FinShaggy's back from Mexico (and not in pieces)


Well-Known Member
I made it back from Mexico, it was badass. I'll get some pictures and shit up soon.
Here's a few videos (sorry RIU only lets me have 1 video per post)



Well-Known Member
And incase you want to know what I look like.
It's at the end of this video :D



Ursus marijanus
1) Welcome back, dude!

2) How did you make it across the border, and back? I remember lively speculation that your legal troubles would figure into the scene at the border check. You DID use a passport ... ??


Well-Known Member
1) Welcome back, dude!

2) How did you make it across the border, and back? I remember lively speculation that your legal troubles would figure into the scene at the border check. You DID use a passport ... ??
Yes I used a passport

And I told everyone I would have no trouble.
My warrants are misdemeanors in Texas.
Not Nationwide. :dunce: ( :dunce: is for anyone who doubted my words)



Well-Known Member
And the border isn't as secure as we all think.
Watch the video I just posted last. That little machine was the only thing protecting the border.

No dogs, no computer check for warrants.
I just showed my passport, and put my bags in the machine.


Well-Known Member
did you check out the donkey
did you drink the Donkey Punch ...
No, I just chilled and blazed with some Random kids (Kids meaning people around my age), Engineers, Geologists (older people), and Semi-Bums ( I say Semi because they had houses :lol: )

Next time I'm gonna bring more money (around $1000USD next time :D, Donations welcome ;) ), so I can get some videos of parties, hashmaking, pretty girls and shit.
The Cantina was the only party I found while I was there. And if I start the parties next time, they'll be easier for me to find.

Since I don't speak more than like 6 words of Spanish :lol:


Well-Known Member
By the way, this joint was rolled with a speeding ticket that I received in America on the way to Mexico :lol: .
I'll have pictures of the torn up ticket, and weed in the paper soon :D