mighty big heads out there and I aint talking colas.


To bad I didn't know this place was about 90 percent trolls and haters before I signed up. I am not here for drama. I just wanted a place to talk shop with other like minded folks. Some of the posts and shit talk is mind blowing. that being said this is the only time I'll talk shit. To the trolls, haters, and god complex motherfuckers.... I'll put my flowers up against ANY of you formentiond trolls, haters, and god complex motherfuckers' flowers in a Pepsi challenge any time you would like. I have 20 years growing herb and a degree in nursurey management. Oh, I was on a Hydro kick for a while and no matter how chronic the strain, Hydro tastes like shit compaired to the same strains grown in a good organic medium. That is why I stand behind TGA (props to Sub) strains and methods. He comes from the same old school mind set. There is a reason people have 2 ears, 2 eyes, and one mouth. Shut your negative shit talking mouths open your eyes and ears. You might just learn something cool. I am a small scale medical/hobby grower willing to help newbs not make the same mistakes I did when I was starting out... sheesh 20 years ago. It's not the quantity. It's the quality. I am new to this forum so lets keep things positive. No haters. sorry about the hps in a lot of the pics in my albums. TGA for life! In my opinion, the best genetics available.


haha im new and i do see alotta bs in here unfortunately., people need to smoke some weed and chil out.


Active Member
Oh, I was on a Hydro kick for a while and no matter how chronic the strain, Hydro tastes like shit compaired to the same strains grown in a good organic medium.

Bullshit. Try a blind taste test with your friends. I did with my hydro buds and they were raving about the great organic taste.


Active Member
To bad I didn't know this place was about 90 percent trolls and haters before I signed up. I am not here for drama. I just wanted a place to talk shop with other like minded folks. Some of the posts and shit talk is mind blowing. that being said this is the only time I'll talk shit. To the trolls, haters, and god complex motherfuckers.... I'll put my flowers up against ANY of you formentiond trolls, haters, and god complex motherfuckers' flowers in a Pepsi challenge any time you would like. I have 20 years growing herb and a degree in nursurey management. Oh, I was on a Hydro kick for a while and no matter how chronic the strain, Hydro tastes like shit compaired to the same strains grown in a good organic medium. That is why I stand behind TGA (props to Sub) strains and methods. He comes from the same old school mind set. There is a reason people have 2 ears, 2 eyes, and one mouth. Shut your negative shit talking mouths open your eyes and ears. You might just learn something cool. I am a small scale medical/hobby grower willing to help newbs not make the same mistakes I did when I was starting out... sheesh 20 years ago. It's not the quantity. It's the quality. I am new to this forum so lets keep things positive. No haters. sorry about the hps in a lot of the pics in my albums. TGA for life! In my opinion, the best genetics available.
Hmm I dunno man I haven't experienced any of that on this site. Just friendly people and a helping community. There's definitely arguing going on but that happens on every site, especially when people think they "know" the right way to do things :rolleyes:

Maybe your just a little too opinionated. Smoke a bowl, and relax.


New Member
To bad I didn't know this place was about 90 percent trolls and haters before I signed up. I am not here for drama. I just wanted a place to talk shop with other like minded folks. Some of the posts and shit talk is mind blowing. that being said this is the only time I'll talk shit. To the trolls, haters, and god complex motherfuckers.... I'll put my flowers up against ANY of you formentiond trolls, haters, and god complex motherfuckers' flowers in a Pepsi challenge any time you would like. I have 20 years growing herb and a degree in nursurey management. Oh, I was on a Hydro kick for a while and no matter how chronic the strain, Hydro tastes like shit compaired to the same strains grown in a good organic medium. That is why I stand behind TGA (props to Sub) strains and methods. He comes from the same old school mind set. There is a reason people have 2 ears, 2 eyes, and one mouth. Shut your negative shit talking mouths open your eyes and ears. You might just learn something cool. I am a small scale medical/hobby grower willing to help newbs not make the same mistakes I did when I was starting out... sheesh 20 years ago. It's not the quantity. It's the quality. I am new to this forum so lets keep things positive. No haters. sorry about the hps in a lot of the pics in my albums. TGA for life! In my opinion, the best genetics available.
just my opinion but it maybe your attitude that is causing these problems
u say u are new here and lets keep things positive after your ranting and raving kind of sets tone for u having problems


Well-Known Member
people only hate if your an idiot :p
got to say this is the best grow forum you can be on so you either live with it or go to some shitty other forum.


Active Member
I got a question for you, hope you can answer. Why do people think flushing 3 weeks takes all the staroids out of there plants, see what I mean they start using nuts as soon as possible. and then they think all those roids come out with fresh water with 3 week flush.


New Member
I got a question for you, hope you can answer. Why do people think flushing 3 weeks takes all the staroids out of there plants, see what I mean they start using nuts as soon as possible. and then they think all those roids come out with fresh water with 3 week flush.
cuz the plant uses up all the remaining nutes
but do what works best for u


Active Member
cuz the plant uses up all the remaining nutes
but do what works best for u

Ya I know it as to helps the taste, but the nuts are still in the plant.. and I'm not saying don't flush.. its just funny to think that a plant that gets roids there whole life. That some how they get flushed out in 3 weeks..


New Member
Ya I know it as to helps the taste, but the nuts are still in the plant.. and I'm not saying don't flush.. its just funny to think that a plant that gets roids there whole life. That some how they get flushed out in 3 weeks..
ok .........................


Well-Known Member
roids lol even "roids" arent "roids" they are hormones and not every one here uses hormones. hormones can come in 2 forms for plants naturally occurring and synthetic both have their uses most do not use them consistently so as to create toxicity and that would be impossible using naturally occurring hormones.

next thing is most synthetic hormones are useless in flower and the ones that are useful are only mildly carcinogenic so not much to worry about there as far as flushing well your answers have already been posted i don not do a true flush i just water plain water for the last 2-3 weeks.


New Member
roids lol even "roids" arent "roids" they are hormones and not every one here uses hormones. hormones can come in 2 forms for plants naturally occurring and synthetic both have their uses most do not use them consistently so as to create toxicity and that would be impossible using naturally occurring hormones.

next thing is most synthetic hormones are useless in flower and the ones that are useful are only mildly carcinogenic so not much to worry about there as far as flushing well your answers have already been posted i don not do a true flush i just water plain water for the last 2-3 weeks.
well there is hemorrhoids dont forget those