Scott´s OG and Rugburn OG from Rare dankness any experiences?

Monsters huh? How come all of my tangerine trainwreck haze just sexed by the time they were 14" tall? And that's an 80% sativa... Your plants not maturing until they are huge means they aren't getting sufficient light.

And he won the cup on thanksgiving day. First seeds dropped online middle of January. Not everyone pops their seeds the second they get them.. So we're talking a fraction of people that have purchased them have actually cracked the seeds they received 6 months or less ago. If they were waiting for OGs, most likely they just got them last month.

I don't give a fuck what you kids here at RIU think of me. I came here specifically because this forum is unruly and full of members expecting far too much of an international seed company that is still a very small operation. Keep thinking everything is untested... Meanwhile I already passed out testers 2 months ago of 3new strains not due to be released til fall...keep your eyes peeled for grow logs of Lee Roy, FloG, and walkers Kush.

Again... Just cause it's not on the Internet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Did you not understand the point I was making about not expecting to launch an international company so quickly? If that was the plan, there would have been test grows documented online for all of you children that need your hands held, but since it wasn't, the tests were done in Colorado at a few legal grows.

Hmm, even when I grew outdoor plants would take a LONG time to sex, insufficient lighting?

And Vertigo, when did you show up and i'll quote you " Mind your own fucking buisness"

Oh and RD MI,
By far the worst rep i've seen.
Also if you didn't expect to get so big, wouldn't you be over your heads? Not being able to supply the amount of beans that are in demand?
And from what I see @ the tude, everythings in stock.

You came here to lay down the law? Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Okay officer RD MI
Isn't that generally the process for every pack of seeds? Got anything constructive or helpful to say, or do you just talk shit about things you haven't grown?

Gotta love dudes ordering single feminized seeds from seed banks telling you which breeders and strains are worth trying. You grow a bunch of garbage strains and then tell someone not to bother to grow crosses made with the most bomb OG moms around. What a joke.

Personally after seeing how professional you act I will be staying away from rare dankness, Iv heard great things about their products and thought scott was the man after hearing him on JDR and thought his wife was a very sweet lady, but after seeing how VERY UNPROFESSIONAL you are acting to people I will stay away. Some advice: People will always hate but its your job to stay above that. Everywhere there are haters talking crap downing great products because they are jealous they cant afford them but you should stay clear from that, Ignore the Ignorant. But instead of that you feed right in to the crap and make YOU and the COMPANY you are here rep'in look like inmature children. I'd hope if Scott saw what your writing on here, acting like a child he would FIRE your ass because if it was my company I would in a heartbeat your making them look bad.
Personally after seeing how professional you act I will be staying away from rare dankness, Iv heard great things about their products and thought scott was the man after hearing him on JDR and thought his wife was a very sweet lady, but after seeing how VERY UNPROFESSIONAL you are acting to people I will stay away. Some advice: People will always hate but its your job to stay above that. Everywhere there are haters talking crap downing great products because they are jealous they cant afford them but you should stay clear from that, Ignore the Ignorant. But instead of that you feed right in to the crap and make YOU and the COMPANY you are here rep'in look like inmature children. I'd hope if Scott saw what your writing on here, acting like a child he would FIRE your ass because if it was my company I would in a heartbeat your making them look bad.

Acting like an ass is becoming the hallmark of cannabis breeders. I think it just reflects where we are headed as a society. Seriously, its easier to count the "nice" breeders and reps then the others. I think anger and pollen chucking must be cross linked traits or something.

P.S. the customers and those who never would buy are just as bad.
In think the nicest breeder I have ever met or talked to is Sannie. That guy knows how to treats people. Best customer service. Rare D MI should talk to Sannie and learn how to talk to people and rep a company instead of acting like your shit dont stink. Mistakes happen maybe the guy got a bad pack and thats why he said that, Its your job to make that right. Make the guy feel like it was just bad luck and next time wont be like that. Dont talk shit and make him look bad because thats your customer. He paid you!
I'm not specifically talking about Detroit Dankness there. He has never seemed truly over the top to me. And his arrival was on the tails of so many people being rude to Mrs. Dankness. That pretty much set the tone (right or wrong) for the RIU relationship.

But everyone should remember that not everyone with a complaint is a "hater". All products have issues and customer service is important. But in this business both the customers and suppliers appear to have a lot of growing up to do.
Acting like an ass is becoming the hallmark of cannabis breeders. I think it just reflects where we are headed as a society. Seriously, its easier to count the "nice" breeders and reps then the others. I think anger and pollen chucking must be cross linked traits or something.

