If you know for sure.. Lots of people around are bs.. There are good offerings from seed companies these days.. The thrill of finding a keeper keeps me trying at least 1 new seed every run
Yeah a lot of people here are bullshit, but then again a lot of people arent, its all about who ya know, and who is cool enough to spread the wealth. I have nothing against growing from seed. Its always an exciting day when you smoke some top notch, after an unknowen pheono type does you right.
i understand wanting to try some supposedly superior cut, but if you don't buy some great seeds, do some breeding, and have a virtually unlimited supply of plants just waiting to be planted, i laugh.
When breeding wouldn't you want to at least one proven clone for your female. If I was gonna do a seed run I would want to work from soild proven gentics. But thats just me. And as for a unlimtied supply you could say the same thing about having a clone. Get a clone, mother it, unlimitied supply of plants just waiting to be rooted

The last time I went from seed it took me 5 runs at ten seeds a run to find a pheno worth keeping. Lot of soil, lot of nutes, and a lot of engery aand to be honest I like the black widow pheono I got but I feel I didn't find everything she had to offer and thats 50 seeds later
If you run a perpetual, seed starting should be no problem and if your organized your plants from seed will file right into your rotation.
I run tents, 3x3(veg room) and 4X4(flower room) and a lil cabinet with like 300watts worth of CFL for rooting cuts and such. Now The cuts I take are all 4 to 5 nodes and 5 to 6 inches tall when I cut them I really just dont have room for seeds unlesss I wanted to stop taking cuts for about a month. So sure if you have the space it wont slow you down, but if you are tight on space it can be tough. I would love to do another seed run, but I like being well supplied in meds so