Scott´s OG and Rugburn OG from Rare dankness any experiences?

Did a quick search and there is only one and that being Scott's OG on another forum and they just sprouted so it will be a while.
i'm from colorado..
i doesn't matter how many lights he (chronic clouds) runs. if he grows good weed then that's all that matters..some dispensaries weed sucks what's that prove.. whether you grow for personal or for a disp., or run 4 lights or 10.
fact is, there are no grow reports or mature plant pics anywhere, except from rd and moon himself..
I don't know, maybe there is so much doubt in RD because of the fact that they came out of nowhere, seem to have a monster list of genetics. Something that would take years to do, not months.
Call it for what it is, but I guarantee you every strain they have is not tested.
Like 501st round of hermies lol.

And sorry I don't follow along the thread so closely because truly I am not a fan of the way it operates so why would I bat an eye in it?
Either you are a rep or a hardcore fanboy and you keep shitting on anyone's opinion that is negative about RD.

All of these things have been addressed. Just cause it's out of nowhere to you doesn't mean it's out of nowhere. I've been watching Scott grows since '02 on overgrow. He was posting there since it started in '99. he was breeding before that... So 15 years of breeding to come out of nowhere... He owned another seed company for a couple of years that was a colorado only medical seed distributor. That company turned into RD and launched officially 4/20/11. Scott decided to enter the Amsterdam cup for shits and giggles since he finally had a seed company and could enter. No one thought he would win, not even him. So now RD is instantly famous, and that was not planned for.

You all complain about no grow reports online. 8 months ago none of you had even heard of RD. Testers weren't sent out far and wide to bring some big marketing game to the forums last year, cause no one expected the demand that there is now.

Don't even get me started on the idiot with the 501st hermies and his back and forth game he played on multiple forums. I've got a friend with a bunch of mature 501st in veg, no herms at all. Let your fuckin plants sex themselves, don't flip them back and forth and stress them out. Common sense people!
All of these things have been addressed. Just cause it's out of nowhere to you doesn't mean it's out of nowhere. I've been watching Scott grows since '02 on overgrow. He was posting there since it started in '99. he was breeding before that... So 15 years of breeding to come out of nowhere... He owned another seed company for a couple of years that was a colorado only medical seed distributor. That company turned into RD and launched officially 4/20/11. Scott decided to enter the Amsterdam cup for shits and giggles since he finally had a seed company and could enter. No one thought he would win, not even him. So now RD is instantly famous, and that was not planned for.

You all complain about no grow reports online. 8 months ago none of you had even heard of RD. Testers weren't sent out far and wide to bring some big marketing game to the forums last year, cause no one expected the demand that there is now.

Don't even get me started on the idiot with the 501st hermies and his back and forth game he played on multiple forums. I've got a friend with a bunch of mature 501st in veg, no herms at all. Let your fuckin plants sex themselves, don't flip them back and forth and stress them out. Common sense people!
Idiot. lol.
Let the plant sex themselves? Sometimes I don't have time to grow monsters i want to know which ones are fermale and which ones aren't.
And you say he was instantly famous, well in 8 months i'd expect some pretty badass grow logs by now, wouldn't you?
If you read the RD thread I have clearly identified my connection to RD several times. I should not have to explain who I am every time I call someone out for talking shit with no evidence to back it up.
Testing, where are the grow reports?
Who's talking shit now?

Cute language for a rep aswell.
both of you guys made some good points and tbh instead of being defensive just come to live with the fact that there is no visible sign of testing. the best you can do is just stand by your product and if any problem arises just handle it.
here's a scenario:
funny thing is i asked Mrs Rd some basic questions about a strain or two and she has yet to get back to me with a definitive answer. i got the "i'll ask Moonshine" answer and that was it. but when i look at it from another perspective, from the little intel i gathered, is if there are any issues she's on it and i guess that's where it really counts. im not pro rd but they have left me with just enough assurance that i cant go wrong either way it turns out. hopefully that's truly the case and only time will tell. until then, good luck on your grow.
Its not the fact that they aren't tested that bothers me, its the fact that they aren't tested and are advertised as being tested.
Or having seen hermies hovering around.
Or the fact that whenever someone has negative input they jump down their throats and call them out. Or hide behind Scott saying he has a lot of haters.
I don't care about that, i'm calling it for what it is. I have no problem with Ms RD. Its just this rep that rubs me the wrong way every time an issue arrives.
At the end of the day we can agree to disagree no?
But facts are facts and as far as the testing only RD has photos of the finished gear on some strains leading me to doubt testing was not done.
i totally agree with you and that's why i said there hasn't been any visible signs of any testing on their behalf. ur also right about how some try to make others look like they're hating because others choose tospeak ur mind, but what i come to realize that it's the culture of riu. common sense is no longer common so there's no sense in trying to make someone see the obvious.

trust me, a few others and i see ur point. but we are far out numbered so our way of seeing things are always going to seem warped to the masses and our demur disposition will always be drowned out because we're "the last of the mohicans" so to say.

the flip side of things is, hey if they're untested and a problem comes up you will be sorted out. at least that's what i've been led to believe. if you find a winner it's a plus.
i think he was talking prior to rd initial release and also if you paid for something technically it's not a test.

