick fuck. Sometimes a rose is just a rose
I never said 9/11 was a conspiracy. I said we knew about it. And that's true, Bush was even questioned about it and "beat around the bush".

And I believe a rose is a rose also.
I just believe roses (fucked up individuals with money to spend) are more likely to come from high society than the gutter. (High society like...The law society?) :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I haven't fed into the hype to be honest... I was just 23 or so when they shot up Columbine and thought Shit, they had it coming! and a few decades later I am onto It is really sad people can't get past shit and love all as one added with that Joker ref was cool so I am just somewhat evolved :oops: but now I am thinking Manchurian Candidate?
But Columbine can be explained.

Some kids got mad at Christians, or confused about the afterlife.

They ask people "Do you believe in god?" If so, you must believe in heaven.
"Go there then" *Boom*

Someone doesn't kill people just because they saw someone do it in a movie. There's reasons, motives.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you one thing for sure that guy was lit in the court room today that's for sure.. some one hooked him up good,,,
There's something I forgot.

One way they could have convinced him to do it, and can let him sit to rot in jail.
They probably got him addicted to pills, then promised him a bunch of shit if he went through with it. So he's basically one of the girls on the movie Taken, but they gave him guns.


Well-Known Member

You don't need plastic surgery.

They "couldn't find Bin Laden" for over 2 decades
um dude you're high too and not in a good way... 2 decades??? that's 20 yrs 9/11 happened in 2001, or am I drunk??? were they really lookin for him before that?? I'm sure they were but it wasn't as intense of a search until after 9/11... stay high


Well-Known Member
um dude you're high too and not in a good way... 2 decades??? that's 20 yrs 9/11 happened in 2001, or am I drunk??? were they really lookin for him before that?? I'm sure they were but it wasn't as intense of a search until after 9/11... stay high
Way to be REALLY uninformed. YOU'RE TOO HIGH :lol:

We'd been looking for Bin Laden since Bush Sr., not since 9/11. :dunce:


New Member
But Columbine can be explained.

Some kids got mad at Christians, or confused about the afterlife.

They ask people "Do you believe in god?" If so, you must believe in heaven.
"Go there then" *Boom*

Someone doesn't kill people just because they saw someone do it in a movie. There's reasons, motives.
If you're a psychopath you do, they start to believe it more and more and then lose all sense of reality.


You don't need plastic surgery.

They "couldn't find Bin Laden" for over 2 decades
It was one decade and the middle east is huge and baron and full of cowards that can't stand up for themselves.

There's something I forgot.

One way they could have convinced him to do it, and can let him sit to rot in jail.
They probably got him addicted to pills, then promised him a bunch of shit if he went through with it. So he's basically one of the girls on the movie Taken, but they gave him guns.



Well-Known Member
If you're a psychopath you do, they start to believe it more and more and then lose all sense of reality.
You can't be psychotic as he would have to be, and as planned out as they claim him to have been, then end it all in one firefight at a movie theater.

If he really thought he was the joker, he would have done something somewhere else so that there was a chain of crimes happening all at once. Like the Joker :dunce:
Am I just crazier than him? Or did he just miss the main point of the Joker to be complete anarchy, not just one crazy theater?
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