This quote should have added, "To those who don't know how it works.""Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. "
Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)
We may find the science of the God principle, yet.
Considering we are only aware of about 6% of the universe, (The species who is only aware of 6% of it's universe came up with this figure) if and when we discover the source of our universe, it will most likely be like nothing we have imagined.
We ARE a spec of dust. The question is, who's wall are we on?
Exactly. The sad truth is we could destroy our planet, and it wouldn't even be a whisper.GODS WALL hahaha i just had to say it before someone else did. but who knows, and why havent we been dusted yet? id expect we're a pretty loud spec of dust, the A bomb must have sounded like tiny screaming. reminds me of horton hears a who.
Exactly. The sad truth is we could destroy our planet, and it wouldn't even be a whisper.
This quote should have added, "To those who don't know how it works."
I'v often wondered the result if we went back in time and tried to expose earlier man to current technology. We'd probably be burned for being warlocks and witches,lol!
Isn't Christian Mythology fun? I enjoy Greek and Roman Mythology as well.
Greek and Roman gods didnt get nailed to a cross by humans.
Think Zeus woulda let it go down like that? Dead diety on a stick somehow saved our souls.