P.S. the customers and those who never would buy are just as bad.
That can't be true cause I'm a pollen chucker and I'm cool as fuck!!
I do not directly work for RD as I've stated about 50 times. I'm friend's with them and I came here to help. What I do is not attacking customers, it's 90% straightening out rumors/lies/misconceptions about the company, 5% answering questions about the strains if I get to it before mrs RD, and 5% browsing the rest of the site to see if there's any redeeming qualities to RIU. Which there really isn't. This forum is a joke, run like a lemonade stand. How secure do you guys feel posting all of your shit on a godaddy server? And they don't even pay their bill on time...

I seriously hold back here. Come talk to me at ICmag and you guys would probably be in tears if you think I'm an asshole or abrasive here. I have zero tolerance for bullshit or stupid people. I'm not afraid to give my opinion no matter what. It's MY opinion, they are my words, not scott's. RIU just cultivates this culture of cluelessness and cynicism beyond any forum I have ever seen. I don't know how any breeder comes on here without their head exploding.
OMG what a dilluted arrogant asshole!! put me in tears.....HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH another child goes on ignore.
Heres an idea... Mind your own fucking business.

Vertigo... blue hash... chocolope... confidential cheese...?
Yeah.... Although this 'rep' does come across as a bit of a jack-wad (IMO).

"I don't give a fuck what you kids here at RIU think of me. I came here specifically because this forum is unruly and full of members expecting far too much of an international seed company that is still a very small operation. Keep thinking everything is untested... Meanwhile I already passed out testers 2 months ago of 3new strains not due to be released til fall...keep your eyes peeled for grow logs of Lee Roy, FloG, and walkers Kush."

This thread did have a buncha bullshit whining... lol
so no report?? lolz yes or no, i know were to get cali connection fem seeds OR raskal seeds for $50 for 25 seeds :p
just kidding im half tempted though after asking for the medical club discount as promoted lolz nevor heard a dam thing back lolz its to soon to start beefing lolz to each their own.. but lets see a report please :) i shure would love to see one.
I do not directly work for RD as I've stated about 50 times. I'm friend's with them and I came here to help. What I do is not attacking customers, it's 90% straightening out rumors/lies/misconceptions about the company, 5% answering questions about the strains if I get to it before mrs RD, and 5% browsing the rest of the site to see if there's any redeeming qualities to RIU. Which there really isn't. This forum is a joke, run like a lemonade stand. How secure do you guys feel posting all of your shit on a godaddy server? And they don't even pay their bill on time...

I seriously hold back here. Come talk to me at ICmag and you guys would probably be in tears if you think I'm an asshole or abrasive here. I have zero tolerance for bullshit or stupid people. I'm not afraid to give my opinion no matter what. It's MY opinion, they are my words, not scott's. RIU just cultivates this culture of cluelessness and cynicism beyond any forum I have ever seen. I don't know how any breeder comes on here without their head exploding.
You're so full of yourself, its kinda sad.
@ the bolded, how do you put up with yourself?
you keep spitting these "facts" with no proof to back it up other than to just believe it.
Whatever man.
If you we're a friend I wouldn't be acting like a tool as you are simply bringing RD down.
Vertigo... blue hash... chocolope... confidential cheese...?
Yeah.... Although this 'rep' does come across as a bit of a jack-wad (IMO).

"I don't give a fuck what you kids here at RIU think of me. I came here specifically because this forum is unruly and full of members expecting far too much of an international seed company that is still a very small operation. Keep thinking everything is untested... Meanwhile I already passed out testers 2 months ago of 3new strains not due to be released til fall...keep your eyes peeled for grow logs of Lee Roy, FloG, and walkers Kush."

This thread did have a buncha bullshit whining... lol

Could you rephrase the first part? Im too stupid to get what youre saying.
There is no way I would allow him to be associated with my company at all. He is one of the biggest problems of RD from what I see.
If he is actually getting paid to be a part of their company then they are as half-assed as any company I have ever seen.

Awesome! I didnt know that you were a peofessional breeder too! What company do you own that you would never hire RD at? Where can i find all of your test grows for your fire genetics?
Awesome! I didnt know that you were a peofessional breeder too! What company do you own that you would never hire RD at? Where can i find all of your test grows for your fire genetics?

Did I say my company is in anyway related to MJ. I do own a company and yes there is no way I would hire someone that caused more problems than he solved. If you are trying to make some kind of point, it failed.
Don't worry Vertigo rides RD MI.
S'all good though, and where are your fire ass genetics Vertigo?
Oh wait.
Could you rephrase the first part? Im too stupid to get what youre saying.
The Vertigo I know isn't stupid. If you're not familiar w those strains and are not from MI, then you don't know me.
Sorry for the inconvenience. A case of mistaken identity... Peace to all growing brethren.

If anyone would like to join... I'll be performing an exorcism on this thread at the next full-moon.
Scott should have had pictures of mature plants of all the strains he released, might of been good business practice, ya think?

I have only grown 3 of his plants, they paid for all the beans I can grow for years, so I guess I cant complain:)