• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How long till the next US war??


Active Member
So I was wondering when do you guys think the next war involving the US will start and what countries involved. Of course its only a matter of time before Israel attacks Iran and of course the US will back Israel and be involved in the war.

"Netanyahu warned that "Israel will respond forcefully to Iranian terror"


My guess would be around October time and the countries involved probably:
US, Israel, UK, Libya vs Iran, Russia, China, Egypt. Am not sure about Syria because of whats going on there currently, also Sudan not sure which side they would be on IF they do decide to join.


Well-Known Member
you do mean WORLD WAR, right?

as soon as Assad lets go with the Chemical Weapons, Israel will jump in... Iran, US, Russia,China etc...

AND...... I do hope to GOD..... US backs Israel, unlike there are currently


Well-Known Member
OR...... if you believe the illuminati playing card theory...

at the Olympics 7-27-2012 ?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
My guess would be around October time and the countries involved probably:
US, Israel, UK, Libya vs Iran, Russia, China, Egypt. Am not sure about Syria because of whats going on there currently, also Sudan not sure which side they would be on IF they do decide to join.
you think libya will fight against iran and egypt? dude!

libya will be in no position to fight anybody for some time, and if they did join in any fight with iran they would be WITH iran.

you forgot poland czechoslovakia scandinavia canada india etc etc etc.. iran and their team of fuckwit allies has been shitting on everybody's felafel for so long i dont think even russia or china would lift a finger to help them. it will break down into the dar al islam against everybody else, which will really be no change from the current situation except the state sponsors of terrorism will become legitimate targets for real war instead of "innocent victims"

those who naively claim the us started gulf war 1, gulf war 2, and afghanistan are willfully deceiving themselves.

gulf war 1: saddam hussein invaded kuwait an ally, and threatened saudi arabia, our "ally" of dubious worth. saddam was pushed out, and the war ended with a cease fire, not an armistice or a treaty. saddam made several concessions to stop his ass from being deposed, and kept none of them, NOT ONE! he never even stopped shooting at coalition forces or killing kurds.

gulf war 2: after 8 years of media apologist bullshit, Clinton doing his best impression of Neville Chamberlain, and Hans Blix and his bikini inspection team failing to examine the many "palaces" and "sacred sites" in iraq, the people were being led to believe that the sanctions (for iraq's willfull resistance to their own agreements) were evil. the 9/11 attacks provided a brief window of public outrage which would allow the US to actually enforce the cease fire treaty, and get that ass in iraq. the lame politically motivated half truths about WMD's (of which some were found, but not chemical, biological or nuclear arms) were a poorly thought out fig leaf to allow the US to do what needed doing under the cease fire agreement. unfortunately all the liberal hippie peace at any cost morons who proliferated in the aftermath of gulf war 1 (bush's "war for oil" that got no oil...) and their willing servants in the leftist press made any military action in support of the cease fire unpalatable before 9/11/2001, and rapidly resurfaced after the initial shock wore off. unfortunately after winning the war, we were left with no option but to indulge in nation building in a nation that was artificially created by imperial and colonial powers in the 1900's. the iraqi people did not largely want to be one nation, unless their individual tribe/group/organization was in charge. this plan is, and was always doomed to fail. you cant force people to adopt a western society. if they dont want it, the very freedom they have under a western system will allow them to establish the form of government they DO want. and in that region, its generally not what WE want.

afghanistan: osama bin laden WAS hiding out with the taliban. he fled to join his friends in pakistan when his cave got a little too hot for his liking, but unfortunately he did not leave a forwarding address. after kicking the taliban's ass we were left in the unfortunate position of having to indulge in another futile exercise in nation building, with no hope of any success.

these are facts. undeniable truths. play all the word games and semantic contortions you want, you cant change what really happened.


Well-Known Member
Next world war peace treaty will be moving us onto the new world order agenda. Of course after everyone goes bankrupt, and millions die not from the war, but also from starvation.


