This is.. yours was one of those posts to which just about any response seems trite. I cannot even BEGIN to comprehend your pain, your wife's pain, I can understand her desire to be with your son, completely. I read your post soon after I'd been discussing with a friend an awful night dive I did with my youngest son, how close I thought I was to having lost him (he disappeared into that inky black water), all that went through my mind.
Yeah, that had to be incredibly difficult to write, to dredge up. I've got all these damned cliches running through my head right now, and.. damned cliches.
I don't think there is anything I, or anyone else, can say that is really... appropriate. Except this, I am very, very glad that you and your wife got through this and are still here. You strike me as a well-considered man, so your wife must be of the same caliber, which means you're both the kind of people we need here on earth, with the rest of us, to help whoever needs help slogging through. Clearly, you've touched more people than you may have intended, and that's a good thing.