GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiativeBy Ted Barrett, CNN


Well-Known Member
Washington (CNN) -- Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked the No.1 item on the president's congressional "to-do-list," refusing to allow a vote on a bill that would give tax breaks for companies that "insource" jobs to the U.S. from overseas while eliminating tax deductions for companies that move jobs abroad.
After 4 years odumbass has not created any jobs WTF do you think he has an idea now?
What about GE jobs in china odumbass buddy. What about GM building cars all over the world odumbass company, bought and paid for by tax dollars.
When I wrote my republician sentor I told him to block any more spending. Makes me happy.
After 4 years odumbass has not created any jobs WTF do you think he has an idea now?
What about GE jobs in china odumbass buddy. What about GM building cars all over the world odumbass company, bought and paid for by tax dollars.
When I wrote my republician sentor I told him to block any more spending. Makes me happy.


The economy disagrees with your assement
[TABLE="class: wikitable"]
[TH="colspan: 2"]Affiliation[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #3333FF"] [/TD]
[TD]Democratic Party[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]51[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF3333"] [/TD]
[TD]Republican Party[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]47[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #999999"] [/TD]
[TD="align: center"]2[/TD]
[TD]Both caucus with the Democrats[/TD]
[TH="colspan: 2"]Total[/TH]
After 4 years odumbass has not created any jobs WTF do you think he has an idea now?
What about GE jobs in china odumbass buddy. What about GM building cars all over the world odumbass company, bought and paid for by tax dollars.
When I wrote my republician sentor I told him to block any more spending. Makes me happy.

I almost feel guilty shooting a fish in a barrel. But its a nice morning on the back deck w great coffee and a fat bowl of Querkle, so I'm game.

Could you possibly be more off base and absolutely ignorant to facts?
The only reason GM even exists is Obama.
He's created more jobs in 1/2 the time his predecessor did

Yep, no GOP help on jobs bills. How many anti abortion bills has the GOP given us? How much wasted time on useless health care repeal votes? They made it clear early on that their #1 objective was blocking ANY progress even at the cost to us all.
I almost feel guilty shooting a fish in a barrel. But its a nice morning on the back deck w great coffee and a fat bowl of Querkle, so I'm game.

Could you possibly be more off base and absolutely ignorant to facts?
The only reason GM even exists is Obama.
He's created more jobs in 1/2 the time his predecessor did

Yep, no GOP help on jobs bills. How many anti abortion bills has the GOP given us? How much wasted time on useless health care repeal votes? They made it clear early on that their #1 objective was blocking ANY progress even at the cost to us all.

Shooting a fish in a barrel? LMAO

You just reinforced Newatit's comments, better come back when that bowl wears off amigo! LOL
[TABLE="class: wikitable"]
[TH="colspan: 2"]Affiliation[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #3333FF"][/TD]
[TD]Democratic Party[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]51[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF3333"][/TD]
[TD]Republican Party[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]47[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #999999"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]2[/TD]
[TD]Both caucus with the Democrats[/TD]
[TH="colspan: 2"]Total[/TH]

Nice wikipedia image, but what does it prove? The GOP still blocked the initiative....only 4 of them voted with the Democrats

I remember the last time we had a president to lower the deficit and actually improve the economy....he got blow jobs from white house aides and he actually got congress to work together instead of shitting all over each other daily.

A country divided is what they want, and that's exactly what they're getting.
Nice wikipedia image, but what does it prove? The GOP still blocked the initiative....only 4 of them voted with the Democrats

I remember the last time we had a president to lower the deficit and actually improve the economy....he got blow jobs from white house aides and he actually got congress to work together instead of shitting all over each other daily.

A country divided is what they want, and that's exactly what they're getting.

Your recollection of the Clinton years seems to be a bit clouded. Clinton's turnaround only started after the Republicans stood firm and FORCED him to implement THEIR legislation. Which is the exact reason EVERYONE talks about him moving to the center. Make no mistake, he went down kicking and screaming into the policies that both he and seemingly forgetful supporters, like yourself, now take credit for.