With 95% of breeders its a test. I mean, how many IBL seeds actually sell by comparison? Not the mass commercial international market, but your average RIU dramatic grower?
Idiot. lol.
Let the plant sex themselves? Sometimes I don't have time to grow monsters i want to know which ones are fermale and which ones aren't.
And you say he was instantly famous, well in 8 months i'd expect some pretty badass grow logs by now, wouldn't you?

Monsters huh? How come all of my tangerine trainwreck haze just sexed by the time they were 14" tall? And that's an 80% sativa... Your plants not maturing until they are huge means they aren't getting sufficient light.

And he won the cup on thanksgiving day. First seeds dropped online middle of January. Not everyone pops their seeds the second they get them.. So we're talking a fraction of people that have purchased them have actually cracked the seeds they received 6 months or less ago. If they were waiting for OGs, most likely they just got them last month.

I don't give a fuck what you kids here at RIU think of me. I came here specifically because this forum is unruly and full of members expecting far too much of an international seed company that is still a very small operation. Keep thinking everything is untested... Meanwhile I already passed out testers 2 months ago of 3new strains not due to be released til fall...keep your eyes peeled for grow logs of Lee Roy, FloG, and walkers Kush.

Again... Just cause it's not on the Internet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Did you not understand the point I was making about not expecting to launch an international company so quickly? If that was the plan, there would have been test grows documented online for all of you children that need your hands held, but since it wasn't, the tests were done in Colorado at a few legal grows.
Wow you're a fagot. That was about a year ago and it was my first purchase ever. (and yes the CCk are rip offs from adam) I don't have shit to prove to you or rarely dankness. We KNOW your seeds blow. I don't grow RD because they suck and yes I've seen the strains even scotts blue and its fucking lame. You don't think pinkhouse was selling his seeds before the laws changed? and the 4 lights I have are for my personal shit, OBVIOUSLY!!! Megatron is for supplying the masses and my room is for me and mine.
Do you even know what PF2 is???
and Why is it many in the Denver area hate on RD's unstable F1 LARFY bullshit? How many seeds did megatron have to plant to find a pheno close to the bag seed amnesia haze aka Moonshine Haze? He's never blown me off. Planting 100 seeds to find a keeper is a waste of time and the truth.
and when did I state I was a Master Grower??

Why don't you come out here and we can blaze out some REAL OG moms like Oaksterdam or OG LTD??

I think OG genetics are the reason most if not ALL of RD got waived, just sayin

BTW quit equating the truth with hate. Some times the truth hurts deal with it.

Wow! Youre a homophobic biggot. Congratulations!
I don't know, maybe there is so much doubt in RD because of the fact that they came out of nowhere, seem to have a monster list of genetics. Something that would take years to do, not months.
Call it for what it is, but I guarantee you every strain they have is not tested.
Like 501st round of hermies lol.

And sorry I don't follow along the thread so closely because truly I am not a fan of the way it operates so why would I bat an eye in it?
Either you are a rep or a hardcore fanboy and you keep shitting on anyone's opinion that is negative about RD.

Jesus christ do you people even bother to research a subject before you claim to have the facts?
Saying that moonshine haze is bag seed amnesia is a straight lie. How can I take any of your posts seriously when you just take pot shots spouting lies? If growing out 5+ packs of amnesia haze acquired directly from soma and taking years to grow through them and select a keeper to breed with is bag seed, then I guess that's what it is.

So much fucking drama out there. the CO MMJ industry turns grown men into little girls.

Straight from scotts mouth. You and I well maybe just megatron KNOWS whats up.
what does anyones sexual preference have to do with the weed? huh? huh? oooh it doesn't.....ok, RDM remember one thing bud, all the kids on here busting your balls arn't the only ones listening.....some of us are serious growers that could be good customers some day and if I was Rare Dankness I wouldn't want you reppin' my co.this way that's for sure.....jus sayin'
what does anyones sexual preference have to do with the weed? huh? huh? oooh it doesn't.....ok, RDM remember one thing bud, all the kids on here busting your balls arn't the only ones listening.....some of us are serious growers that could be good customers some day and if I was Rare Dankness I wouldn't want you reppin' my co.this way that's for sure.....jus sayin'

There is no way I would allow him to be associated with my company at all. He is one of the biggest problems of RD from what I see.
If he is actually getting paid to be a part of their company then they are as half-assed as any company I have ever seen.