Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

You snaked your way around the fact that I pointed out that you were wrong. Once again, I said I have not seen, I didnt deny that it happened, so that means your entire premise is false. You are an obvious bigot and you just lost this debate. Admit defeat or continue to prove what an asshole you are.

And now we move on to the false dilemma. By continuing to debate you I prove myself wrong? Wouldn't it be nice for you if that were true.

Indulge me please and point out again where I was wrong. Your insinuation was that atheists do nothing to help anyone but themselves. That obviously isn't true.
Nope. It is so unclear to make many possible locations.
wrong. something like this would make more newspapers than just the weekly world newsnonsense. Zero geologic evidence of a world-wide deluge. Local flooding post ice age accounts for all flood myths.

Not quite.
You really need to stop getting your 'proof' from fundamentalists websites and sources.
It gives the general area it was located (iraq, surrounding area). As far as the Ark, the government of Turkey is being an ass and not letting anyone get near it anymore, making it a top secret site. The flood, well do a simple google search and you will find plenty of science articles. "
We found that indeed a flood happened around that time. From core samples, we see that a flood broke through the natural barrier separating the Mediterranean Sea and the freshwater Black Sea, bringing with it seashells that only grow in a marine environment. There was no doubt that it was a fast flood -- one that covered an expanse four times the size of Israel."

And now we move on to the false dilemma. By continuing to debate you I prove myself wrong? Wouldn't it be nice for you if that were true.

Indulge me please and point out again where I was wrong. Your insinuation was that atheists do nothing to help anyone but themselves. That obviously isn't true.
An "insinuation" is subjective. You are trying to make it seem like I said atheists do nothing for charity, when what I said was I havent seen them. Big difference.
The bible gives clear idea of where the garden of eaden was located

It gives the general area it was located

Why is it that you do not apply any responsibility to your words until someone else points out the flaws? And even then, you only change them enough to disarm the opposition, but never do you adjust your actual views. When we call you a bigot, this is the sort of behavior we are referring to.
Why is it that you do not apply any responsibility to your words until someone else points out the flaws? And even then, you only change them enough to disarm the opposition, but never do you adjust your actual views. When we call you a bigot, this is the sort of behavior we are referring to.
Dude, you are pointing out technicalities in my post. I never changed my story or anything. It does give the general area very clearly lol.. whether it gave the general idea or the clear idea I will still point to the same area on the map.
An "insinuation" is subjective. You are trying to make it seem like I said atheists do nothing for charity, when what I said was I havent seen them. Big difference.

So what is the value in your seeing it? What qualification does your personal witness add? You are grasping at straws to avoid being wrong on such a clearly laid out subject. Unless you can explain why your seeing the behavior means anything to the sentiment, then there is no difference.

Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises. In a non sequitur, the conclusion could be either true or false, but the argument is fallacious because there is a disconnection between the premise and the conclusion.
So what is the value in your seeing it? What qualification does your personal witness add? You are grasping at straws to avoid being wrong on such a clearly laid out subject. Unless you can explain why your seeing the behavior means anything to the sentiment, then there is no difference.

Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises. In a non sequitur, the conclusion could be either true or false, but the argument is fallacious because there is a disconnection between the premise and the conclusion.
Grasping at straws?? Dude go look at the mirror and every post you write. That is all you do. You argue over the tiniest shit to try and make yourself seem right. You grasp at straws all fucking day. To end the argument, I said I have never seen an atheist commit an act of selflessness. You then provided examples of atheists charities and I told you there is way more religious charities, at which point you started lying and saying I was twisting shit.
Grasping at straws?? Dude go look at the mirror and every post you write. That is all you do. You argue over the tiniest shit to try and make yourself seem right. You grasp at straws all fucking day. To end the argument, I said I have never seen an atheist commit an act of selflessness. You then provided examples of atheists charities and I told you there is way more religious charities, at which point you started lying and saying I was twisting shit.

Is the point you're trying to make "religious people give more than atheists!"? Because if it is, who the fuck cares? Do you think that makes religious people more right than atheists?
It gives the general area it was located (iraq, surrounding area). As far as the Ark, the government of Turkey is being an ass and not letting anyone get near it anymore, making it a top secret site.
There would have to have been proof prior to that for you to claim it as proof.
The flood, well do a simple google search and you will find plenty of science articles. "
Don't put your work onto me. YOU made the claim. It's YOUR job to back it up. I have done plenty of research and there is no evidence of a worldwide deluge supported by any reputable geologists.
We found that indeed a flood happened around that time. From core samples, we see that a flood broke through the natural barrier separating the Mediterranean Sea and the freshwater Black Sea, bringing with it seashells that only grow in a marine environment. There was no doubt that it was a fast flood -- one that covered an expanse four times the size of Israel."
Right, and I mentioned large regional floods, including the one in the Black Sea basin. Did you forget that you have proof of a worldwide flood, not just a large regional one? There is a clear evidence with that and other large, regional floods that are explained by glacial retreat at the end of the last ice age.
There would have to have been proof prior to that for you to claim it as proof.
Don't put your work onto me. YOU made the claim. It's YOUR job to back it up. I have done plenty of research and there is no evidence of a worldwide deluge supported by any reputable geologists.
Right, and I mentioned large regional floods, including the one in the Black Sea basin. There is a clear timeline with that and other large, regional floods that are explained by glacial retreat at the end of the last ice age.
I never said the great flood in the bible was worldwide.. im able to realize that it was probably just in the middle east. And this was way after the last ice age.
I never said the great flood in the bible was worldwide.. im able to realize that it was probably just in the middle east. And this was way after the last ice age.

So the bible is true because there is historical evidence for the things it says, like the flood, except the flood is different from the evidence we find, and that's okay?

If it wasn't worldwide then it isn't evidence of the great flood. If the great flood wasn't worldwide, then it isn't the flood the bible is talking about.
For every one of those I can provide 100 religious charities. This one is impossible for you to win. Give up and admit that religions do more to help ppl than anyone else.

Duh, there are more religious people than out in the open atheists. Numbers are already on their side.
Seems the evidence of a comet strike in the Indian Ocean, perhaps ~8K years ago, proposes the likely explaination for the Great Flood. The Bible is not the only source, even in the Middle East. The epic of Gligamaish is about this flood, in part. I've been reading some research on it. Over 175 culture myths can be collated to show the possible epi-center. And now Google Earth can show some incedible herringbone pattens like we see at the beach when the water pushes up and then receeds.

Except these wave patterns are 1000 feet cliffs of sand deposit.
I have never once in my life seen an atheist commit one charitable or otherwise selfless act for a stranger.

Chances are you live with your eyes closed then ;) And so when you do see someone do a selfless act for a stranger, how do you know they are not an atheist? Do you go around asking every person you see do such an act what their religious status is?

Just because you're too lind to see something doesn't mean it does not happen. I bought a homeless man a pint of milk the other day.

I think your above statement just rather proves how worthwhile your input is..
I bought a homeless man a pint of milk the other day.
