• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How long till the next US war??

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The Qur'an and most Muslim behavior (just like any holy book and its believers) does not always match. Do nut lump in the Qur'an with all Muslims.
the koran matches moslem behavior perfectly. each separate verse is contradicted by another verse, so everything is at once forbidden and allowed. the onloy consistancy i the koran is the demand that all the world fall under the control of mohammed and his successors (lol he set no guidelines for successors, he didnt give a fuck what happened after he died) mohammed was an illliterate opium addicted camel theif who decided making up a religion and claiming to hear the voice of god would be easier than robbing caravans on the silk road. (Hooray History!) as far as anyone can tell he laid down grand proclamations, made violent war on any who resisted him, and murdered anyone who dared speak against his nutcase gibberings.

point 1: allah is the moon god of pre-moslem arabian tribes. allah was also the patron god of the quranic tribe (mohammed's tribal god is top dog, fancy that) from which the koran gets it's name. (and it's many delightfully contradictory spelllings)

point 2: the koran is couched in vague and largely meaningless soundbites, in what today is easily recognized as the deepak choprah school of sounding deep and spiritual.

point 3: every statement comes with an equally weighted counter-statement that contradicts the previous dogma with new dogma. yay, many rules and no rules combine to form, anarcho-theocracy! sure to be the next big thing.

point 4: you cannot make good cloth from a broken loom. the koran and mohammedanism is flawed at it's core. even those who honestly want to be peacful faithful moslems are chained to the madness of the dinkbag who dictated the original fanfiction. his shitty story is a mashup of judaism, christianity and ritual tribal magic of the primitive tribes of arabia and north africa. thats why it is so rife with djinnns, evil spirits, devils in the forms of dogs, etc.. mind you this was writ in 768 ad, not the bronze age.

point 5: the virulent almost venerial spread of mohammedanism throughout asia minor and north africa was done not by conversion of missionaries and the acceptance of the "ultimate truth" of islam, but by violence, empire building and murder.

point 6: any land which has been under the control of moslems is forever part of dar al islam, and thus mohammedan property. sorry spain, most of eastern europe, about 2/3 of austria, all of flanders and portugal, some parts of ireland, some parts of england, some parts of china, the philippines, ondonesia, all of north africa, etc etc etc.

i dont think i need to beat this dead horse any further. mohammedanism is a poison tree grown from a corrupt seed, and bears only rotten fruit. those moslems who reject violence and seek to act in a manner that is consistant with civilized behavior are just aces with me. those who prefer their "Olde Tyme Religion" can shampoo my crotch.


Well-Known Member
Get me the quote please where it Ahmadinejad has said he wants to wipe Israel off the map. And the sanctions were enforced by the US and UK if they didn’t want sanctions on Iraq there would be none.

And yes the Libyan people that overthrew Gaddafi were puppets maybe not the small foot soldiers but the people at the top were.

And you’ve not even read the Qu’ran show me the quote where it says the testimony of a non-Muslim in court is worthless. And am talking about the Qu’ran not fatwa’s moron because anyone can give a fatwa.

Also the quote your referring to is when the US didn’t provide evidence they could not force him to leave Afghanistan because no evidence was provided therefore they could only ask for him to leave. If however they did provide evidence they could have handed him over or tried him in Afghanistan where the punishment would have been death for killing innocent civilians.

And why do you even attempt to twist my words. I never said ‘osama bin laden's own words and his own database of terrorists and money launderers is all faked by the wicked sinful CIA’

I said the video where he confesses is fake. The CIA have admitted making fake videos of him so it’s much more plausible. Also in his own words just after 9/11 he said he said he was not responsible.

You don’t even know anything about the Al Saud regime. Its perfectly okay to overthrow them because they are another puppet oppressive regime. They was provided with weapons and money by the British after WW1 and are protected today by the US. Also why is there hardly a mention about the protests that are going on in Saudi Arabia? Also show me the verse in the Qu’ran where it says it’s okay to kill innocent children or non-Muslims.

