If you look at the issues they differ on, you'll see that they're really not all that different. An example would be their positions on same sex marriage.
une 17, 2009: “Ordered the federal government to extend key benefits to same-s3x partners of federal employees.”
June 29, 2009: “Hosted the first-ever White House lg bt Pride reception.”
August 12, 2009: “Awarded the highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom, to Billie Jean King and Harvey Milk.”
October 28, 2009: “Signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act into law.”
October 21, 2009: “Created a National Resource Center for l3sbian, g4y, Bis3xual, and Transgender Elders.”
January 1, 2010: “Banned discrimination in federal workplaces based on gender identity.”
January 4, 2010: “Lifted the ban that prohibited people with HIV/AIDS from entering the United States.”
March 23, 2010: “Enacted the Affordable Care Act, reforming health care in America by lowering costs, expanding choice, and improving health care quality.”
April 15, 2010: “Ensured hospital visitation and medical decision-making rights for g4y and l3sbian patients.”
June 22, 2010: “Released America’s first comprehensive plan to prevent and end homelessness, which includes homeless lg bt youth.”
June 22, 2010: “Clarified the Family and Medical Leave Act to ensure family leave for lg bt employees.”
June 9, 2010: “Allowed transgender Americans to receive true gender passports without surgery.”
October 1, 2010: “Awarded a grant to the Los Angeles g4y and l3sbian Community Services Center to work with lg bt foster youth.”
October 21, 2010: “Recorded ‘It Gets Better’ video to support lg bt youth experiencing bullying.”
December 21, 2010: “Led a United Nations measure to restore ‘s3xual orientation’ to the definition of human rights.”
December 22, 2010: “Signed the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’”
March 10, 2011: “Hosted first-ever White House Conference on Bullying Prevention in America’s schools.”
February 23, 2011: “Declared the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional and announced the administration will no longer defend it in court.”
March 31, 2011: “Completed an Institute of Medicine study on lg bt health, the first of its kind.”
May 27, 2011: “Issued guidance to foster safer working environments for transgender federal employees.”
July 19, 2011: “Endorsed the Respect for Marriage Act, a legislative effort to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.”
August 15, 2011: “Ended the Social Security Administration’s gender ‘no-match’ letters.”
August 19, 2011: “Supported l3sbian widow Edith Windsor in her suit against DOMA.”
August 18, 2011: “Clarified the meaning of ‘family’ to include lg bt relationships, helping to protect bi-national families threatened by deportation.”
September 20, 2011: “Implemented the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’”
September 30, 2011: “Permitted military chaplains to officiate same-s3x marriages where legal.”
October 1, 2011: “Addressed the annual Human Rights Campaign dinner for the second time.”
October 20, 2011: “Awarded Citizen’s Medal to Janice Langbehn, l3sbian mother whose story paved the way for hospital visitation rights for same-s3x couples.”
October 13, 2011: “Allison Nathan become second openly g4y appointee to be confirmed to the federal bench under President Obama’s administration.”
October 31, 2011: “Included specific data on health needs of l3sbian and bis3xual women in the Health Resources and Services Administration’s ‘Women’s Health USA 2011' federal report.”
November 1, 2011: “In his presidential proclamation of National Adoption Month, President Obama called for equal treatment for same-s3x adoptive parents.”
December 6, 2011: “Created first-ever U.S. government strategy dedicated to combating human rights abuses against lg bt persons abroad.”
December 1, 2011: “On World AIDS Day, recommitted the U.S. to creating an AIDS-free generation.”
January 8, 2012: “Announced HUD’s new rule protecting against housing discrimination based on s3xual orientation and gender identity.”
February 2, 2012: “Announced White House lg bt Conference Series to address issues affecting lg bt Americans, including health, housing and safety.”
February 7, 2012: “Promoted equal access to quality health care by enabling searches for health plans with same-s3x partner benefits on Healthcare.gov.”
February 13, 2012: “Proposed a 2013 federal budget for an economy built to last, including providing security for the lg bt community.”
March 5, 2012: “Ensured transgender veterans receive respectful care according to their true gender through the Veterans Health Administration.”
March 15, 2012: “Michael Fitzgerald, fourth openly g4y nominee under President Obama, is confirmed to the federal bench in California.”
March 16, 2012: “Came out against North Carolina’s Amendment 1, which would prohibit same-s3x marriage in the state.”
Dont worry
If you or someone else brings it up again
I will just repost this list