Active Member
Yup I mean WW3 but figured most people will just assume that its some form of conspiracy theory or something along those lines. And why would you want to support Israel? I mean I am surprised Iran has not attacked Israel or the US yet since they have had countless terrorist attacks against them (killing of scientist or stuxnet/flame)

Dr Kynes Gulf war 2? Your talking about the 2003 invasion? which was based on lies. You also failed to mention about the genocidal sanctions which killed 500,000 children apparently because of WMD and using chemical weapons against his own people. Even though the US was supporting him whilst he was killing his own people, heck they even gave him something like $1 billion 6 months after it. They also supplied him with WMD. Heck the US could have avoided the 2003 invasion if they actually practised what they preached. After the Gulf war the US encouraged the Iraqi people to overthrow Saddam once they actually began to, the US betrayed them and helped Saddam. One example being they allowed Saddam to operate during the no fly zone so he could crush the uprising they started in the first place. Also the people that overthrew Gaddafi are puppets of the US and UK so if the US tells them to join in against Egypt they will. And I only mentioned the countries I am confident will play a role and which side they will be on.

Afghanistan- Well who cares if OBL was hiding out with the Taliban. The Taliban told the US to provide evidence that he was responsible for 9/11 which they failed to do so, so the Taliban had every right not to extradite him. As shocking as it my come to some people the US shouldn't have control of a foreign sovereign country and the phrase 'innocent until proven guilty' comes to mind.

Psuedo-I agree its part of the NWO agenda which is to install a 1 world government, have you ever wondered though who will be elected as the leader of the government??

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yup I mean WW3 but figured most people will just assume that its some form of conspiracy theory or something along those lines. And why would you want to support Israel? I mean I am surprised Iran has not attacked Israel or the US yet since they have had countless terrorist attacks against them (killing of scientist or stuxnet/flame)

Dr Kynes Gulf war 2? Your talking about the 2003 invasion? which was based on lies. You also failed to mention about the genocidal sanctions which killed 500,000 children apparently because of WMD and using chemical weapons against his own people. Even though the US was supporting him whilst he was killing his own people, heck they even gave him something like $1 billion 6 months after it. They also supplied him with WMD. Heck the US could have avoided the 2003 invasion if they actually practised what they preached. After the Gulf war the US encouraged the Iraqi people to overthrow Saddam once they actually began to, the US betrayed them and helped Saddam. One example being they allowed Saddam to operate during the no fly zone so he could crush the uprising they started in the first place. Also the people that overthrew Gaddafi are puppets of the US and UK so if the US tells them to join in against Egypt they will. And I only mentioned the countries I am confident will play a role and which side they will be on.

Afghanistan- Well who cares if OBL was hiding out with the Taliban. The Taliban told the US to provide evidence that he was responsible for 9/11 which they failed to do so, so the Taliban had every right not to extradite him. As shocking as it my come to some people the US shouldn't have control of a foreign sovereign country and the phrase 'innocent until proven guilty' comes to mind.

Psuedo-I agree its part of the NWO agenda which is to install a 1 world government, have you ever wondered though who will be elected as the leader of the government??
iran is attempting to build nuclear weapoins despite being signatories to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, for which they received huge amounts of foreign assistance.
iran has declared publicly their intention to destroy israel, and their desire to acheive nuclear weapons for use against israel and the great satan (the US)

gulf war 2, electric boogaloo was couched in a few half truths and deliberate misdirections to gain public support for what was ESSENTIAL to enforce the cease fire. a cease fire is NOT and armistice. saddam never abided by the cease fire, and THAT is why he was subject to the largely ineffective sanctions. do you also weep for the millions of children in germany who died as a result of hitler's warmongering?

the US gave saddam nothing after the first gulf war, you have been told lies. the UN administered a program that let saddam sell oil and buy non-military supplies, all of which was used for the military and to enrich himself and kofi anon's son.

libya's uprising was not performed by US puppets, and in fairly short order they will establish anew government that will be just as hostile to the west as quadaffi, but maybe just a little better for their people.


