trayvan martin


Well-Known Member

look how far south of the T that dead body is. notice how far away it is from the sidewalk. even more damning to zimm are his keys way up north towards the T and eyewitnesses who described a chase going on.


Well-Known Member
This has to be one of the best trolls ever. Martin doesn't want Zimm to find out where he is staying so instead of running away to some safe place, he RUNS TOWARDS THE GUY CHASING HIM????

As for me answering your question, how would I know what Martin was thinking? You are the psychic one, you tell me.
i know you're being obtuse and flailing here to not consider that martin simply posted up in some place and talked on the phone for four minutes after losing zimm, it's getting kind of tiresome. i know if you had something ingenious to plagiarize, you would. sadly, this is not one of those cases where you can plagiarize something intelligent, so you have to resort to mental retardation as your defense.

now put yourself in martin's shoes, you're a human just like he is. what could have enraged a person so badly that they went from running away to attacking? seems like martin was more of the flight kind of guy and zimm is definitely more of the fight kind of guy based on his history.


Well-Known Member

look how far south of the T that dead body is. notice how far away it is from the sidewalk. even more damning to zimm are his keys way up north towards the T and eyewitnesses who described a chase going on.
OMG that must be, FEET AWAY!!! Oh the horror.


Well-Known Member
OMG that must be, FEET AWAY!!! Oh the horror.
zimm was totally just walking back to his truck like he said. that's when martin came from the south and hit him so hard that he flew 35-50 feet to the south in defiance of all physics.


Well-Known Member
now put yourself in martin's shoes, you're a human just like he is. what could have enraged a person so badly that they went from running away to attacking?
Well at least you are starting to make SOME sense here and have finally conceded the point that Martin initially attacked Zimm. Now that we got that out of the way we can get down to some brass tacks here.

seems like martin was more of the flight kind of guy and zimm is definitely more of the fight kind of guy based on his history.
Foot ball players who call themselves 'nolimits nigga' are all sissies, is that your argument? Overweight, balding out of shape men who can run like the wind aren't? That's your other argument, because you see, for there to be a chase there has to be people RUNNING and I know for goddamned sure that a 17 year old football player can run a shit load faster than some out of shape dude. I take it you never participated in any contact sports in HS? I definitely assume you never were on the football team, since you would know you get in real good shape practicing and playing. Or are Florida HS football teams really just actors in Shakespeare's Midsummers night dream and just playing the parts of the women??


Well-Known Member
zimm was totally just walking back to his truck like he said. that's when martin came from the south and hit him so hard that he flew 35-50 feet to the south in defiance of all physics.
30 feet? Mike Powell can almost make that in a single jump. I bet if I had my keys in hand I could throw them over 100 feet, you probably couldn't though.


Well-Known Member

i was totally looking for an address, bro. ya see, i knew the clubhouse's address, and it is on the same street as the one my truck is parked on, but i had to go back behind the houses to look for an address because that's where the nigg-uhm, numbers are. i have a terrible memory but i had the clubhouse address memorized. totally bro.


Well-Known Member
Well at least you are starting to make SOME sense here and have finally conceded the point that Martin initially attacked Zimm. Now that we got that out of the way we can get down to some brass tacks here.
no, that's your fantasy/delusion.

there is no explanation for martin going from running to enraged. there needs to be some provocation. what could have provoked moartin? perhaps some vigilante wannabe trying to detain him?

that's the only thing i can think of.


Well-Known Member
30 feet? Mike Powell can almost make that in a single jump. I bet if I had my keys in hand I could throw them over 100 feet, you probably couldn't though.
i know that if someone comes from the south and punches me, i always end up 30 feet or so to the south. the force of a punch coming from the south never sends me to the north, that would be too logical and logic is not zimm stuff.


Well-Known Member
no, that's your fantasy/delusion.

there is no explanation for martin going from running to enraged. there needs to be some provocation. what could have provoked moartin? perhaps some vigilante wannabe trying to detain him?

that's the only thing i can think of.
Blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate Whites murder Blacks.

What are they all so enraged about Buckster?


Well-Known Member
i know that if someone comes from the south and punches me, i always end up 30 feet or so to the south. the force of a punch coming from the south never sends me to the north, that would be too logical and logic is not zimm stuff.
I know you have never been in an actual fight, but let me explain that you can move a great distance and not realize it when you are fighting off someone, especially so IN THE DARK!!


Well-Known Member
I know you have never been in an actual fight, but let me explain that you can move a great distance and not realize it when you are fighting off someone, especially so IN THE DARK!!
i have been in fights. a fight ain't going to move 30+ feet like that.

not to mention witnesses described a CHASE. do you know what a CHASE is?

derp dee der.


