White Girl Bleed A Lot

I didn't read it incorrectly , you did, and you still are. SYG means that you don't have a duty to run away if you are unable to. If you are in your home, you are unable to run away, it doesn't mean you have to be physically incapable of running away.

It makes no difference if Zimms wounds are ACTUALLY life threatening, it only matters if Zimm believes they are, that is the ONLY qualifier to make self defense legal, yours or anyone elses opinion on the wounds doesn't have anything to do with it.

Stand your ground

does not mean harass and provoke

If this was done before you pulled the trigger

You are going to prison
I would not be able to have laundromats if not for the roads that bring people to them. The sewer that takes away the dirty water. The city water that brings in clean water. The people who wash clothes. My employees who work, help, and clean...nope I would have nothing without these things. Whole reason I don't bitch about taxes. I want to pull my fair share.

Are you trying to tell me that roads, water, employees and clothes would not exist without taxes?

How did they exist before?
Stand your ground

does not mean harass and provoke

If this was done before you pulled the trigger

You are going to prison

No harassment, no provocation, if it were true he would be charged with such, found guilty and sent to priison, but instead what is going to happen is he is going to be found innocent of murder. wait and see Dukie.
No harassment, no provocation, if it were true he would be charged with such, found guilty and sent to priison, but instead what is going to happen is he is going to be found innocent of murder. wait and see Dukie.

He was charged as such

Ever heard of a trial?

Zimmerman is going to be attending one
the water, sewer, roads are maintained with tax dollars...I think your peas are calling you

Are Laundromats also built and maintained with tax dollars? How does it feel to know that you just sat on your fat pathetic ass doing nothing contributing nothing to no one while someone else put blood sweat and tears into creating two businesses that employ people and help them get along in life? How do you feel knowing that you had nothing to do with that?
He was charged as such

Ever heard of a trial?

Zimmerman is going to be attending one
Huh? You aren't making any sense here, I already know he was charged with murder, he will be found innocent, what part of that makes you think that I don't know what a trial is?
OH wait NVM, your stupid, I almost forgot.
Huh? You aren't making any sense here, I already know he was charged with murder, he will be found innocent, what part of that makes you think that I don't know what a trial is?
OH wait NVM, your stupid, I almost forgot.

They havent picked the jury yet
But I am reasonably sure
You aint gonna be on it
I didn't read it incorrectly , you did, and you still are. SYG means that you don't have a duty to run away if you are unable to. If you are in your home, you are unable to run away, it doesn't mean you have to be physically incapable of running away.

It makes no difference if Zimms wounds are ACTUALLY life threatening, it only matters if Zimm believes they are, that is the ONLY qualifier to make self defense legal, yours or anyone elses opinion on the wounds doesn't have anything to do with it.

Dude, I specifically tailored my "duty to retreat" comments to an Aggressor, as does the statute. There is no duty to retreat when you are not the aggressor and if you are in your home etc etc etc. It's not hard. "My bad BLJ, I mis-read your post and thought you meant that the entire law imposes a duty to retreat, but I see you were only talking about an aggressor". You get to admit you're wrong and still save face. I mean, I would have known that was bullshit, but would have appreciated the effort. For the last time, the statute imposes a duty to retreat on an aggressor in a conflict. That was the original point you disagreed with and the point that I have now proven multiple times to be absolutely 100% true.

As to your 2nd point, well that's not quite right either. It matters if the investigating officer believes that he "used every reasonable means" to escape the danger and it matters if a jury believes him. You are right it doesn't matter what I think, only DesertDude asked me specifically what I thought so I told him.
Dude, I specifically tailored my "duty to retreat" comments to an Aggressor, as does the statute. There is no duty to retreat when you are not the aggressor and if you are in your home etc etc etc. It's not hard. "My bad BLJ, I mis-read your post and thought you meant that the entire law imposes a duty to retreat, but I see you were only talking about an aggressor". You get to admit you're wrong and still save face. I mean, I would have known that was bullshit, but would have appreciated the effort. For the last time, the statute imposes a duty to retreat on an aggressor in a conflict. That was the original point you disagreed with and the point that I have now proven multiple times to be absolutely 100% true.

As to your 2nd point, well that's not quite right either. It matters if the investigating officer believes that he "used every reasonable means" to escape the danger and it matters if a jury believes him. You are right it doesn't matter what I think, only DesertDude asked me specifically what I thought so I told him.

"My bad BLJ, I mis-read your post and thought you meant that the entire law imposes a duty to retreat, but I see you were only talking about an aggressor"

FYI, I don't care about saving "Face" you all are just a bunch of anonymous people, nothing we do here can have any consequence in reality.
Are Laundromats also built and maintained with tax dollars? How does it feel to know that you just sat on your fat pathetic ass doing nothing contributing nothing to no one while someone else put blood sweat and tears into creating two businesses that employ people and help them get along in life? How do you feel knowing that you had nothing to do with that?
you sound really tired and rather stupid. I didn't do it by myself. reason why I don't mind paying my fair share. You might want to listen to Obama's full statement
you sound really tired and rather stupid. I didn't do it by myself. reason why I don't mind paying my fair share. You might want to listen to Obama's full statement

I read and listened and watched the whole thing, there is no underlying context, Obama really does believe that you didn't do jack shit to make those laundromats, that only government can empower people to do such things and therefore gets all the glory.

You're so far up Obma's ass you don't even know when he is shitting on you.
"My bad BLJ, I mis-read your post and thought you meant that the entire law imposes a duty to retreat, but I see you were only talking about an aggressor"

FYI, I don't care about saving "Face" you all are just a bunch of anonymous people, nothing we do here can have any consequence in reality.

Clearly you do, or else it wouldn't have been so difficult to admit you were incorrect. It's ok, we are all incorrect at times.

Have a nice night, and I mean that.
Oh your personal attacks are dreamy, I am surprised you were able to string that whole sentence together without a single misspelled word, nevermind that sentences end with periods, you aren't actually done with the sentence yet, its just that your brain has stopped working for a bit, you'll post the rest later when your able to more clearly get the two remaining brains cells you have left working in tandem.

BTW you know those Laundromats you thought you owned? You didn't build them, someone else did that.

you know those posts you make? you didn't write them, you just plagiarized them.

and yes, someone else did build the road in front of london's laundromat.
Huh? You aren't making any sense here, I already know he was charged with murder, he will be found innocent, what part of that makes you think that I don't know what a trial is?
OH wait NVM, your stupid, I almost forgot.

what about his stupid?

tougher to spell words right when you have to do it yourself, eh plowboy?

i just pulled down the rest of my sugar snap peas, we've been eating them for a while now and they're done. i dried out about 500 seeds for use next year and replanted for a hopeful fall batch. did not need any taxpayer subsidies, unlike you.
you know those posts you make? you didn't write them, you just plagiarized them.

and yes, someone else did build the road in front of london's laundromat.

The sewer under it and the water line that runs to it...hell someone had to even run power to it. I did install my on satellite dishes ( actually a friend did ):clap:
I read and listened and watched the whole thing, there is no underlying context, Obama really does believe that you didn't do jack shit to make those laundromats, that only government can empower people to do such things and therefore gets all the glory.

You're so far up Obma's ass you don't even know when he is shitting on you.

he's currently shitting out your subsidies that you live on.
The sewer under it and the water line that runs to it...hell someone had to even run power to it. I did install my on satellite dishes ( actually a friend did ):clap:

i bet you even built and launched the satellites into space, like nodrama did.
i bet you even built and launched the satellites into space, like nodrama did.

nope had to piggy back off the work that another company did to provide that... We all help and need each other. Some people have a hard time understanding that.