Moving to Texas...any tips?


Wow, shame on you for posting my actual pic here ;) security breach! guess that's what I get for defending you on multiple other threads, never saying a rude word to you and offering to hook you up if you ever visited Austin. Hope you don't believe in karma.
Wow, shame on you for posting my actual pic here ;) security breach! guess that's what I get for defending you on multiple other threads, never saying a rude word to you and offering to hook you up if you ever visited Austin. Hope you don't believe in karma.
Kharma applies to the next life.

Not this one, Pee Wee.

Keep Austin Weird.
Here's mine... DON'T!!!!!!

I have to say if you're a serious grower, you look like a pothead OR you do stupid shit when you're high in public -- you probably should think twice about moving here. That's why I'm leaving -- love to grow as much as I do to smoke. In the immortal words of the late, great Rodney King -- "Can we all get along?" Now remind me where in texas it was he got beat down again?
move to austin... we loooooooooooooooves us some gays here ;) and some hipsters. potheads still verboten.

Had my go at the concrete jungles,just not for me.I love the outdoor life,but im 50 so time to chill with my lake friends.I never get in traffic and thats a major plus for me,as i tend to get Beechy just going to Dallas!!