Thatsmessedup's Blackstar 500 LED, LST Grow #2


Well-Known Member
Day 49 Of Flower:
Hey guys, Iv got a bit of a problem that maybe you can help identify. Only one plant is showing these signs.

Day 49 Of Flower Pictures:


Well-Known Member
So definitely deficiency and not over fert? Might make sense because I only fed 850ppm last feeding. Now if I could narrow it down to P or K.


Well-Known Member

There's also a good thread in the plants and plant problems forum with pics. Don't really know much about ppm so I couldn't comment on that. It doesn't look like nutrient burn to me but like I said I'm also not a hydro guy so maybe something I'm not used to seeing. I checked the thread above and I don't think it's P or K deficiency now at least it didn't look like the pics there. Not sure what you got there -- any environmental stress?


Well-Known Member
I'm not great at diagnosing deficiencies but from that charts and pictures I can find that looks like a phosphate deficiency... Hope that steers ya in the right direction...


Well-Known Member
It looks like either a calcium defieciency or a boron deficiency. if it started as spots its calcium. If it was p they would bedark tips and edges.and light green and droopy. N def would be spotty yellow. Mag def edges yellow. Phos toxicity would look like over watering. Brown and dried out and crispy.


Well-Known Member
I would flush.......seems like you have quite a strong nute regiment....plain aerated water does wonders for plant health, defs are rare in soil.......try it once they dry out and see if it improves........good luck


Well-Known Member
Day 50 Of Flower:
I think the burning has stoped or at least slowed down. Yesterday I watered with plain water. I think it may have been over nutes. Thanks for all your help in the matter^^. I will keep an eye out. Plant #2 is definitively a different pheno then plant #1. Its just not as fruitful but it still looks healthy. They both seem slow to finish. The newcomers to the tent are growing rapidly and are just about the same height as my Great White Sharks.

Day 50 Of Flower Pictures:
Plant #1:P1013822.jpgP1013823.jpgP1013824.jpgP1013825.jpgP1013826.jpg
Plant #2


Well-Known Member
That price stays under 200 I may buy it out of principal :). If you don't mind me asking TMU, how much do you expect to get for it?

Edit: Missed it. But I really didn't need a new panel now. I think the person who won it is getting a good deal.


Well-Known Member
Day 56 of Flower:
I Just got back from my vacation. Plants are looking ok. I really want them to start looking ugly but I know I cant force them. I didn't think that they would take this long so I had to take out 3 of the new plants because there is no room to flower 8 plants in a 32"x32". Had I known I would have used 3 gallon pots instead of 2. Anyway, watered today with a light mix of nutes (probably around 400ppm).

Day 56 of Flower Pictures:
Plant #1:

Plant #2




Well-Known Member
That price stays under 200 I may buy it out of principal :). If you don't mind me asking TMU, how much do you expect to get for it?

Edit: Missed it. But I really didn't need a new panel now. I think the person who won it is getting a good deal.
Actually, I was hoping to get $150 and I got very close to that amount so I am happy.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes it does not happen for few hours and sometimes it happens after every 2 minutes. Please help it is led modules the battery very fast and led square light. Waiting for your reply. Thanks.
for the, reply to wait, square off for the module to led the light.

That help?

PS - I thought you would get more than $150 for that panel. I mean it still outputs almost double what a brand new Blackstar 240w would. I should've bought that damn panel. lol.