GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiativeBy Ted Barrett, CNN

gee disability ranks are growing



If we accept that the boomers were born from 1945 to 1960, and that the mimimum age for receiving non-disability SSI is fifty-nine, they're already half-covered by SSI now. If that were the main cause, I'd expect to see the bar graph level off. cn
You really a dike?

This is yet another example of the right's inability to comprehend community. In the world of the liberal, when the rights of any person are enhanced or defended the entire society benefits. We all take pride in the accomplishments of any individual because that means that the community is made all the more valuable. The right sees no such value. In the world of the right, rights are a zero sum game, a right given to one is a right taken from another. So, unless you are a dike, you do not profit from dikes getting rights. Rights of the individuals in the conservative world are only of value to those individuals. Why should anyone fight for another's rights questions the GOP.
London? This link has nothing to do with the people that are receiving SS or SSI payments its a health website . Has NOTHING to do with amount of new people on SS Disability increases.
Dude stop acting stupid..everyone got it but you..Don't take away from yourself trying to make a point that is failing
This is yet another example of the right's inability to comprehend community. In the world of the liberal, when the rights of any person are enhanced or defended the entire society benefits. We all take pride in the accomplishments of any individual because that means that the community is made all the more valuable. The right sees no such value. In the world of the right, rights are a zero sum game, a right given to one is a right taken from another. So, unless you are a dike, you do not profit from dikes getting rights. Rights of the individuals in the conservative world are only of value to those individuals. Why should anyone fight for another's rights questions the GOP.

Just a little satire, calm down dude.
Just a little satire, calm down dude.

Is it? or is it a window into your true belief system and a signal of your intent? Is it code for your agenda? do you need others to interpret or explain your statements? Is it really an accidental flash of your soul brought to the fore? Perhaps you went off teleprompter and wound up being caught as the homophobic, gay hating, non-naturaly born Christian neocon that we all know you to actually be.

Now prove me wrong, if you can, but you can't because we all know you want to destroy this country.
Is it? or is it a window into your true belief system and a signal of your intent? Is it code for your agenda? do you need others to interpret or explain your statements? Is it really an accidental flash of your soul brought to the fore? Perhaps you went off teleprompter and wound up being caught as the homophobic, gay hating, non-naturaly born Christian neocon that we all know you to actually be.

Now prove me wrong, if you can, but you can't because we all know you want to destroy this country.

He isnt homophobic
his sister dated a guy who knew some one who was both black and gay
little buck and chanice, in 2000, a douchebag was elected to office with a budget surplus. by the time he left in 2008, he left the next guy with a $1.5 trillion structural deficit. the end.

for the billionth time, clinton had no surplus, he "created a surplus" the way a crackhead creates your car stereo. the imagined surplus was spent, and the debt increased at even faster rates than under bush 1.

much like the aforementioned crackhead, the fresh influx of car stereo money went to the rock man and in half an hour he was out looking for more car stereos to steal.
If we accept that the boomers were born from 1945 to 1960, and that the mimimum age for receiving non-disability SSI is fifty-nine, they're already half-covered by SSI now. If that were the main cause, I'd expect to see the bar graph level off. cn

from personal experience i can tell you, those of us who sacrificed our bodies doing the hard physical labour which puts food on your tables, and keeps your toyotas running, and your lights on have been struck hard by this thing you guys call an "economic downturn"

those of us with real injuries who have continued to work, trying to make a better life for ourselves were the first to get layed off, and are the last to get hired when things start moving forward again. the result is an entire army of working class stiffs who cant work any more not because they are unwilling, but because we are not wanted. why hire a 40 year old cripple when you can hire a 20 year old kid who can bale more hay, and doesnt need a leg brace or a cane.

Thats why so many people are getting disability now. disabbility generally pays 1/2 of your wage or less, and if you were scraping by on 400 a week now you gotta squeeze twice as hard on 200 or less, plus the mindnumbing boredom, but if you get even a piddly useless job like mine, you dont qualify for disability. i get a few bucks more on my job than disability would pay, so i work through the pain. thanks america, nice job. at least the outgoing ceo of a failing car company gets his golden parachute at the expense of the taxpayers, and the union assholes get to keep cashing fat ass checks for sitting on their asses in the "Labour Banks"

and strangely enough is STILL dont believe the socialists and communists or the anarcho-bullshittists lies.
[TABLE="class: wikitable"]
[TH="colspan: 2"]Affiliation
[TD="bgcolor: #3333FF"][/TD]
[TD]Democratic Party
[TD="align: center"]51
[TD="bgcolor: #FF3333"][/TD]
[TD]Republican Party
[TD="align: center"]47
[TD="bgcolor: #999999"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]2
[TD]Both caucus with the Democrats
[TH="colspan: 2"]Total