looks like maybe they were puppets of italy. oh wait... italy cant even afford puppets right now.

the taliban demanded evidence knowing full well their "clerics" would reject all of it, as the words of a kaffir hold no weight in an islamic court. read the koran for more details. the decision to reject this blatant attempt to stall was understood by everyone with any understanding of moslem law and it's twofaced dealings with the kaffir. the pakistani amabssador even said publicly that the ruling "clerics" (mullahs is to prejudicial) had informed pakistan that they would not be turning bin laden over to anybody, but would only "ask him to leave"


bin laden issued videos and statements declaring that he was thrilled with the success of his plan, and just to put a cherry on top, all the top bosses were in his friends and family calling plan.

innocent until proven guilty is for people accused of crimes, not militants engaged in war against civilian targets from a distant land. had osama been in detroit or wyoming he would have been busted charged and tried, but he chose to hide out in taliban country. the talibs let him stay so they deserved to get their asses whooped. the nation building bullshit should have been refused. should have just got that ass and left the afghans to tend to their own problems as long as they understood we dont want to have to come back.


Active Member
There is no evidence Iran is making nuclear weapons just because your government says so doesn't make it true. I mean your government has said countless things which have turned out to be false and innocent people have died (gulf of tonkin + 2003 Iraq invasion). And no Iran has not said they want to destroy Israel they did say however the regime should be just like US and Israel has said about Iran but of course its double standards when it comes to certain countries.
And Yes I do weep for the deaths of innocent children regardless of race, religion or nationality, which clearly you don't. Theres a huge difference between the deaths of Iraqi children and German children. The Germans because of war, the Iraqi's because of lies by the US. And I never said after the gulf war the US gave him $1 Billion I said the US gave him $1 Billion 6 months AFTER he used chemical weapons against his own people.

And yes if it wasn't for the US, UK and French the Libyans would not have overthrown Gaddafi. For example there were SAS soldiers helping the Libyans fight against Gaddafi's troops. Clearly you know nothing about US intervention in foreign countries where they supply money and weapons to certain organizations to overthrow democracies, monarchy's and dictators.

Also show me in the Qu'ran where it states that a 'kaffir' holds no weight in an Islamic court, make sure you do that for me please and make sure its from the Qu'ran. And how could you possibly know what the Taliban would have done?? What would have been so difficult in simply providing evidence if they were going to war anyway? I mean surely any rational country would avoid war at all cost especially if they could simply provide evidence to another sovereign foreign country. Could have saved the US billions of dollars which could have been used for a better purpose and countless Afghan lives. Also the video of OBL came out after the invasion. Besides the CIA have admitted that they have made fake videos of him, so why should we believe this one especially since hes wearing a gold ring which is Haraam, got a tan, a bigger nose, changed his writing hand also the fact he denied he was involved before the invasion. I mean what kind of Terrorist would go through all the planning etc if they are just going to deny responsibility it just made the whole terrorist attack completely pointless if he did that.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The next war will be on people that eat too much sugar....it will be "for their own good" cuz Nanny knows best.


Well-Known Member
It will be Iran, the Russians have no choice but to intervine at some point in Syria and we wont send in anything as long as their military base is there. They not giving that up for anything so look for them to sooner or later get the fuck in there and stop that shit. Iran on the other hand is going to do something stupid like fire at one of our ships and that will be the end of that. I hope there is a plan to drop the bunker buster on the Nuke Facility after that happens. Once we get clearance I would bet we move quick with Isreal to put an end to it fast. With the Election coming up Obama is not going to want a long drawn out occupation like afg and irq. It will be quick surgical sites to criple them.


Well-Known Member
The next war will be on people that eat too much sugar....it will be "for their own good" cuz Nanny knows best.
They proposed a 15-30% tax on fizzy drinks here, to "fight obesity"...its to promote fucking drinking in the Parliment Bar on our money, thats right, we can't smoke pot but they have a BAR in our Parliment paid for by us!

