VOTE NOW 2012 obama vs the opposition(republican cannidates)

who do you want the 2012 president to be: obama or someone else

  • Obama

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • Republicans (someone else)

    Votes: 54 65.1%

  • Total voters
oooooo and the race gets closer lol, so far the democrat party has yet to surpass the 38% approval mark... republicans still above 60%.

i really like this poll imo, i'm not too sure how accurate this will really be compared to the end results, but i know its better than the shite polls i see on tv lol
And have Romney's presidency begin? no one really knows what his plans are - except getting rid of the affordable care law.
I do not know anyone of adult age, poor or not, that does not have a picture ID.I know in South Carolina, the DMV will come get you & take you to get one. Still, the libs keep acting like this is some big inconvenience.
I do not know anyone of adult age, poor or not, that does not have a picture ID.I know in South Carolina, the DMV will come get you & take you to get one. Still, the libs keep acting like this is some big inconvenience.

And here is the same problem we encounter all the time - especially with conservatives, if they don't "know" anyone who has no ID then there must be no one in the country without it. I don't know anyone without a car but there are people without them. That is fine that they pick you up and take you to the DMV, but how about the supporting documents? what if they do not have, or cannot get those documents? what if those documents cost money? This alone will cast an undue burden on a portion of the voting public.

Finally, it does cost your state money to pick up these people - in an era when every state has fiscal woes, why would any of them spend money on a problem that has not been show to exist? namely voter fraud.
Yeah thats why my mom got a absentee ballot from the dems right!!!!

Amazing that she has been dead for the past 3 years.

Seems like voter fraud to me.
Yeah thats why my mom got a absentee ballot from the dems right!!!!

Amazing that she has been dead for the past 3 years.

Seems like voter fraud to me.

Let me see, you got an absentee ballot for your mom.

You could fill it out and send it in right?

Now how exactly would requiring voter ID have kept you from doing that?
I do not know anyone of adult age, poor or not, that does not have a picture ID.I know in South Carolina, the DMV will come get you & take you to get one. Still, the libs keep acting like this is some big inconvenience.

And they will take you even if they have to go out of state to get a birth certificate?

And they will do this all before an election as well?

Will they also go to court and correct the mistake 90 years ago in Texas on her birth certicifate that listed my grandmother as a boy?
And they will take you even if they have to go out of state to get a birth certificate?

And they will do this all before an election as well?

Will they also go to court and correct the mistake 90 years ago in Texas on her birth certicifate that listed my grandmother as a boy?

Now you are just being ignorant !!!!!
I said the exact same thing when bush was elected! wow was I right. Now I'm hoping Obama get's a chance to straigten it out. Republican policies got us here.
Lmfao!! Obama is doing nothing but making things worse. He's a bald faced liar, and hypocrite. I so love you guys, quick to blame bush who pretty much from the onset had to deal with 9/11 AND a democratic congress led by nancy the bitch pelosi, who should be hung by the neck for being a traitor. You are all idiots if you think Obama is anything but a liar who will say ANYTHING then after he's elected backtracks and sets the dogs loose - just like he did with medical marijuana. Wake up, democrats. While Romney is an idiot, Obama is no frigging savior, he's a lying asshole who needs a good ass kicking for being a former pot smoker now head lying asshole! I can't believe ANYONE associated with cannabis would vote for him, just cracks me up.
Lmfao!! Obama is doing nothing but making things worse. He's a bald faced liar, and hypocrite. I so love you guys, quick to blame bush who pretty much from the onset had to deal with 9/11 AND a democratic congress led by nancy the bitch pelosi, who should be hung by the neck for being a traitor. You are all idiots if you think Obama is anything but a liar who will say ANYTHING then after he's elected backtracks and sets the dogs loose - just like he did with medical marijuana. Wake up, democrats. While Romney is an idiot, Obama is no frigging savior, he's a lying asshole who needs a good ass kicking for being a former pot smoker now head lying asshole! I can't believe ANYONE associated with cannabis would vote for him, just cracks me up.

No im pretty sure the Republicans had the house and senate for at least the first term
And they will take you even if they have to go out of state to get a birth certificate?

And they will do this all before an election as well?

Will they also go to court and correct the mistake 90 years ago in Texas on her birth certicifate that listed my grandmother as a boy?

if great grandpappy had kept the light cycle more even, gam gam might not have gone hermie. thats not the election board's fault.
Libertarian-conservative-zionist-bible reader-potgrower-earth lover here..
I just as soon get along with or without or whatever government that is or that is without. At this point,I really have to wonder if we even need a federal government at all.
Relinquish power to the states to whom shall relinquish power to the counties, from who shall be personally responsible to the people they see everyday outside of a country club....
i liked clint eastwood's "go ahead, make my day" still sooo bad ass! i cant wait to see the democrat's convention im looking forward to that, it will be live on youtube so i dont even have to walk my lazy ass through the kitchen haha!