PROOF that GOD Exists......

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. "
Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)

We may find the science of the God principle, yet.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. "
Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)

We may find the science of the God principle, yet.
This quote should have added, "To those who don't know how it works."

I'v often wondered the result if we went back in time and tried to expose earlier man to current technology. We'd probably be burned for being warlocks and witches,lol!
Considering we are only aware of about 6% of the universe, (The species who is only aware of 6% of it's universe came up with this figure) if and when we discover the source of our universe, it will most likely be like nothing we have imagined.
Considering we are only aware of about 6% of the universe, (The species who is only aware of 6% of it's universe came up with this figure) if and when we discover the source of our universe, it will most likely be like nothing we have imagined.

i think the orion nebula spawned the earth, but who knows what made the orion nebula. maybe the universe is a microscopic spec on the bottom of a rock, nobody knows and i dont think we're gonna find out, and if we do its not any time soon.

We ARE a spec of dust. The question is, who's wall are we on?

We ARE a spec of dust. The question is, who's wall are we on?

GODS WALL hahaha i just had to say it before someone else did. but who knows, and why havent we been dusted yet? id expect we're a pretty loud spec of dust, the A bomb must have sounded like tiny screaming. reminds me of horton hears a who.
GODS WALL hahaha i just had to say it before someone else did. but who knows, and why havent we been dusted yet? id expect we're a pretty loud spec of dust, the A bomb must have sounded like tiny screaming. reminds me of horton hears a who.
Exactly. The sad truth is we could destroy our planet, and it wouldn't even be a whisper.
Exactly. The sad truth is we could destroy our planet, and it wouldn't even be a whisper.

yeah its dumb we still fight over like .00000000001% of the universe while there planets out there that could probably sustain life, if we all came together(and maybe if religion didnt restrict certain studies that could save some very important lives *cough cough* stem cell research *cough cough*) to make advances in space travel we could get there in the next couple centuries, or maybe discover possible life on mars. too bad the leaders of a country decide to use its resources to conflict with one another, its as if many people fight for one persons argument, why cant they just smoke a bowl and settle shit like men? bloodshed never solves anything, imo MJ is the medicine that treats hostility between people. hate to sound like pothead but everyone just needs to calm down, smoke some fuckin weed and stop arguing.
This quote should have added, "To those who don't know how it works."

I'v often wondered the result if we went back in time and tried to expose earlier man to current technology. We'd probably be burned for being warlocks and witches,lol!

We see no need to blashpheme the 3rd Law of Clarke, and repent ye even said that.

Seriously, I think you are missing my point. We may be already exposed to sufficiently advance tech and it seems like magic or bunk.

We are not advance in many ways. But, if we were being advanced, who would know? Many could would cry, "have faith" and others would dismiss it a fantasy, magic tricks. You can't prove advanced tech to us. It seems magical. That's Clarke's point as I see it.
Isn't Christian Mythology fun? I enjoy Greek and Roman Mythology as well.

Greek and Roman gods didnt get nailed to a cross by humans.

Think Zeus woulda let it go down like that? Dead diety on a stick somehow saved our souls.

Maybe it would make sense if it was meant to send a message to God.

Like saying, "Look what we did to your boy God, and we will do it to your ass too if we don't get into heaven."

No one has heard from them since then have they?
Greek and Roman gods didnt get nailed to a cross by humans.

Think Zeus woulda let it go down like that? Dead diety on a stick somehow saved our souls.

As soon as you let that cock-up Peter, proclaim God on Earth, and King of the Jews, etc, there will be some that says,
"We will soon see about that."

The way I see the story of Judas, is he was supposed to kiss Jesus, so they would take everyone, especially Peter, but not Jesus.

A jew screwed in a Roman deal. Happened all the time.