White Girl Bleed A Lot

The sewer under it and the water line that runs to it...hell someone had to even run power to it. I did install my on satellite dishes ( actually a friend did ):clap:

and the people who did that were paid accordingly for it by citizens in that community or else they wouldn't have provided their services. Would it have been cheaper to contract this activity privately or did the federal government provide the sewers, roads and power in a more efficient manner?

You may have a successful business in SPITE of the government, not because of them. Apparently even Obama thinks the private sector is more efficient or he wouldn't have left 5000 hired mercenaries (private security) behind in Iraq while saying we have no boots on the ground. They float!
"My bad BLJ, I mis-read your post and thought you meant that the entire law imposes a duty to retreat, but I see you were only talking about an aggressor"

FYI, I don't care about saving "Face" you all are just a bunch of anonymous people, nothing we do here can have any consequence in reality.

That does not excuse us from being civil to one another. cn
what about his stupid?

tougher to spell words right when you have to do it yourself, eh plowboy?

i just pulled down the rest of my sugar snap peas, we've been eating them for a while now and they're done. i dried out about 500 seeds for use next year and replanted for a hopeful fall batch. did not need any taxpayer subsidies, unlike you.

Do you use peanutes? cn
I didn't know one could spall a chicken, unless of course it was frozen solid. cn

Lakisha shewn phone wag chore Soyinka fixings

ha mashing keys and letting spell checker fix it makes a really good zimmerman defense post!

apparently some bitch named lakisha saw the whole thing and caught it on her camera phone, and she showed the DA. he wagged his finger at Z-man and gave hims some community service washing up the soy ink spilled from the newspapers while they were rushing to press to crucify him, and its all fixed up now. brilliant! Nice work mister Spell Checker the Third, esquire, public defender.

move over Perry Mason and Matlock, theres a new kid in town!
hmmmm, maybe if martin just went up to Zimm and said " why are you following me?" Zimm could have replied " we have had some breakins recently and you lookied suspicious." To which Martin could have replied " I was just coming back from the store for some skiitles and a ice tea (Shows his items) and was going to my Dad's GF's place over there in #321"
to which Zimm could have said " Oh, ok , just checking to make sure everyone is safe, I am the watch captain around here, thanks and have a nice night, sorry for any inconvenience..

He did, accept he didnt go up to him, he was hiding from him when he asked him, could have replied being the key words that you fail to recognize as a form or indirect/direct actions to make the situation worse, NUMBER ONE Z HAD NO RIGHT TO QUESTION MARTINS RIGHT TO BE ANYWHERE AND THAT LINE OF TALK AS YOUR INTRODUCTION IS CLEAR SIGN OF AGGRESSION

But that didn't happen instead Martin Broke Zimm's nose then tried to bash his head in, then tried to strangle him all the while on top of him. At least thats what the eye witnesses say anyway, none of them say Zimm attacked anyone.

true(to the bolded text) but the thing is at the moment Martin and Z had a confrontation the only person guilty of a crime was Z . . .harrasment, if what you say is blinfly true then Mrrtin had a right to defend himself

BTW at what point did Martin let Zimmerman know that he wasn't doing anything wrong? Did he send it by post? A phone call? Big neon sign? Exactly when did this happen?

he doesnt have to, Z is not a cop
Where is a law that states you can't ask someone what they are doing there?

wait for someone to walk down the street. then follow them slowly in your car for a while. then stop the car, get out, and start walking after them. when they turn around to look at you with a "wtf?" look on their face, ask in an angry voice "what are you doing here!?!".

tell me how that goes.
wait for someone to walk down the street. then follow them slowly in your car for a while. then stop the car, get out, and start walking after them. when they turn around to look at you with a "wtf?" look on their face, ask in an angry voice "what are you doing here!?!".

tell me how that goes.

Dont forget to pull back your shirt so they can see the butt of your pistol sticking out
what about his stupid?

tougher to spell words right when you have to do it yourself, eh plowboy?

i just pulled down the rest of my sugar snap peas, we've been eating them for a while now and they're done. i dried out about 500 seeds for use next year and replanted for a hopeful fall batch. did not need any taxpayer subsidies, unlike you.

i.e. you did a bunch of work and got nothing in return except some old dried up peas. Me on the other hand will enjoy the $186,000 check I will be getting shortly. You enjoy those peas now.

BTW how does if feel to have to work your ass off for the meager $50 a year you are able to make , when someone like me just sits around taking vacations making about 50 Years worth of your hard earned yearly wages by doing nothing but taking your money? LOL life is sweet, its even sweeter when dumb asses like you are paying for it all.
He did, accept he didnt go up to him, he was hiding from him when he asked him, could have replied being the key words that you fail to recognize as a form or indirect/direct actions to make the situation worse, NUMBER ONE Z HAD NO RIGHT TO QUESTION MARTINS RIGHT TO BE ANYWHERE AND THAT LINE OF TALK AS YOUR INTRODUCTION IS CLEAR SIGN OF AGGRESSION

true(to the bolded text) but the thing is at the moment Martin and Z had a confrontation the only person guilty of a crime was Z . . .harrasment, if what you say is blinfly true then Mrrtin had a right to defend himself

he doesnt have to, Z is not a cop

Every post of yours is like reading an excerpt from Gilligan's island, let the hilarity ensue!

#1) You wouldn't know a right from a privilege if it was up your ass eating a cheese sandwich, you are completely lost. I have the right to question you any fucking time I like, no matter where you are or what you are doing. Asking a question could never be construed as being an aggressive act, only a complete moron such as yourself would say it was.

Harassment? LOl you wouldn't know harassment either. You can't harrass someone if they never let you know they aren't approving of it. Harassment is systematic and continued agitation to someone who disaproves. Did Martin ever let Zimm know that he didn't like Zimm following him? No? Then it can't be harassment.
i.e. you did a bunch of work and got nothing in return except some old dried up peas. Me on the other hand will enjoy the $186,000 check I will be getting shortly. You enjoy those peas now.

the dried up peas were the least and last of what we got. those peas were breakfast/snacks for a month or so for myself, wife, friends, and neighbors.

have fun being a mooch on the gubbmint teet, cheese eater. thanks for showcasing what a bunch of hypocrites the righties on this board are!