Nope I don’t believe Mahdi is living in some cave in fact nearly all Muslims don’t believe that it’s only a tiny minority but of course people like you like to generalize on over 1.5 billion people. The muddy water verse you’re referring to is about what Dhul-Qarnayn saw:
18:86 (Asad) [And he marched westwards] till, when he came to the setting of the sun, [SUP][84][/SUP] it appeared to him that it was setting in a dark, turbid sea; [SUP][85][/SUP] and nearby he found a people [given to every kind of wrongdoing]. We said: "O thou Two-Horned One! Thou mayest either cause [them] to suffer or treat them with kindness!" [SUP][86][/SUP] –
I want some of whatever you're smoking. What a hallucination.


Active Member
the koran matches moslem behavior perfectly. each separate verse is contradicted by another verse, so everything is at once forbidden and allowed. the onloy consistancy i the koran is the demand that all the world fall under the control of mohammed and his successors (lol he set no guidelines for successors, he didnt give a fuck what happened after he died) mohammed was an illliterate opium addicted camel theif who decided making up a religion and claiming to hear the voice of god would be easier than robbing caravans on the silk road. (Hooray History!) as far as anyone can tell he laid down grand proclamations, made violent war on any who resisted him, and murdered anyone who dared speak against his nutcase gibberings.

point 1: allah is the moon god of pre-moslem arabian tribes. allah was also the patron god of the quranic tribe (mohammed's tribal god is top dog, fancy that) from which the koran gets it's name. (and it's many delightfully contradictory spelllings)

point 2: the koran is couched in vague and largely meaningless soundbites, in what today is easily recognized as the deepak choprah school of sounding deep and spiritual.

point 3: every statement comes with an equally weighted counter-statement that contradicts the previous dogma with new dogma. yay, many rules and no rules combine to form, anarcho-theocracy! sure to be the next big thing.

point 4: you cannot make good cloth from a broken loom. the koran and mohammedanism is flawed at it's core. even those who honestly want to be peacful faithful moslems are chained to the madness of the dinkbag who dictated the original fanfiction. his shitty story is a mashup of judaism, christianity and ritual tribal magic of the primitive tribes of arabia and north africa. thats why it is so rife with djinnns, evil spirits, devils in the forms of dogs, etc.. mind you this was writ in 768 ad, not the bronze age.

point 5: the virulent almost venerial spread of mohammedanism throughout asia minor and north africa was done not by conversion of missionaries and the acceptance of the "ultimate truth" of islam, but by violence, empire building and murder.

point 6: any land which has been under the control of moslems is forever part of dar al islam, and thus mohammedan property. sorry spain, most of eastern europe, about 2/3 of austria, all of flanders and portugal, some parts of ireland, some parts of england, some parts of china, the philippines, ondonesia, all of north africa, etc etc etc.

i dont think i need to beat this dead horse any further. mohammedanism is a poison tree grown from a corrupt seed, and bears only rotten fruit. those moslems who reject violence and seek to act in a manner that is consistant with civilized behavior are just aces with me. those who prefer their "Olde Tyme Religion" can shampoo my crotch.
You don't even know anything about Islam so why are you spouting your opinion. None of you have even read the Qu'ran therefore are in no position to talk about Islam since you've not even read the basics and am still waiting for that quote you was supposed to get. Also don't even bother to lie and say you have because we both know you haven't but I still wouldn't be surprised if you attempted it since you've lied about most of the stuff in this thread. Also why have you still got my quote in your sig I proved you wrong, you are rather pathetic aren't you.


Well-Known Member
Where am I wrong? Everyone has a comment to say but can't seem to point out where I am wrong with facts only with opinions or half truths.
You're arguing with pro-Zionist Republicans, their brain capacity is so low they couldn't change their beliefs even IF they wanted to.

At least real "on the ground" Israeli public opinion is finally changing.

Funny how people always say the Iranians hate Jews tho...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You're arguing with pro-Zionist Republicans, their brain capacity is so low they couldn't change their beliefs even IF they wanted to.

