Did you jsut say "state parks, hospitals, schools police and fire are the first programs on the liberal chopping block"...I think you have that backwards
no, you want to think that liberals want to save the world and protect the children, but here in California, ultra leftist aging hippie Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown cut headstart funding so he could keep throwing cash down the rathole of high speed rail.
all public employees get benefiits cut, and mandatory furlough and even some furlough days in the schools. school funding was cut at the baseline (reduced levels of increased funding over last year), and public trransportation, parks and social services were all cut deeply, in this, the most liberal and democrat controlled state in the union.
meanwhile in sacramento.... the new plan calls for $6 MILLION A DAY in spending to create what amounts to an express train between sacramento sanfrancisco and los angeles. it will provide no releif from traffic congestion, no freight transportation, and no service not currently available from any airline or charter air service, or even the regular rail service.
so yes, the liberals in sacramento are sacrificing all their sacred cows to build a fucking toy train for the wealthiest jetsetters who dont want to have to go through airport security anymore.