Bagseed Grow


Snapshot_20120702_4.JPGSnapshot_20120702_3.JPG Unknown strain from suspected hermi but what do i know... took from a bag of good midgrade... Anyone ever seen a bagseed with short broad leaves as such??
Snapshot_20120702_7.JPG Grew from a seed of the usual bag of bricky mex weed... it already getting a weed scent

All advice is welcomed


Well-Known Member


Weird right... But yeah they gotta be weed seed cause i got em outta a sack i bought
But it was only 5 seeds and i had a 100% sucessful germination i thats the amount i ended up with one is still very immature sprouted late than the rest...ill upload a pic of it!

But yeah tha last pic was from a bagseed of sum shit weed i had... i only planted it because the seed was big as fuck;-)


Well-Known Member
You should post back in a couple days with new pics.

I'm voting it's not weed but I'm curious. Do the stems both look the same?


Active Member
You should post back in a couple days with new pics.

I'm voting it's not weed but I'm curious. Do the stems both look the same?
The dude clearly said he got his seeds from a bag. Stop making him feel like a dumbass man.

You're doing ok man, don't let these haters get you down. Sure, your 1 plant might look a bit off but it still has the serrated leaf edges, new growth in the center, etc. For all we know this could be a super Indica strain that'll have you couch-locked...

Those leaves are fat as fuck though lol.


Active Member
I didn't realize I was making him feel like a dumb ass, certainly wasn't my intention.
Well, I personally hate when people undermine my abilities or know-how. Especially my plants too, my partner thought it was funny to send me blurry pictures of my plant and tell me it was male.. WHICH IT WASN'T. Motherfucker almost made me shit my pants, ya know? Just stuff like that, keep it positive. :mrgreen:


You should post back in a couple days with new pics.

I'm voting it's not weed but I'm curious. Do the stems both look the same?
Yupp regular mj stem all of them are purple at the bottom of stem...
Even tha last plant did but it doesnt anymore becaue its the oldest


lol im sayin it really cant be shyt else but weed, i seen them al sprout with my own eyes and gathered sheded seeds from topsoil of all plants
Juss never seen a seedling with leaves like this tho
But all i guess i can do is wait:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i got a freak one leaf plant too.. i named it swamp monster lol, cept mine went crazy after reveg.