At least real "on the ground" Israeli public opinion is finally changing.

Funny how people always say the Iranians hate Jews tho...
not this again.

"Today, only about 20,000-25,000 Persian Jews remain in Iran, with much larger diaspora populations living in Israel and the United States." ~source, your own citation

before during and after the islamci revolution in iran most of the jewish population saw where the wind was blowing and those that could packed their shit and FLED!

the US state department (under the Obama administration no less) paints a much less rosy picture. http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/irf/2010_5/168264.htm

jewish observers are even less flattering than that silly biased wiki page. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/iranjews.html

but then them dirty jews are biased, not like those good upstanding theocrats in the iranian state news service.

even today, unconfirmed reports state that jews are only allowed travel exit visas from iran if members of their family remain behind. nobody says hostages, but then nobody says shit in iran unless the mullahs approve ahead of time.

spin us another yarn Lord Cromwell.


Well-Known Member
not this again.

"Today, only about 20,000-25,000 Persian Jews remain in Iran, with much larger diaspora populations living in Israel and the United States." ~source, your own citation

before during and after the islamci revolution in iran most of the jewish population saw where the wind was blowing and those that could packed their shit and FLED!

the US state department (under the Obama administration no less) paints a much less rosy picture. http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/irf/2010_5/168264.htm

jewish observers are even less flattering than that silly biased wiki page. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/iranjews.html

but then them dirty jews are biased, not like those good upstanding theocrats in the iranian state news service.

even today, unconfirmed reports state that jews are only allowed travel exit visas from iran if members of their family remain behind. nobody says hostages, but then nobody says shit in iran unless the mullahs approve ahead of time.

spin us another yarn Lord Cromwell.
See I read what you say objectively, but then you finish with such history-troll-fails that I can't believe a word of the propaganda that leaks your mouth.

I don't agree with ANY religion but I believe in every people's right to self determination (that'd be the Israelis too btw)...but if my people were forced from their land and treated as an underclass Id fight back too, infact weve been through it all before ;)

I don't agree with their methods however, but I can understand the compulsion to fight.

Can you not see the other sides views and try reconcile them with your own?


Active Member
not this again.

"Today, only about 20,000-25,000 Persian Jews remain in Iran, with much larger diaspora populations living in Israel and the United States." ~source, your own citation

before during and after the islamci revolution in iran most of the jewish population saw where the wind was blowing and those that could packed their shit and FLED!

the US state department (under the Obama administration no less) paints a much less rosy picture. http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/irf/2010_5/168264.htm

jewish observers are even less flattering than that silly biased wiki page. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/iranjews.html

but then them dirty jews are biased, not like those good upstanding theocrats in the iranian state news service.

even today, unconfirmed reports state that jews are only allowed travel exit visas from iran if members of their family remain behind. nobody says hostages, but then nobody says shit in iran unless the mullahs approve ahead of time.

spin us another yarn Lord Cromwell.
There are no homosexuals in Iran either.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I want some of whatever you're smoking. What a hallucination.
the weird part is, he is half right, but for 100% wrong reasons

the koran is couched in meaningless drivel and vague soundbites deepak choprah style because it was dictated by an illiterate opium addict during his adventures in cloudland. it is highly disjointed, and basically nonsense. thus every translator who attempts to put that twilight fanfiction level literary abortion into some sensible translation winds up recreating the fanfic with remarkably different results. no two translations are even similar in their phrasing, and even the translations that imamas and mullahs approve as the next best thing to learning arabic for your studies the whole thing contradicts itself repeatedly and is full of exhortations to violence, yet all the while maintains that peace is the way of islam...

heres the Harry Potter/Prisoners of Ass Cabin crossover fanfic from the university of michigan. http://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/koran/

heres the fresh new remix http://quran.com/

and heres some old school flavah http://www.quranflash.com/en/quranflash.html

and thats just the basic bullshit book. once youve slogged through this turd then you have to dig through the "hadiths" or "some shit other cats made up about mohammed, cuz they knew a guy who's cousin shared a flat with a dude who used to sell mohammed his weed" each portion of which is, and simulatneously is NOT holy writ depending on whether it justifies your current position, or would cast you in a negative light in the western press.

