Aussie Growers Thread

The cap

Well-Known Member
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeett.. Spinpro No go.. Hey..??
Like louie armstrong
Played the trumpet
I'll hit dat bong and break ya off something soon
I got ta get my props
Come and try to snatch my crops
These pigs wanna blow my house down
Head undrground to the next town
They get mad when they come to raid my pad
And I'm out in the nine-deuce Cad
Yes I'm the pirate pilot
Of this ship if I get
Wit' the ultraviolet dream
Hide from the red light beam
Now do you believe in the unseen
Look, but don't make you eyes strain
A nigga like me is goin' insane


Active Member
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeett.. Spinpro No go.. Hey..??
Like louie armstrong
Played the trumpet
I'll hit dat bong and break ya off something soon
I got ta get my props
Come and try to snatch my crops
These pigs wanna blow my house down
Head undrground to the next town
They get mad when they come to raid my pad
And I'm out in the nine-deuce Cad
Yes I'm the pirate pilot
Of this ship if I get
Wit' the ultraviolet dream
Hide from the red light beam
Now do you believe in the unseen
Look, but don't make you eyes strain
A nigga like me is goin' insane
LOL as I am reading that off I hear Paul Hogan rapping.

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeett.. Spinpro No go.. Hey..??
Like louie armstrong
Played the trumpet
I'll hit dat bong and break ya off something soon
I got ta get my props
Come and try to snatch my crops
These pigs wanna blow my house down
Head undrground to the next town
They get mad when they come to raid my pad
And I'm out in the nine-deuce Cad
Yes I'm the pirate pilot
Of this ship if I get
Wit' the ultraviolet dream
Hide from the red light beam
Now do you believe in the unseen
Look, but don't make you eyes strain
A nigga like me is goin' insane

Classic ..... Nice cap


New Member
No man, I think some guys are trying somewhere else..
I'm re-thinking my whole computer activities... :sad:
Fuck the police

must be some paranoia inducing strain going around. definitely not helping with making local friends :(

i know i have said they could track people through sites like these but its very unlikely, they only go after the biggest fish that way and they wouldn't be just picking people off - pigs are hardly subtle, have a look at to see what happens when they do take that path. i was a member there for a long time and noone came knocking at my door.
Did Miyagi get busted? and Supa a close call? Don't be so quick to blame ebay. The cunts are onto mail, packages that go missing we write off as stolen or never sent but they could profile. There are cases and proof of AFP seizure notices on deepweb forums now being handed out, haven't seen one for seeds just narcotics but not every1 that gets a form is gonna come forward and say or even post a copy. It's easy to see you guys trade clones/seeds whatever, they could have intercepted that mail or they may have intercepted communications if your security isn't up to scratch. Someone mentioned truecrypt, fucking get onto it asap, live by it before it is too late and install it to a usb and then mount that with the tor browser at the very least especially for this site. Don't pm or use poor email services with sensitive info, get onto Tor, get tormail, learn and use PGP to encrypt communications with trusted people. Even if you don't use Silk Road, go through the secuity sections of their forum, they give you walk through steps on all of this, the art of smuggling, even how to test your mail and drops to see if your mail is being screened. It seems complicated but if you can grow dank weed like you do and survive a close call, then I am sure you can wrap your heads around it. You're better off booting from a linux or live OS on an encrypted USB drive that torrifies all your network access for shady sites and communications, and then when you shut that fucker down it all disappears and can't be cracked and your original OS is just left with traces of all of your regular activities. Trust me I've had some close calls lately to and if pinned I wouldn't be sitting here typing this


New Member
i think its a recruitment drive for silk road - had a friends request from someone who hasn't even said hi on this site yet - really not the direction i want to go


Active Member
It's been a tough couple of weeks for this thread.

I think it's just that time of year where everything switches gears no matter what side of the planet you are on and people are in flux. Summertime is coming into full swing and people here really get outdoors...I'm no different but I have an iPhone to take you all with me.
Well I'm gonna smoke a nice bowl of master Kush and it's off to bed for this veijo as 5 a.m. comes early and for you guys:
Some Jillybean bud pron:
