I just read this whole thing...Hasbroh, I give you props this is a truly dedicated grow with ridiculous factors involved...I have def learned a lot just be reading this....I wish you a bountiful harvest my man!
When I get these compliments I'm so blown away, thank you, kindly.
Day 100, 7/10
Yay! Day 100! I don't know how that really matters but, Yay!
Ten gallons so far. 104, brutal work day.
Attached a temporary top shade, need a longer one. Will take a pic later.
I've been lauding the fact that we haven't had any seriously hot days yet, 110+. However, June had the most days over 100 in recorded history. I
thought it SUCKED!!!
Pics are pretty bad, phone can't seem to adjust to the lighting.
Tonight gave the two biggest plants two gallons each with 50 ppm fert. Set out sixteen gallons by the planter for morning.
I'm starting to think that the flowering plants are a good thing. One is semi flowering, the other is in pretty full gear , I think. They are 3 1/2 months old, maybe they are not all that far off. It will also allow me to harvest and cure a plant ahead of the others so that will give me some experience for the rest. My confusion is what fert to be using. For flower or veg? Don't want to veg fert if it's 1/3 into flowering!
Next year if I did the same grow I would plant four with an aisle in the middle and LST the branches to the outer perimeter shelf. I could access everything from the middle. Might start them later, also, for reasons of flowering (Rishi, not Krystallica) and height. This year's crop will be a bitch to access, there will be tied down branches everywhere. And about a 1/2 bag each of earth worm castings and Ancient Forest per plant for better moisture retention - tea sediment is also great for moisture retention I've noticed.
Day 101, 7/11
98 (oops!went to 102), 20s%, getting cloudy this afternoon. 16 gallons this morning, It feels much better under the top now. Probably won't do anything today, too tired. Swung a pick for four hours. I'm too old for this s%$t.
I really am touched by the few people that have left such nice responses. Being a new adventure, there are ups and downs and who knows what is to come. I sincerely hope my mistakes help future growers, particularly those attempting to grow in the desert. It certainly can be done. I think!
Reverse osmosis. Or as I like to call it, The Constantly Flooded Garage Thingy. Absent minded people should not be legally allowed to have an r. o. filter within a building. No need to expound. Update; just checked the ro, the 20 gallon container was so full the water was above the lip due to surface tension. No spills, heh,heh.
So, to paraphrase, Mandala stated not to trim many of the leaves from the buds of Rishi Kush as they have as much thc as the buds. Wonder if that's why I'm enjoying the new growth as much as I am and not because I get high so easilly. Hmmm.
Yay, I have caterpillars! Finally something to counter attack! Saw some chewing a few days ago on the taller leaves of two plants. Too bad such pretty lime green things are so destructive. So my game plan is a full on, straight in, no flanking, super aggressive approach - hand picking. That's right. Six of the little guys so far. One of them sang, "Don't Cry For Me, Argentina!" as he hurtled to his death.
3:00 pm, I think all five plants are flowering. Or at that phase just before, not sure since I've never really grown this stuff before.
Quick thoughts;
-Biggest Rishi, full flower, not popcorney but two to three feet per branch of fairly consistant flowers, about fifteen branches. That sounds as if that's a good thing, hope. Maybe one of these phone photos will be worth posting.
-two other RKs, one has been flowering lightly, other just started last nightish.
-Potted RK, just planted 2 or 3 days ago. Just started today
-Krystallica, in the middle, also started today, maybe yesterday. Much more foliage than RKs, pretty.
-plants are greener today, flowers also.
Flower Triggers; recent ferts (2-3 days ago), top shade (1 day ago), Last two weeks of monsoon humidity & clouds, two rainshowers this week, reduced light duration (very little but...), reduced light from side cloth also (2 weeks ago), actual age of plants plus accellerated growth from 24 hr. lighting?, high heat & uv.
-starting to think this is supposed to be happening... if Mandala has flowered in 120 heat and if the shade cloth protects the oils from uv deterioration... Feedback welcome.
Seven caterpillars
Sorry for the bad pics but they give the general idea even if you can't see all of the flowers. About five branches are bending against the shade top at 5'6" or 8". Need a pole in the middle and to lst.
"Tomorrow, tomorrow!,
I'll do it tomorrow,
It's only a day away!".
Perhaps this will help put planter/shade house into perspective; from camera end to opposite end is 12'. Shade sides left to right is 9'. Planter itself is about 5 1/2 -6' by 8-9'. Planter depth is 32+", soil depth 16" plus 2+" large perlite. Top is 5'6"+ from soil.
They used to be so cute!
The best shot I could get V
Day 102, 7/12
102, humid, hazy, some clouds, 18 gallons. 16-18 gallons is pretty good for the 60 cubic ft. right now. May have to increase if we get a real summer again.
Tightened up the top and realigned it so will probably leave it up and add some more cloth here and there. I like how the plants still get full sun at some time during the day, usually at an angle so less uv. I still have lots of branches down low and the sun penetrates down to them pretty well. I'm sure most growers would trim them but I like watching how well they are doing even though they do create some ergonomic issues. It's so nice to sit in the planter now, especially in the morning. Feels like I'm not in the desert.

Plants look really healthy.
This pretty little rock lizard keeps getting stuck in the planter and has been in there for two days. She doesn't freak out as much and just moves to what ever side I'm not on. I'm sure she gets enough to eat but wish she'd climb out, a roadrunner will snatch her in a second.
Day 103, 7/13
Friday the 13th, it's 87 at 11:30, 50% humidity, and mid 90s for the next five days. What the hell is going on!? Now I'm worried about getting too little sun!
14 gallons - played with different levels of vegging fert (Earth Juice's Grow) and flowering fert (Fox Farm's Big Bloom) depending on the specific plant. I'm sure an inquiry on the forum might change my approach. Might do that soon. The big Rishi is really going to town, lots of flowers. So, I won't really have a solid record of flowering days. I can get close enough. Lucky I listed total growing days from the start.
Started playing with tying the branches down last night to the recently transplanted Rishi last night. Pretty cool how they adjust so fast. Should get them all done in several days. Manuevering is gonna be hell.
I posted an inquiry re. the early flowering here: