i dont c anything getting blown up around here somebody must be saving our ass
Yes Mr. Smith, that's totally it....meanwhile I am hearing gunshots all day long and domestic disputes...nobody is helping these people or protecting them...I live in the ghetto...why? because its cheap and so I can live with relative liberty because the police don't bother me for marijuana and going 5mph over the speedlimit.
The government doesn't have magical powers...If a car is about to run me over a police officer will not go across the median and slam the car moments before it hits me....If someone is robs me the police aren't going to track down that robber, nor will they be there at the scene of the crime and block the bullets...when I report that robbery to the police they won't go after him...they would interrogate me under a hot lamp and try to charge me with a crime.
If someone wants to blow me up then they will fucking do it....and the fucking police and government will be there taking notes and putting chunks of me in bags like the secretaries they are....
The government does not have magical powers that enable them to do such amazing things, they are not comic book superheroes, this is something I will never be convinced of....this is life. This is the reality we live in, something which authoritarians tend not to understand.
One of the key differences between authoritarians and non-authoritarians is authoritarians genuinely believe that we can change the world and make it better sort of bend it to be the way we want it to be, where non-authoritarians tend to believe that we must adapt to the world as it is in order to make it better and not try to impose our own beliefs on how the world should be.
So once you begin to realize this, reality, you will see their monopoly on power, their thievery, their lack of accountability for their actions....these things are not justified. Human ownership is not rational, its not based on philosophical understandings, historical data, and its not justified...ever. Evidenced by the sort of childish knee-jerk emotional arguments the authortarians have with non-authortarians when it comes to this subject, as an example your response "
i dont c anything getting blown up around here somebody must be saving our ass"...