A Tale of The Tape HPA vs 21st Century Flood and Drain


Active Member
wont save you from the bugs, and it does give you tons more control on what you feed the plants
It sure will when the bugs have just taken a free ride from the hydro store back to your house in a new bag of FFOF. I have zero problems with bugs. This was an internal sabotage. It ain't the first time either. Thanks FF!

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
I've been really fortunate to never have any amount of bothersome pests- never even seen a spidermite in real life thank god. Worst case scenario is ants sometimes live in my pots and my plumeria trees are susceptible to whitefly. I keep my pots upstairs on a balcony so perhaps it keeps them up above where some of them will come. There is something you could probably do to sterilize your soil. You could lay it out on a flat surface like a slab or wherever makes sense. Mist it with water then cover with a clear sheet of plastic like a disposable painter's tarp and let it heat up in the sun for a few days. It should get hot and steamy enough to kill everything that might be an issue including weed seeds. I have a pressure cooker and have considered sterilizing some iffy soil with it, but it would take a while to sterilize more than a pot's worth as it only holds 8 quarts. :)


Active Member
I've been really fortunate to never have any amount of bothersome pests- never even seen a spidermite in real life thank god. Worst case scenario is ants sometimes live in my pots and my plumeria trees are susceptible to whitefly. I keep my pots upstairs on a balcony so perhaps it keeps them up above where some of them will come. There is something you could probably do to sterilize your soil. You could lay it out on a flat surface like a slab or wherever makes sense. Mist it with water then cover with a clear sheet of plastic like a disposable painter's tarp and let it heat up in the sun for a few days. It should get hot and steamy enough to kill everything that might be an issue including weed seeds. I have a pressure cooker and have considered sterilizing some iffy soil with it, but it would take a while to sterilize more than a pot's worth as it only holds 8 quarts. :)
I'm done with soil. It's bontanicare coco gro all the way for me now. That and hydro. I just haven't been able to mix hydro and soil in the same place without complete destruction so I have to stop one or the other. Bye bye soil. All my fresh cuttings are doing well after day 1. I've been having really good luck rooting directly into coco gro. I wish I would done that yesterday instead of using these stupid root riot cubes. I only get about 50% success rate in those. Shit, what was I thinking. Oh yeah, I wanted to transplant into a flood and drain and those root riots make it easy.


Active Member
live an learn right? i know FF and roots both suck ive gotten bugs from both. will never buy a bagged soil again personally.
I've successfully gotten bugs from every MF'in bag of soil there is except "miracle grow moisture control potting soil". I don't really like using it though. The pro-mix I just bought a few months ago was like dried up dust too so I'm not going back that route either. My plants hated it. I too will never buy another bag of soil.


Active Member
I've been really fortunate to never have any amount of bothersome pests- never even seen a spidermite in real life thank god. Worst case scenario is ants sometimes live in my pots and my plumeria trees are susceptible to whitefly. I keep my pots upstairs on a balcony so perhaps it keeps them up above where some of them will come. There is something you could probably do to sterilize your soil. You could lay it out on a flat surface like a slab or wherever makes sense. Mist it with water then cover with a clear sheet of plastic like a disposable painter's tarp and let it heat up in the sun for a few days. It should get hot and steamy enough to kill everything that might be an issue including weed seeds. I have a pressure cooker and have considered sterilizing some iffy soil with it, but it would take a while to sterilize more than a pot's worth as it only holds 8 quarts. :)
Oh yeah, I coulda pasturized the shit in my oven, come to think of it, that's what I was gonna do and I forgot. I've pasturized quite a bit of soil in my oven over the years growing mushrooms and never had one bug. I gotta start writing things down more. Sorry for the triple post, I'm kinda new to the whole forum thing. I just started a new thread for anyone to take part in. It's for general discussion of everything kinda like we've been doing here in PF's journal. lol, here's the link. Take note I have a tendency to miss a few keys here and there.
Link Link, https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/540222-not-just-one-subjec-thread.html#post7634083


Well-Known Member
I really appreciate you moving non journal stuff elsewhere. There are people here who are focused on my results not shop talk


Well-Known Member
I'm still looking for my next light. Been leaning toward an Inda-Grow, until I read this. Can somebody elaborate, put it in lay people perspective?