Kudos to him for actually bucking the suicidal approach that runs rampant through the Democratic party and listening to that which some of us consider common sense. The benefit of which is everything you tout in your post. Except who was really responsible for those policies, of course.
I think most people see how the GOP is doing nothing to help this economy. Their only mission is to make Obama a one term president...Fuck if it means they destroy America. That Kenyan born Muslim has to go. I mean they said it from the very beginning. The number one item is to see Obama gone.Nothing else...

I almost feel guilty shooting a fish in a barrel. But its a nice morning on the back deck w great coffee and a fat bowl of Querkle, so I'm game.

Could you possibly be more off base and absolutely ignorant to facts?
The only reason GM even exists is Obama.
He's created more jobs in 1/2 the time his predecessor did

Yep, no GOP help on jobs bills. How many anti abortion bills has the GOP given us? How much wasted time on useless health care repeal votes? They made it clear early on that their #1 objective was blocking ANY progress even at the cost to us all.

Why do you support obama, did he give you a 100,000 dollar job so you can watch porn all day or play poker? Did he give you 99 weeks unemploment? Did he raise your welfare check? Did he promise you health care at tax payers expence? Or maybe he promised to stick you in your monkey ass? Tell me what the fucker has done for you?
The boy has done nothing but divide the country. And he wants to take your rights away. And you still want to support him so tell us why?
Why do you support obama, did he give you a 100,000 dollar job so you can watch porn all day or play poker? Did he give you 99 weeks unemploment? Did he raise your welfare check? Did he promise you health care at tax payers expence? Or maybe he promised to stick you in your monkey ass? Tell me what the fucker has done for you?
The boy has done nothing but divide the country. And he wants to take your rights away. And you still want to support him so tell us why?

Your ignorance is showing...but thanks for letting me know all that I need to know about you.
Nice wikipedia image, but what does it prove? The GOP still blocked the initiative....only 4 of them voted with the Democrats

I remember the last time we had a president to lower the deficit and actually improve the economy....he got blow jobs from white house aides and he actually got congress to work together instead of shitting all over each other daily.

A country divided is what they want, and that's exactly what they're getting.

clinton did not lower the deficit, he increased the debt. when you claim to have created a surplus of income, and then spend that surplus faster than it arrives this is not reducing the deficit.

if you owe $5000 on a credit card, sell your old "vintage" bell bottoms on E-Bay for $50 and put it all towards you credit card bill, then charge $75 more at sharper image did you really create a surplus with that "surplus" money?

nope, you increased your debt, and now have some cool new nose hair trimmers or an executive desk toy.
Washington (CNN) -- Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked the No.1 item on the president's congressional "to-do-list," refusing to allow a vote on a bill that would give tax breaks for companies that "insource" jobs to the U.S. from overseas while eliminating tax deductions for companies that move jobs abroad.

fucking stupid tax breaks.
Well how come we still have over 300,000 applying for unemploment. I guess they just don't want jobs right. Fuck your charts goverment is the only hiring.

In short - my perception is more correct than your facts because my perception is in keeping with my narrative. Everyone is lying except those who say what I already believe.
I almost feel guilty shooting a fish in a barrel. But its a nice morning on the back deck w great coffee and a fat bowl of Querkle, so I'm game.

Could you possibly be more off base and absolutely ignorant to facts?
The only reason GM even exists is Obama.
He's created more jobs in 1/2 the time his predecessor did

Yep, no GOP help on jobs bills. How many anti abortion bills has the GOP given us? How much wasted time on useless health care repeal votes? They made it clear early on that their #1 objective was blocking ANY progress even at the cost to us all.

You run into a problem with what the GOP might consider a jobs bill. If they honestly believe that reducing taxes for the "job creators" creates jobs, then they can argue that they have indeed attempted to "create jobs".
Why do you support obama, did he give you a 100,000 dollar job so you can watch porn all day or play poker? Did he give you 99 weeks unemploment? Did he raise your welfare check? Did he promise you health care at tax payers expence? Or maybe he promised to stick you in your monkey ass? Tell me what the fucker has done for you?
The boy has done nothing but divide the country. And he wants to take your rights away. And you still want to support him so tell us why?

Divide the country? really? did you watch the little video where this fella outright stated that their first priority was to get rid of Obama? You don't think this is somewhat divisive given the fact that Obama was duely elected by a majority of the voters and by our current election system? No, Obama didn't divide the country, the GOP did, as they often do, by placing their party and their ideology above the wants and needs of the country.