Thatsmessedup's Blackstar 500 LED, LST Grow #2


Well-Known Member
Jeez I hope my blackstar last,,, even though I am not using it at the moment (that's how I make it last longer), I still paid a fair bit for that small panel, and last time I checked it would stay lit when the timer was off . But not only this I mean the whole thing about LEDs is you are suppose to be good for years, YEARS! I am sure glad I got the 5 years warranty with FERO, 5 years is a long time and a lot of buds!! Sorry to hear about your loss I hope you will give LED another try! Thats messed up is right.


Well-Known Member
^^ Ya ill probably give it another shot. Not till I get some extra cash to buy a good solid unit though. By the time I pick another one up maybe they will be cheaper and 10 watt diodes :-P.


Well-Known Member
Day 60 of Flower:
Still looks like they are both putting on weight. After a close inspection I can see a lot of the trics turning orange on the tips of the leaves. The rest are 80/20 cloudy and clear. The pistils are still mostly white. Is that the case with these Great WHITE Sharks? To me, they look like they still have a few weeks to go. The colas are looking mighty fat, and I cant wait to treat myself to some.

Day 60 of Flower Pictures:
Plant #1:
Plant #2



Well-Known Member
I was just going over the pictures and I was wondering why plant #2 has far less tric production on its leaves. So I was looking at the pictures in high rez and noticed where all my trics are :o:-o
There on the buds!



New Member
looks like plants are needing more Phos Don't be afraid to hammer the P and K to her
also looks like its taking its time not to huge for day 60 how many watt are you running ??


Well-Known Member
Looking good tmu... I've never grown great white shark so I can't help you there. The girls look nice though. I like the lighter. I absolutely love the MGM Grand. Last time I was there the trainer got mauled by one of tigers the day I arrived. Good shit.


Well-Known Member
Day 66 of Flower:
They are finally starting to show there age! There are some orange pistils and most of the trics are now cloudy. Maybe another few weeks and they will get the chop. I gave them a healthy dose of nutes (850ppm) the other day with no signs of burn. Temps have been crazy hot outside like 95+ degrees. My tent has been around 88f.

Day 66 of Flower Pictures:
Plant 1:
Plant 2:


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, tmu, The girls are starting to look frosty as fuck. Pistils are finally starting to turn, So i guess that answers your question from last update.

Sucks having to deal with these temperatures. 84-88/89 has become my new "normal" - We had a storm pass through yesterday and now its only like 69 degrees out! Not supposed to go above 78 or so until Sunday or Monday! I'll take it no matter how short it lasts!


Active Member
They are looking nice man, looks like they might need atleast another week or so, when would you be flushing?

Peace to all, safe and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
^^ I think flush in 2 weeks and chop in 4. Either that or chop in 1. I will be out of town soon... Getting married! I dont think they will be done in 2 weeks but that is when my family is coming over so I cant chop them (too smelly). Will be out of town in 3 weeks so I guess chop in 4. I think they will be looking ugly by then :). That will put them at a little over 13 weeks of 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Day 70 Of Flower:
I got up early this morning and noticed the light was on in the tent. I looked at the timer and noticed it was not set to 12/12. Instead, it was set to 14 on and 10 off. I have no Idea how long its been like that. Everything is still flowering as expected so I'm not going to worry too much. Just set it back to 12/12.

Day 70 Of Flower Pictures:
Plant #1P1013964.jpgP1013954.jpgP1013955.jpgP1013957.jpgP1013970.jpg
Plant #2



Well-Known Member
Probably just slowed their finish time down a bit if it was on for a while. They look way behind for 70 days... it looks like they are gonna be 84-90 days they're at least 2 weeks away, maybe more.


Well-Known Member
Day 77 of Flower / Week 11:
Everything is going smooth over here. They are starting to get ugly!! For the next two weeks is flush time. I am too busy to take em out so here are the pics. Looks like it going to be a great harvest.

Day 77 of Flower / Week 11 Pictures:
Plant #2:


Active Member
Congrats on getting married, and congrats on the girls fattening with sugar frosting on top.

Peace to all, stay safe, and happy growing.