all of islam is like post modernist new age spirituality, a brachs piick-a-mix basket of crazy mixed with insane, and blended with a hearty handful of deniability. everything is both permitted and forbidden depending on how you feel on the subject today.

you cant debate negotiate or reason with the islamists. they have more slippery word games than the sleaziest lawyer or agent, everything they say can be re-interpreted dozens of ways, and each one is islamically correct, and half the shit they say is damned lies wrapped in sloganeering for the guileless western media.

if you dont feel like reading all that shit, check out MEMRI dot org's web video archive. its like youtube with terrorists and a crazy jew hating mickey mouse. http://www.memri.org/

hit up the daily show for the short version:



Well-Known Member
the weird part is, he is half right, but for 100% wrong reasons

the koran is couched in meaningless drivel and vague soundbites deepak choprah style because it was dictated by an illiterate opium addict during his adventures in cloudland. it is highly disjointed, and basically nonsense. thus every translator who attempts to put that twilight fanfiction level literary abortion into some sensible translation winds up recreating the fanfic with remarkably different results. no two translations are even similar in their phrasing, and even the translations that imamas and mullahs approve as the next best thing to learning arabic for your studies the whole thing contradicts itself repeatedly and is full of exhortations to violence, yet all the while maintains that peace is the way of islam...

heres the Harry Potter/Prisoners of Ass Cabin crossover fanfic from the university of michigan. http://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/koran/

heres the fresh new remix http://quran.com/

and heres some old school flavah http://www.quranflash.com/en/quranflash.html

and thats just the basic bullshit book. once youve slogged through this turd then you have to dig through the "hadiths" or "some shit other cats made up about mohammed, cuz they knew a guy who's cousin shared a flat with a dude who used to sell mohammed his weed" each portion of which is, and simulatneously is NOT holy writ depending on whether it justifies your current position, or would cast you in a negative light in the western press.

all of islam is like post modernist new age spirituality, a brachs piick-a-mix basket of crazy mixed with insane, and blended with a hearty handful of deniability. everything is both permitted and forbidden depending on how you feel on the subject today.

you cant debate negotiate or reason with the islamists. they have more slippery word games than the sleaziest lawyer or agent, everything they say can be re-interpreted dozens of ways, and each one is islamically correct, and half the shit they say is damned lies wrapped in sloganeering for the guileless western media.

if you dont feel like reading all that shit, check out MEMRI dot org's web video archive. its like youtube with terrorists and a crazy jew hating mickey mouse. http://www.memri.org/

hit up the daily show for the short version:

If you were to replace "Koran" with "Torah" and "Islamist" with "Jew" it's like we're back in Nuremburg.

Hope you're proud.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
See I read what you say objectively, but then you finish with such history-troll-fails that I can't believe a word of the propaganda that leaks your mouth.

I don't agree with ANY religion but I believe in every people's right to self determination (that'd be the Israelis too btw)...but if my people were forced from their land and treated as an underclass Id fight back too, infact weve been through it all before ;)

I don't agree with their methods however, but I can understand the compulsion to fight.

Can you not see the other sides views and try reconcile them with your own?
sure i can seethe desire to resist the invasion by a foreign power, but the palestinain "plight" is a non-sequitor. their horrible lives under occupation zionist evil baby murdering jews is less convincing than a basketball or soccer player's cut rate playacting when trying to influence the refs to call a foul. it's not believable.

implying that hamas hezzbollah and the PLO are equivalent to the IRA is a losing proposition. nobody will believe that, because the IRA didnt blindly strike out at france, germany, scotland, the US, the netherlands, belgium, italy and israel to attempt to gain their freedom from british oppression. the IRA targeted the actual opponents, the forces of the english crown, not the children of the ulster "settlers". (the orangemen preferred to strike at non-combatants, but only because it's so much safer that way) if the israelis had indulged in the abuses, murders and random violence that the british forces did (http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/easterrising/aftermath/af05.shtml for the whitewash or http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/irelands-war-of-independence-the-chilling-story-of-the-black-and-tans-475005.html for a more realistic summary) then some of the outrage would be plausible. it aint.

