Progress of the progression of liberalism ...


New Member
1. Repeal the 16th Amendment and replace it with The Fair Tax.

2. Privatize Social Security.

3. Allow school vouchers so that inner-city kids can get a decent education.

4. Teach personal responsibility in the schools.

5. Hold parents accountable for their children.

6. Eliminate illegal immigration.

7. Eliminate the minimum wage.

8. Return to honest (gold backed) money.

10. Return to private banking.

11. Abandon the Drug War.

12. Eliminate taxes on production, capital, achievement and profit.

There's twelve ideas for you that would "improve the status quo" and "help humanity." Want to add any? :mrgreen:

Actually, I'd like to eliminate all but 4. The other 8 would be good for rich people but not so good for the rest of America.


New Member
The Dankster sez ...

"Vi your living a pipedream and it will never happen, it's time to except reality."

That's what the Redcoats said to the Colonists.




Well-Known Member
It's much more complex these days as compared to the days of yore. Neither side will do as you suggest, the Republicans/conservative talk a good line but in reality wouldn't change a thing. It would change their grip on power with in society.
The Democrats/Liberals won't do it for all the same reasons.
It's a flip side to the same coin.

To be honest, there is no such thing as a true Conservative (ideal wise) or a true Liberal (Ideal wise) in Washington anymore.... It's all about power, money and their own pet agendas.


New Member
It's much more complex these days as compared to the days of yore. Neither side will do as you suggest, the Republicans/conservative talk a good line but in reality wouldn't change a thing. It would change their grip on power with in society.
The Democrats/Liberals won't do it for all the same reasons.
It's a flip side to the same coin.

To be honest, there is no such thing as a true Conservative (ideal wise) or a true Liberal (Ideal wise) in Washington anymore.... It's all about power, money and their own pet agendas.
Well, I couldn't agree with you more, Dankster.

But ... are Republicans conservatives? I'd have to say, based upon their performance since Bush has been in office, the answer would be an emphatic no.



Well-Known Member
Well today was to be my day off, but it seems as though I'm going to have to go in this evening and work.....
Fuck I hate doing Hotel Work, nit picking bastards.

Oh well, it won't take too long to do tile in two rooms.


Well-Known Member
It's much more complex these days as compared to the days of yore. Neither side will do as you suggest, the Republicans/conservative talk a good line but in reality wouldn't change a thing. It would change their grip on power with in society.
The Democrats/Liberals won't do it for all the same reasons.
It's a flip side to the same coin.

To be honest, there is no such thing as a true Conservative (ideal wise) or a true Liberal (Ideal wise) in Washington anymore.... It's all about power, money and their own pet agendas.

I just put bells on that.

However, I'm almost exactly in line with Vi, and I'll work to change it. I don't have high hopes, but hey, nothing ventured nothing gained, right?


New Member

I just put bells on that.

However, I'm almost exactly in line with Vi, and I'll work to change it. I don't have high hopes, but hey, nothing ventured nothing gained, right?

And there you have it folks, the ViMaiden erupts. My dear, you have confirmed my most callous suspicions. I shall hereafter take your postings with a giant grain of salt, haarruumph. (old man sound)


Well-Known Member
And there you have it folks, the ViMaiden erupts. My dear, you have confirmed my most callous suspicions. I shall hereafter take your postings with a giant grain of salt, haarruumph. (old man sound)
Oh don't be like that, Med..

We know you have your own little liberal army.

Speaking of that, I wonder where they went.. It's been awhile since they've jumped me, probably researching a new site to quote insults off of..


New Member
Oh don't be like that, Med..

We know you have your own little liberal army.

Speaking of that, I wonder where they went.. It's been awhile since they've jumped me, probably researching a new site to quote insults off of..

Don't fret, I found a site (Thanks to dank) that can refute every Bush contention on the planet, geeze, all this on one site, it's a virtual bonanza. ~LOL~.