The US can avoid this hypocritical nanny state by getting rid of the PC loving do gooder lefties, WE CAN LOOK AFTER OURSELVES!


Well-Known Member
They proposed a 15-30% tax on fizzy drinks here, to "fight obesity"...its to promote fucking drinking in the Parliment Bar on our money, thats right, we can't smoke pot but they have a BAR in our Parliment paid for by us!

The US can avoid this hypocritical nanny state by getting rid of the PC loving do gooder lefties, WE CAN LOOK AFTER OURSELVES!

Do you actually think that the GOP is not in favor of it's own version of a nanny state? A place where you can't smoke pot because it is bad for you and if a woman gets pregnant she has to be given reading materials or be invaded with needless proceedures designed to keep her from having an abortion? Oh you can't have a computer that might be able to view internet porn, that has to stop because the GOP knows what is best for your very soul.

And do you actually think the GOP has no PC proceedures? It isn't PC if you don't thank that soldier over there for his service. It isn't PC if you happen to say that the state may have had some influence in your sucess, It isn't PC if you don't wear a flag lapel or you don't put your hand over your heart at the playing of the national anthem. Don't kid yourself, PC is not the exclusive domain of the left and neither is that nanny state you are so leary of.


Active Member
Plain and simple... Iran is attempting to bring on the second Madhi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahdi and is very open about it..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36c4Kcr8jwQ (did not watch this video hoping it was the same one I had seen before) 42 secs into it..
which they feel can be brought on by killing 1/3rd of the people..
YOU may not believe this... BUT HE DOES!
Lool sorry bro but you are completely wrong about the Mahdi. I think your confusing it with the anti-Christ in Christianity. Also hes talks about getting rid of oppressive regimes e.g Israel oppressing the Palestinians or the US oppressing a number of countries. Which any person with a decent non-biased heart would want. And I do believe in the Mahdi because I am a Muslim lol Also the war with Iran has pretty much already started Israel and the US has been attacking Iran for awhile its just not publicly.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
There is no evidence Iran is making nuclear weapons just because your government says so doesn't make it true. I mean your government has said countless things which have turned out to be false and innocent people have died (gulf of tonkin + 2003 Iraq invasion). And no Iran has not said they want to destroy Israel they did say however the regime should be just like US and Israel has said about Iran but of course its double standards when it comes to certain countries.
And Yes I do weep for the deaths of innocent children regardless of race, religion or nationality, which clearly you don't. Theres a huge difference between the deaths of Iraqi children and German children. The Germans because of war, the Iraqi's because of lies by the US. And I never said after the gulf war the US gave him $1 Billion I said the US gave him $1 Billion 6 months AFTER he used chemical weapons against his own people.

And yes if it wasn't for the US, UK and French the Libyans would not have overthrown Gaddafi. For example there were SAS soldiers helping the Libyans fight against Gaddafi's troops. Clearly you know nothing about US intervention in foreign countries where they supply money and weapons to certain organizations to overthrow democracies, monarchy's and dictators.

Also show me in the Qu'ran where it states that a 'kaffir' holds no weight in an Islamic court, make sure you do that for me please and make sure its from the Qu'ran. And how could you possibly know what the Taliban would have done?? What would have been so difficult in simply providing evidence if they were going to war anyway? I mean surely any rational country would avoid war at all cost especially if they could simply provide evidence to another sovereign foreign country. Could have saved the US billions of dollars which could have been used for a better purpose and countless Afghan lives. Also the video of OBL came out after the invasion. Besides the CIA have admitted that they have made fake videos of him, so why should we believe this one especially since hes wearing a gold ring which is Haraam, got a tan, a bigger nose, changed his writing hand also the fact he denied he was involved before the invasion. I mean what kind of Terrorist would go through all the planning etc if they are just going to deny responsibility it just made the whole terrorist attack completely pointless if he did that.
iran is enriching nuclear fuel, has numerous sites which have been identified by UN observers as almost certainly weapons manufacture and testing installations, and the iranian government has refused to allow inspectors to examine these sites as required by the non-proliferation treaty signed by the iranian revolutionary government

iran's ahemdinijhad has REPEATEDLY announced his position that israel be wiped off the map. if you honestly want to pretend he hast said that then arguing with you is as useless as negotiating with iran's mullahs.