most of the news you see from that region is manufactured for western consumption, but NOT by the west. it is fabricated out of whole cloth by the terrorists, islamist fascists, and antisemites who would suck a mile of cocks to paint israel as an oppressive regime of evil baby murderers on a scale with Pol Pot.


i strongly suggest you reconsider reading http://www.jcpa.org/text/ahmadinejad2-words.pdf it features unbiased fact based examinations of the "claims" that ahmedinijhad never said he wanted to ewipe israel off the map, including press releases and official banners and slogans reiterating the same words all over iran, page 13 even features a lovely photo of a banner on the side of a military building featuring the quote in persian, but with an officially sanctioned english translation at the bottom. "israel must be wiped off the face of the map" is apparently accurate enough a translation for the iranian government, but not for the western media.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
If you were to replace "Koran" with "Torah" and "Islamist" with "Jew" it's like we're back in Nuremburg.

Hope you're proud.
ORLY? have i made the assertion that moslems be eliminated in gas chambers? nope.

this fucked up religious cult has been a pain in civilized nation's asses for 1100 years, yet we are prohibited from discussing the actual facts deeds and words of mohammedanism out of some bizarro fear of offending the dinkbags who shit themselves over a picture of a puppy on a postcard in scotland?

yeah, im the nazi. way to deflect from the hard issues. i guess youre not Oliver Cromwell, youre a lot more like Neville Chamberlaine.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Having Palastinian friends has moved my view further away from one like Dr Kynes...
you may hold any view you choose. however, denying easily verifiable facts, or excusing violence in word and deed as some innocent religious observance is to be a fool.


Well-Known Member
I don't excuse violence with religious observation myself, is not christianitys history rife with violence?


Well-Known Member
ORLY? have i made the assertion that moslems be eliminated in gas chambers? nope.

this fucked up religious cult has been a pain in civilized nation's asses for 1100 years, yet we are prohibited from discussing the actual facts deeds and words of mohammedanism out of some bizarro fear of offending the dinkbags who shit themselves over a picture of a puppy on a postcard in scotland?

yeah, im the nazi. way to deflect from the hard issues. i guess youre not Oliver Cromwell, youre a lot more like Neville Chamberlaine.
You realise Cromwell and Chamberlain were both servants of the Crown right?

And for relevance to this conversation I'd be more like Micheal Collins ;)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I don't excuse violence with religious observation myself, is not christianitys history rife with violence?
judaism too, but both judaism and christianity grew out of their need for violence and coercion (mostly) islam is still mired in it's own dark age of ignorance magical thinking, blind adherence to religious dogma violence and oppression of any who dare think a different way.

bear in mind, i am personally regarded by islam as irredeemable (polytheists are deemed unforgivable, not even "allah" can forgive polytheism fun eh? mohammedans call it "shirk") so i have no soft fuzzy feelings about moslem theology mythology or rhetoric. jews and christians stopped burning my kind at the stake centuries ago. moslems still got a desire to see some polytheists burn. if you habe any hindu friends, ask them how islam treats hindus. thats some fun stuff there.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You realise Cromwell and Chamberlain were both servants of the Crown right?

And for relevance to this conversation I'd be more like Micheal Collins ;)
keep working on it, youll figure out why i call you oliver cromwell

also, micahel collins? why not go all the way to Padraig Pearse?


Well-Known Member
keep working on it, youll figure out why i call you oliver cromwell

also, micahel collins? why not go all the way to Padraig Pearse?
As an insult I presume? Because of my ferverent dislike for Catholism? I can't see the rationale between this and my views on the Israeli occupation of Palestenian territories?

I like Collins cos he was an idealist but a pragmatist at the same time.