Aussie Growers Thread

i think its a recruitment drive for silk road - had a friends request from someone who hasn't even said hi on this site yet - really not the direction i want to go
Far from it! Just a heads up because I look out for people that are involved in the same sort of things I am ;) Did you find anyone to have a cone with yet? ;)

Im blazing shit that looks similar to that freemason and you're in canada, who'd have thunk it! But mines been threw a few set of hands and isn't as sticky, fucking dry sieving assholes. Speaking of sieving because that was my 1st post it didn't upload until it was approved by a mod and there seems to be some creative editing out of that post with info about this site, how ironic!


New Member
Far from it! Just a heads up because I look out for people that are involved in the same sort of things I am ;) Did you find anyone to have a cone with yet? ;)
no, and that's what makes me question motives - i would expect newbs to try to befriend growers, not someone desperate for a smoke - and oddly enough, its the buyers at risk at silk road ;)

Im blazing shit that looks similar to that freemason and you're in canada, who'd have thunk it! But mines been threw a few set of hands and isn't as sticky, fucking dry sieving assholes. Speaking of sieving because that was my 1st post it didn't upload until it was approved by a mod and there seems to be some creative editing out of that post with info about this site, how ironic!
interesting - my first post here was quiet inappropriate but went through without needing approval or editing. other posts that pointed out how insecure this place is already made it fine...

anyway, if you're genuine, welcome and enjoy, some great people here, if i was correct, i think i'll pass on that stuff and wait it out a bit longer so i can do things the old fashioned way ;)

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
It's been a tough couple of weeks for this thread.

I think it's just that time of year where everything switches gears no matter what side of the planet you are on and people are in flux. Summertime is coming into full swing and people here really get outdoors...I'm no different but I have an iPhone to take you all with me.
Well I'm gonna smoke a nice bowl of master Kush and it's off to bed for this veijo as 5 a.m. comes early and for you guys:
Some Jillybean bud pron:

Looks bloody tasty as freemason .... ... Smoke one for me
no, and that's what makes me question motives - i would expect newbs to try to befriend growers, not someone desperate for a smoke - and oddly enough, its the buyers at risk at silk road ;)

interesting - my first post here was quiet inappropriate but went through without needing approval or editing. other posts that pointed out how insecure this place is already made it fine...

anyway, if you're genuine, welcome and enjoy, some great people here, if i was correct, i think i'll pass on that stuff and wait it out a bit longer so i can do things the old fashioned way ;)
I was taking the piss out of you mate ;) I'm not here trying to befriend growers or looking for someone to smoke up with in my local area but thanks for the warm newb welcome;)

Got plenty of smoke available to me, I love lurking these forums for the porn and the tips, if I had an old account I must have forgotten the password or the email I used to register it so those posts are lost in the ether of the ever so secure RIU servers.

If I signed in on a normal browser with my actual IP I'm sure my posts wouldn't be held for moderator approval, even my 2nd one was held so maybe they dont like me logging in via VPN or certain IP's but I am far from a spammer, all I have done is offer pertinent security advice and you question my motives? lol

Pass on what stuff stonerhermit? I never said go buy drugs from silk road I said look into their security forum sections, because it is second to none. The buyer if he is using the left part of his brain then he is the safest, just like how we purchase seeds and get away with it, master mailbox keys, safe drops, but I need not go on because this is the aussie growers thread. The vendors are at way more risk, the biggest coke dealer on SR from Canada got done, none of the buyers did and he was intercepted with outgoing mail and then found to have half a k of coke and other shit once his house was raided, but why didn't the buyers get done? Because they are the safest when they employ safe tactics.

I'm gonna go smoke a bowl and maybe even have some fucking ketamine and disassociate myself from this fucked up Nazi controlled world we live in as free people.


New Member
whatever dude; as i said in the first place, wrong crowd - you seem too wound up compared to everyone else i've met here - probably should limit drug intake to herbs ;)

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
Ha ha fire up boys .... Tinfoil ill have some ketamine... Nothing like horse tranquilizers to start your day... lol . Some say im hung like a horse so i should be able to have ketamine.... not

All friendly banter guys ....


New Member
good morning supa - lol too early to fire up... gotta drop into the office for meetings today too so just working on making the brain functional atm lol... at least there's a chance i might be able to post some bud pics and get baked tomorrow - not from the kind of person i wanted to source from and excessive $ but should keep me going till i make some better friends lol.... keep fingers crossed for me

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
Week 6 Plushberry ........... Haha learnt how to rotate em now.... Smell is unbelievable .. Its like you can smell the stickyness in the air .......
