There's some major cunts and assholes on here


Well-Known Member
Every I-phone app is for trolling. the biggest troll of all is convincing half the planet to buy a shitty phone with a shitty video screen for 40x more than it costs to make. plus the battery is non-replaceable.
but you still own one right ?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
but you still own one right ?
nope. i got a seven year old motorola, and its a candybar, not even a razor. i like a phone that phones, and doesnt break if i drop it off a tractor. or hold cow shit in between the foldy bits.

it's actually the phone i got free when i started my cell phone service for the first time ever. course i still carry the pocket knife my grandpappy gave me when i was 8 years old (back in the late 70's) so whats that say? shit even my guitar is older than most of the people on this forum, myself included. (late 60's)


Well-Known Member
you don't mind being choked , but you WILL NOT piss on anyone, LOL thanks for that, made me chuckle

whats your favorite colour ?
I wonder sometimes, if I am too honest for my own good? I try to do it tastefully... My favorite color is... um.... (ellipses, evidently lol) I think. I wear a combination of black and white/red/purple/pink most of the time and ma says red suits my complexion.

Every I-phone app is for trolling. the biggest troll of all is convincing half the planet to buy a shitty phone with a shitty video screen for 40x more than it costs to make. plus the battery is non-replaceable.
Aw... I loves my iPhone... have you seen the photos I've taken with it? It's a big help at school, it's my notebook, dictaphone, guitar tuner, radio, amplifier, TAB library, it has an app that recognizes songs you don't know the name of but can hum/sing, camera, GPS, mobile browsing device, games, digital library, magnifier (I have VPD so it helps me read), spare TV remote, doodle pad, translator etc.. I'm on that thing 24/7 be it just for fun or having my notes sync to my email whilst I give clients a slideshow... I don't know about you but we acquired one for next to nothing on contract and as someone upgraded someone else in the family got themselves a nifty secondhand iphone..

My guitar (one, anyway) is definitely older than me... I'm 19 and it's a late 70's Squier strat.


Well-Known Member
i hate apple . . they are the special child, a unique sno (cough)-whiney redheaded shouda been beat step child(cough) . .
That is two of your posts i have liked already, ... perhaps not all folk in this section of RIU are imbeciles after all
UB there is hope for you yet little fella ... good luck with the clones LOL

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
That is two of your posts i have liked already, ... perhaps not all folk in this section of RIU are imbeciles after all
UB there is hope for you yet little fella ... good luck with the clones LOL
wow . .slow down there .. .you should read my other post before, you might have to wash those hands and eyes . . .and back of ears. . . .i like to think of myself as the golden hunch back of RIU, most would call me a baffon . . .. but in retort id have to say cram it with walnuts


Well-Known Member
I was quite happy with the 3Gs but mama wanted a 4s for work (we both work in video production) so she sold the blu-ray player we got free with the TV we bought with electrical store coupons from the first phone company who took too long to fix our poor reception *breathes* then gave me her old iPhone 4. This is fantastic because it has alot of Apps we use in the studio, like the Time Lapse and teleprompter.

But I think skunkd0c won't like me anymore now...

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i love my matrix (motorolas>iphone phone). . . does everything a Iphone does but quicker and easier(as its compatable with most OS) and only cost 400 without a contract


Well-Known Member
nope. i got a seven year old motorola, and its a candybar, not even a razor. i like a phone that phones, and doesnt break if i drop it off a tractor. or hold cow shit in between the foldy bits.

it's actually the phone i got free when i started my cell phone service for the first time ever. course i still carry the pocket knife my grandpappy gave me when i was 8 years old (back in the late 70's) so whats that say? shit even my guitar is older than most of the people on this forum, myself included. (late 60's)
excellent news .. my phone is really cool it has buttons that you can press !
i refuse to buy a new modern touchscreen phone they are vile and better suited to teenagers/ ladies and perhaps dwarfs with very tiny fingers
i find it amusing that on some models you need to "push a button" to "activate the keypad" so you may dial a number with the touch screen keypad
now that is progress lol


Well-Known Member
wow . .slow down there .. .you should read my other post before, you might have to wash those hands and eyes . . .and back of ears. . . .i like to think of myself as the golden hunch back of RIU, most would call me a baffon . . .. but in retort id have to say cram it with walnuts
ok sir i shall reserve judgment .. although my instincts tell me you are a swell guy who likes to act clownish from time to time .. you are just being modest in light of my compliment
this is all good brah :)


Well-Known Member
The only buttons are the lock and home screen button... you tap an icon to get the keypad up. Should someone fail to operate the keypad efficiently or it needs to be reset (as was frequently the case with my discontinued buttony Samsung) people would be rioting in the streets over a lack of some buttonage. But to each their own. My phone serves me well but I know there are people out there who own a smartphone just as a fashion/accessory/status symbol and don't use the device to it's full potential. The same with the iPad. I didn't see the point of it until my dad started using it as a portable amp, ma used it as another teleprompter/to write video treatments and install FCPX for editing on the move.

But again, to each their own! The iPhone is not perfect and everyone has their preferences x

Ignore the thread title; I see nice peoples here x


Well-Known Member
tap an icon to get the keypad up .. lol yep that's progress
although i guess you could have pizza-hut and your weed dealer on speed dial, hmm.. do they still have speed dial or do you just think "drugs"
and your eye-fone mind reading app does the rest for you :)


Well-Known Member

There is a 'Favorites' list with my closest friends, mother, grandmother and dealers on it.

I make my own pizza :3 I'd totally give you a slice, sir x

Sorry, I keep rereading your posts and it makes me giggleful... Yes, I am prone to adding -ful as a whimsical suffix. Thank the lord you only have to cope with what I can be asked to type and not contend with my speech... There is alot of referring to myself in 3rd person and adding needless 's' es, further shortening contractions... Language gets funny when I am in one of those squeaky moods..


Well-Known Member
Samwell Seed Well why are you in an argument on every single thread you go on your always tryn 2 flex your nuts? you must have tiny nuts 2 have 2 flex them constantly hahahaha. shut your fucking mouth already, your a ignorant biggot who speaks out the ass too.
Excuse me, sir, are you trying to 'flex your nuts' too? Here, let me help:

Samwell Seed Well, why are you in an argument on every single thread you go on; you're always trying to flex your nuts? You must have tiny nuts to have to flex them constantly, hahahaha. Shut your fucking mouth already- you're a ignorant bigot who speaks out the ass, too.
*looks at username* Oohh... I love Bromance :3


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight...Not only did padawanismyhoe get banned already, they've deleted all his posts except for the posts people have quoted? Phew...What the hell did I miss?