There's some major cunts and assholes on here


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight...Not only did padawanismyhoe get banned already, they've deleted all his posts except for the posts people have quoted? Phew...What the hell did I miss?
yeh his posts were deleted hours ago , the walls have eyes and ears i guess lol


Well-Known Member
nooblet will be back when he works out how to change his ip address i guess ..
idiots like that can never hide lol


Well-Known Member
i dunno m8 .. stupid people like him can upset themselves over the slightest thing
he gets out of the wrong side of the bed on the daily , ghetto style of course
no loss


Well-Known Member
i dunno m8 .. stupid people like him can upset themselves over the slightest thing
he gets out of the wrong side of the bed on the daily , ghetto style of course
no loss
Is that what happens when you try to put your pants on two legs at a time, instead of one leg at a time?

It's funny, cause I logged in today when I woke up, and saw Kuroi sticking up for me, but I couldn't find the post until I went further ahead and saw it was quoted. Thanks Kuroi. :)


Well-Known Member
Interesting how this has progressed, his claims from the snitch thread to now you have info on him too. ;-)

Good job
It's pretty funny. He was hellbent on slander but it turns out he was a sweet young man that just felt all hurt and angry. But he did sign up for his email with his full name lol Of course I WOULD NOT disclose this without his consent but we've reached a mutual understanding. It just goes to show what can happen when you 'offer someone an olive branch'. I threw the Skype invite out there to prove I had nothing to hide and he's agreed to stop the trolling. I'm under the impression he was trolled to begin with with some sensitive material but that happens on this forum and you REPORT instead of making things escalate like that...

Eh? Meta? I didn't have sexy time with him lol. The first thing I said was 'All this drama.. what's the real reason, honey?' *explanation from him I will not disclose* 'That's understandable if he genuinely did say something to offend you but trolling the whole freaking board isn't the most mature way to go about things is it ^^;' and the rest was chit chat.