Ok, now I know you're just stupid.
Do all governments "work?" Didn't it take generations? We could build another United States, Canada or other government from scratch. But we already have those blue prints.
Show me a libertarian anarchist blue print that works. Just because none exists, doesn't mean it won't. Unless you live in that society, you can't say. Your fantasy world where no corruption with government doesn't exist and can't.
If we went back in time to some of the earliest peoples, such as those in Sumeria, who would dream up the US constitution. No one would, because it didn't happen until over 3,000 years later. If you told a Sumerian about how our government workedm that person would laugh at you saying how crazy you are and that sort of thing has no place.
Where did you get libertarianism means without other's help? I think you're making it up. Libertarianism is all about personal liberty. Whatever bullshit you're saying ain't it.
You don't care what I believe in? Good, I don't give a fuck what you do either. But you have no right to stop me if I don't take from you. That's libertarianism. Leave my way of life alone, I will do the same. But you won't give me the same respect. You try to take from me by force, for others. Yet you're too much of a coward to steal from me yourself. You use the government. Then say it's fair.
Your government you advocate for doesn't allow me to do my own medicine. I'm supposed to bend over and take Big Pharma pills. If I refuse and grow my own weed, I risk serious jail time or possible death when I get raided. That's not my idea of fair.
You can't praise the good then complain about the bad governments do. It's all or nothing. Be a man and accept everything.government does. Otherwise you're a selfish coward. Even if you managed to get rid of all the bad you perceive in government, it's what you want. That's good to get what you want, but not at the expense of others. Because thosr others will fight you tooth and nail, like I do against your version of Robin Hood theft. The cycle just repeats. That's what libertarianism attempts to stop. Which no government can ever achieve. The only ones who can are individuals. If they so desire, they can work together, for whatever reason they choose, not what they're forced to accept.
Liberarians are for all people. Why do you hate people so much? Especially individuals who wish to live their lives in peace? Why do you want peaceful people, like me, harassed by a vindictive corrupt government? When all I want to do is help others, my family, friends and myself. What you wish is for my life to get taken away? Why? What did I do to you? I'm not wishing anyone to do bad against you. I'm not advocating people get rounded up from their life and hoping they can't live on nothing. That's only cruel you.