Used to take 51 votes to pass out of the senate, thanke to the filibuster, it now takes 60. Being as there are only 50 democrats and 2 independents, nothing gets passed. If the republicans gain the white house and even the senate, payback will be a bitch. Problem is, it is the American people that suffer. Republicans held up 90% of all the jobs bills Obama wanted to pass. If the 51 vote rule had still been in effect, this country would be in a lot better shape right now, But yet the republicans try and blame Obama. The real corcker is how many gullible American people fall for their lies, disgusting.
Used to take 51 votes to pass out of the senate, thanke to the filibuster, it now takes 60. Being as there are only 50 democrats and 2 independents, nothing gets passed. If the republicans gain the white house and even the senate, payback will be a bitch. Problem is, it is the American people that suffer. Republicans held up 90% of all the jobs bills Obama wanted to pass. If the 51 vote rule had still been in effect, this country would be in a lot better shape right now, But yet the republicans try and blame Obama. The real corcker is how many gullible American people fall for their lies, disgusting.

and harry reid isnt stonewalling all legislation, only republicans have a political agenda, and democrats are always looking out for the little guy. maybe they could just dissolve the senate and install a 99% junta. mob rule by the lowest common denominator worked real good for Robespierre, but where will we find a guillotine big enough for newt mitt romney's giant head?

man you got it all sewn up.
Used to take 51 votes to pass out of the senate, thanke to the filibuster, it now takes 60. Being as there are only 50 democrats and 2 independents, nothing gets passed. If the republicans gain the white house and even the senate, payback will be a bitch.

Payback is already a bitch, do you think the democrats in the 209th congress were innocent of obstruction?
When was the last budget the democrat controlled senate has passed?

Both sides are guilty of not getting the peoples work done, your partisan eyes are just to blind to see it.
Used to take 51 votes to pass out of the senate, thanke to the filibuster, it now takes 60. Being as there are only 50 democrats and 2 independents, nothing gets passed. If the republicans gain the white house and even the senate, payback will be a bitch. Problem is, it is the American people that suffer. Republicans held up 90% of all the jobs bills Obama wanted to pass. If the 51 vote rule had still been in effect, this country would be in a lot better shape right now, But yet the republicans try and blame Obama. The real corcker is how many gullible American people fall for their lies, disgusting.

Indeed. If 51% of the world believes the world is flat again we can make it flat!
ALL of them?

Can you name ALL of them?

You going to scamper away now?

No but here are some that tax payers paided for
amonix solar 20 million
solar trust of america
bright source
solyndra 500 million
lsp energy
energy conversion devices
abound solar 400 million
sun power
beacon power 43 million
ecotality 115 million
a123 solar 279 million
azure dynamics 10 million
evergreen solar 527 million
ener1 100 million
And these are just a few I found. All have failed or filing bankrupt.
Hope you are happy with where your tax dollars go.
All supported by obama look it up "failed green energy companies"
No but here are some that tax payers paided for
amonix solar 20 million
solar trust of america
bright source
solyndra 500 million
lsp energy
energy conversion devices
abound solar 400 million
sun power
beacon power 43 million
ecotality 115 million
a123 solar 279 million
azure dynamics 10 million
evergreen solar 527 million
ener1 100 million
And these are just a few I found. All have failed or filing bankrupt.
Hope you are happy with where your tax dollars go.
All supported by obama look it up "failed green energy companies"

AmeriPAC claims STA’s bankruptcy was “bigger than Solyndra” and “virtually unreported.” But the company never borrowed a government-backed dime.

All told, the DOE’s Loan Programs Office has financed or backed financing totaling $34.7 billion to more than 30 companies.
DOE offers assistance through a trio of programs. Two programs, known as section 1703 and section 1705, have guaranteed loans — totaling $26.3 billion — to companies building wind farms, solar power plants and other renewable energy projects. The third program, known as ATVM, directly loaned $8.4 billion to manufacturers — such as Ford — to build fuel efficient vehicles. The government expects the companies to repay those loans.
As we’ve noted before, DOE hasn’t “spent” taxpayer money on the 30-plus companies, except for two that have filed for bankruptcy. Those companies are Solyndra, which borrowed $535 million, and Beacon Power Co., which borrowed $43 million, according to a March report from the Government Accountability Office. And it looks as if DOE may recover as much as 70 percent of the loans it guaranteed to Beacon.
Still, worst-case scenario, the government is out a total of $578 million on those two deals. That’s less than 2 percent of the financing lent and guaranteed through the DOE Loan Programs Office. (The government could be out another $55 million, since EnerDel, a maker of electric-car batteries, filed for bankruptcy in February after receiving that amount, out of a $118.5 million grant, under a separate federal program.)

HEY WHEN IN THE FUCK ARE YOU Gonna Come out with some FACTS?