I don't think i`d want to be spending a lot of time in the near field of what is effectively a 2.65mhz transmitter/antenna operating at several hundred watts ;)


Active Member
I'm still looking for my next light. Been leaning toward an Inda-Grow, until I read this. Can somebody elaborate, put it in lay people perspective?

I don't think i`d want to be spending a lot of time in the near field of what is effectively a 2.65mhz transmitter/antenna operating at several hundred watts ;)
sounds like a cellphone tower? a guess anyway


Well-Known Member

Here is IGs reply

I don’t know where he got that information. We’re running the drivers @ 240 kHz. To equate that with AM radio bandwidth; @ 560 kHz we operate at less than half that bandwidth.

In lay people terms what it really means is that when compared to 60hZ magnetic or 50kHz digital ballasts we simply operate at a much lower current but a higher frequency to excite the gasses via the two coils that wrap around the glass bulb. The driver, cable and coils are all insulated and we meet all FCC standards for EMF suppression which without the use of electrodes is exceptionally energy and PAR efficient when compared to electrode style lamps.

Hope that helps

Darryl Cotton

EDIT: I picked up a potential tip from a IG v hps YT video. For those who use IG for the first time, on a strain they are familiar growing, the IG may not do as well as advertised. HOWEVER, it seems the next gen of clones (and likely seeds) will be acclimated to the IG bulb spectral balance and then outperform 1000w



Well-Known Member
great vid made a great point that i have fought b4, how can these horticultural call their bulbs horticultural when they cut out spectrum?(UV)


Well-Known Member
I see this as a good thing, especially since you only want it 5 hours a day, so it needs to be on it's own circuit and timer

The problem I have had was finding this relatively specific info. Too bad he neglected to discuss how much, but hopefully someone will fill in the blank


Well-Known Member
he recommended 5 hours a day min, i run mine as much as possible(8 hours currently and once the temps go down, back to 11 with my normal lights. i keep the CFL uv lights running all 11 tho, i had heard it increased potency but i LOVE/ how he went detailed into the function of a tricomb and the relation it has to light.

tbh petflora i think he pretty much covered everything the newbie UV user needs to know but he failed to mention other thc molecules(thcv) and more specifics, like your are saying, in the transformaiton of cbd to thc. i agree i hope someone who has a powerful microscope looks into this more.

i cant see any reasons other than elec saving and heat to run your UV sources less than your other bulbs.​


Kite High

Well-Known Member
200-400 uw/cm2 and UVB exposure time same as regular lighting produces the attenuations sought. You must adjust the intensity to the plant to not reduce yields. Sativas effects more pronounced than indicas and can take more intensity. Thcv in certain strains are the most noticible increase. Which is why I went the route in the first place. I love trippy weed. Hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
FYI: and let me state this could be totally coincidental, but prior to switching to V & B (it has Si) ~ 4 weeks ago, I was using DM Silica. Now I am dealing with a Spider Mite infestation. I sprayed them with natural soapy water and let it soak for 30 minutes, then spray rinsed. One problem is that the buds are heavy and long, so it is tough to get to the undersides without breaking the bud stalks.

Today will start using DE, which will kill the rest, but creates a cloud so need to wear eye protection + mask so I don't inhale it. It's not bad for you, but inhaling could cause coughing

Silica makes the leaves and stalks tougher- less SM friendly

So today, I added 5mls of DM to 4G of fresh nutes.

Just heard from Chris, he says V+B has ample Si.

Still dialing in the pause cycle to my roots. Today's' photos not much different than a few days ago. since then I have added 3 more minutes to pause (dry) period. Now 7 seconds/18 minutes:15

The white roots are relatively new. Many have root hairs, though not up to par yet


The next photo is the large plant in hpa. The main cola is forearm size. She has fattened up considerably on HR V + B


The following are all of Big Girl. The first 3 were taken today- post SM bath



These were taken yesterday just before soaping her down to attack the SMs. You might note they were perkier, so will take a few days to recover.



Active Member
The point he was making is biggest bang for the buck is 5 hours mid-day
I thought you were talking about IR at first. I've tried the UVB addition to my garden, but I didn't see a huge difference. I didn't have a good strain at the time though. I have the Arcata T5 HO reptile lamps. I'm gonna try running them again when I get to that point. I'm also going to add 2 x 100w GE Reveal Halogen Incs to my grow. I have been reading that the addition of 730nm light will increase the growth rate by up to 30%. This is gonna be interesting.