german kids killed by war with germany is not any different than those killed in war with iraq. the "lies" claim would be... oh thats right the sanctions were instituted by the UN not the us,, for saddam's refusal to abide by the agreements that kept him in power instead of hanging from a piano wire mussolini style.

saddam gassed the kurds who he did not see as his own people, but rather as useless mountain savages who did not serve his interests. he was able to keep his actions secret for a while, and his deterrent effect on the iranians was viewed as positive during that period. he was bribed to not join the russian's camp, but like all good despots he let himself be bought by both sides. did the russians also reward him for kurd gassins? nahh only the US is evil enough to salute the use of poison gas on innocent goathereders.

the libyan insurgents overthrowing quaddaffi were NOT PUPPETS they had help sure, but the US also had help in our revolution from the prussians, the french and the spanish. did that make the US revolutionaries puppets? of course it did. we're a french colony now oui mon frer?

i have no desire to go digging through that shitty book again, and there are numerous fatwas from all different sects of mohammedanism that declare kaffirs are unable to give testimony against a moslem, and a dhimmi must have his allegations corroborated by a moslem before he can be heard in a sharia court. as an unrepenmtant polytheist myself you can save that drama for your llama.

since you are incapable of reading, ill quote the relevant passage for you. regarding the talib mullahs intentions for bin laden.

"The Taliban ambassador to Pakistan is reported to have said that his government could not force Osama bin Laden to leave Afghanistan. According to a news agency report, the ambassador said a council of the county's senior clerics had ruled that bin Laden should be persuaded to leave Afghanistan, not forcibly removed." http://www.rte.ie/news/2001/0921/usreax.html

osama bin laden's own words and his own database of terrorists and money launderers is all faked by the wicked sinful CIA. nice try

gold rings are haraam. and so is murdering children, and plotting the overthrow of the house of saud, and growing opium, etc. thats the beauty of isalm, everything is both halaal and haraam at once. all the contradictions makes the koran a perfect way to justify any crime you like.

i wonder why you might be here on this wicked website dedicated to the growing of cannabis which is also haraam. also, you are failing to abide by the sunnah of mohammed, considering that mohammed had no interweb service.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Lool sorry bro but you are completely wrong about the Mahdi. I think your confusing it with the anti-Christ in Christianity. Also hes talks about getting rid of oppressive regimes e.g Israel oppressing the Palestinians or the US oppressing a number of countries. Which any person with a decent non-biased heart would want. And I do believe in the Mahdi because I am a Muslim lol Also the war with Iran has pretty much already started Israel and the US has been attacking Iran for awhile its just not publicly.
way to split hairs. there is no second mahdi because the 12th imamers believe that the actual original mahdi is hiding in a well (seriously, a well) awaiting his appointed time of re-emergence.

of course you believe in the mahdi, and iblis, and djinn, and that jews are LITERALLY the descendants of apes and pigs (Really, no joke), and the sun is the size of a peach basket, and it only gets dark because the sun descends into a pool of muddy water at the end of each day (no, dude, im actually being serious) and the sky is a big tent held up by the mountains, with many holes poked in it for stars...

suddenly scientology seems a lot more believable

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
They proposed a 15-30% tax on fizzy drinks here, to "fight obesity"...its to promote fucking drinking in the Parliment Bar on our money, thats right, we can't smoke pot but they have a BAR in our Parliment paid for by us!

The US can avoid this hypocritical nanny state by getting rid of the PC loving do gooder lefties, WE CAN LOOK AFTER OURSELVES!
Wonder if vegans will be exempt? When was the last time you heard of an obese vegan. We need calories any way we can get them.