Well-Known Member
the spent bullet casing is item #6. note how far away from the sidewalk it is.

oh, zimmy. you suck at lying.



Well-Known Member
i have been in fights. a fight ain't going to move 30+ feet like that.

not to mention witnesses described a CHASE. do you know what a CHASE is?

derp dee der.
The solitary fight you have had in your life was when you were 11. I suppose you had a switch blade and the guy you were fighting drove in on his Harley with his gang of pre teens armed with chains and baseball bats eh? Im sure that was one hell of a knock down drag out fight eh, age 11 LMAO.

How many more lies do you have for us tonight?


Well-Known Member
this guy agrees with london and makes a convincing case. no way he pulled that gun in the way he described.

I also want to go back to the idea of TM straddling GZ while punching him, and GZ being able to pull his gun. I find that to be a total crock now.

As I noted in the picture above, GZ shows EXACTLY where he wears his gun, in his waistband over his right butt cheek.

As I noted in a previous post, GZ could not be pinning TM’s arm to his side and with the same arm pull a gun. Just not physically possible. When his arm is pinned to his side, GZ cannot reach – let alone pull – the gun in his holster. Moreover, TM could never see the gun with GZ on his back because the gun would be between GZ’s back and the ground! Two impossibilities now!

But wait, there’s more.

As I thought about it I realized there is a 3rd obstacle to GZ pulling his gun while on his back with TM on top of him. See if you can figure it out from this representation:

As anyone can see the person on top will have their knees on either side of the body, blocking access to the waist and the gun, now firmly pinned to the ground. More physics comes into play since now the weight of the person on top is adding to the weight of the person on the bottom, creating a downward force on GZ’s lower torso of probabley over 200 pounds. You are not going to pull a gun from underneath that much weight, with one hand, from a holster (meant to grip the gun), on wet grass A courtroom reenactment will demonstrate the ignorance of GZ’s claims.

Also in GZ ‘s reenactment he claimed he slid down, away from the walk – which caused his jacket to rise and expose the gun. But if GZ was really being straddled, taht kind of move would push his waist further down between TM’s legs, making it even harder to snake an arm between the legs, under the back, through the wet grass, to the holster. So as GZ squirms feet-ward, he adds to the barriers blocking his hand from his gun. And the gun should have mud and grass in it from being pulled out.


Well-Known Member
The solitary fight you have had in your life was when you were 11. I suppose you had a switch blade and the guy you were fighting drove in on his Harley with his gang of pre teens armed with chains and baseball bats eh? Im sure that was one hell of a knock down drag out fight eh, age 11 LMAO.

How many more lies do you have for us tonight?
the LAST fight i was in was when i was 11, in 6th grade. i had been in fights before that, too.

witnesses describe a CHASE. a CHASE would explain why they are 30+ feet away from the T, where zimm claimed he was knocked down and then immediately straddled.

if you are knocked down and immediately straddled, how do you inch your way to 30+ feet down the grass in the span of about 45 seconds or so?

are you finally understanding why zimm is being charged?


King Tut
this guy agrees with london and makes a convincing case. no way he pulled that gun in the way he described.

I also want to go back to the idea of TM straddling GZ while punching him, and GZ being able to pull his gun. I find that to be a total crock now.

As I noted in the picture above, GZ shows EXACTLY where he wears his gun, in his waistband over his right butt cheek.

As I noted in a previous post, GZ could not be pinning TM’s arm to his side and with the same arm pull a gun. Just not physically possible. When his arm is pinned to his side, GZ cannot reach – let alone pull – the gun in his holster. Moreover, TM could never see the gun with GZ on his back because the gun would be between GZ’s back and the ground! Two impossibilities now!

But wait, there’s more.

As I thought about it I realized there is a 3rd obstacle to GZ pulling his gun while on his back with TM on top of him. See if you can figure it out from this representation:

As anyone can see the person on top will have their knees on either side of the body, blocking access to the waist and the gun, now firmly pinned to the ground. More physics comes into play since now the weight of the person on top is adding to the weight of the person on the bottom, creating a downward force on GZ’s lower torso of probabley over 200 pounds. You are not going to pull a gun from underneath that much weight, with one hand, from a holster (meant to grip the gun), on wet grass A courtroom reenactment will demonstrate the ignorance of GZ’s claims.

Also in GZ ‘s reenactment he claimed he slid down, away from the walk – which caused his jacket to rise and expose the gun. But if GZ was really being straddled, taht kind of move would push his waist further down between TM’s legs, making it even harder to snake an arm between the legs, under the back, through the wet grass, to the holster. So as GZ squirms feet-ward, he adds to the barriers blocking his hand from his gun. And the gun should have mud and grass in it from being pulled out.
Well shit, why aren't you being employed by the prosecution?