Enjoy your jail time Holder...

I find it ironic that he talks about faith and God yet has spent his life getting rich by destroying companies and lives.

Yes, go on and tell us about how venture capital destroys lives. Go ask any small business owner how much they would KILL to get an investment from a firm. Or how about go ask a business who has been funded by venture capital how much they hate them, lmao. Here's a link to just a few..I'm sure you could give them a call and ask http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2012/06/20/venture-capital-deals-155/

Shit, or maybe you could go ask obama how he feels about them

Or how about the CPS? Maybe go and ask them how they feel about venture capital http://articles.chicagotribune.com/...und-renaissance-schools-fund-education-reform

Maybe you could go ask some college students how they feel about this? Damn them venture capitalist! http://blogs.wsj.com/venturecapital...es-17m-to-make-college-affordable-accessible/

69bil in loans to small business in 2011? nah fuck it, they ruin lives!
I bet you had NO idea what the fuck venture capital was until your narrow mind saw an ad on youtube or tv. Go educate yourself my man.
What about this... Perhaps this is a conspiracy setup by the left to get the general public to go along with taking all of our guns away. This is how our government works behind closed doors. This is how changes to the constitution are made, they don't just radically amend things they do it bit by bit so that the general public doesn't grumble too much. If you take away thing a little at at time people are more accepting than when large radical changes are made all at once. Just sayin

and yet another moron chimes in with the "they're trying to take your guns away by doing absolutely nothing to take your guns away" conspiracy theory douchiness.

question for ya: why didn't they do something, nay ANYTHING, after the gabby giffords massacre? :dunce:

tin foil hats work best shiny side out. gotta keep the dull in.
and yet another moron chimes in with the "they're trying to take your guns away by doing absolutely nothing to take your guns away" conspiracy theory douchiness.

question for ya: why didn't they do something, nay ANYTHING, after the gabby giffords massacre? :dunce:

tin foil hats work best shiny side out. gotta keep the dull in.

Then where does the Obama admin get all these guns to trade for drugs? ;-)
He's not the first ... or the last. "Nest of vipers" an important religious personage observed. (Probably very near your previous quoted verse.) cn

<edit> Close but not very: Mt 23:33

If you know it's bad and you have been taught all your life that there are eternal consequences, then... why? The main reason I'm going solo. He has been inculcated with the very doctrine I have. "Faith without works is dead." I shudder to think what he has to confront about himself in the hereafter. I would never vote for him. The man goes against his own faith for the sake of expediency. I have more trust in O'Bama than I do one of my own.
If you know it's bad and you have been taught all your life that there are eternal consequences, then... why? The main reason I'm going solo. He has been inculcated with the very doctrine I have. "Faith without works is dead." I shudder to think what he has to confront about himself in the hereafter. I would never vote for him. The man goes against his own faith for the sake of expediency. I have more trust in O'Bama than I do one of my own.
Cool story bro, do continue...
The complete disrepect shown to Holder is despicable and shows just how corrupt the Republican party has become.

You think he deserves respect? I would think that would be evidence of your corruption, for Christ sake he knew about us selling guns and cocaine to mexico at the cost of peoples lives. That aside, We don't need "More Evidence" to show the Republican Party is corrupt, that's flat out in the open and obvious that they are corrupt liars who vomit some kind of fiction fantasy world to the American People who buy it hook, line, and sinker. The democrips are just as corrupt and this is evidence for that alone.
You think he deserves respect? I would think that would be evidence of your corruption, for Christ sake he knew about us selling guns and cocaine to mexico at the cost of peoples lives. That aside, We don't need "More Evidence" to show the Republican Party is corrupt, that's flat out in the open and obvious that they are corrupt liars who vomit some kind of fiction fantasy world to the American People who buy it hook, line, and sinker. The democrips are just as corrupt and this is evidence for that alone.
Tin foil bro, keeps the radio waves out.
I love how we all know the details. Obama invoked executive privilege and we don't have those documents...

All we know for sure is that the government is split into two factions.
I love how we all know the details. Obama invoked executive privilege and we don't have those documents...

All we know for sure is that the government is split into two factions.

Apparently there is a lot YOU don't know about this story. There is many details hashed over and over again for many months now.
Apparently there is a lot YOU don't know about this story. There is many details hashed over and over again for many months now.

Still only a small portion. It could still be a trap. It is beneficial to compel an opponent to attack first, the GOP has shown us that it wishes to stir up partisan conflict between two branches of government and have scotus ref the match. There are still cards in play.
Still only a small portion. It could still be a trap. It is beneficial to compel an opponent to attack first, the GOP has shown us that it wishes to stir up partisan conflict between two branches of government and have scotus ref the match. There are still cards in play.
I understand your caution but I really don't feel you have researched this very much to say "There is a lot we don't know"..your right but there is also "a lot we do know"..to be fair this has been reported on quite extensively for at least a year, largely ignored by corporate press. There is some facts which are quite disturbing that I would lend some credibility to and some the things that have come to light in recent months make this even more disturbing especially combined with information from around January and before. I honestly don't feel I am being to rash to jump to the conclusion that there is some merit to these allegations due to it being plausible, historically logical, and completely rational. While there is some question in my mind that Mr. Holder was responsible/knew of/authorized such a thing it has been shown that he did know of such a thing on multiple occasions, although it could be viewed as circumstantial, I tend not to lean toward "coincidence" and also judge the DEA fairly harshly as with any government agency, but again I don't think I am being irrational for having this opinion, 10 months ago you could say I was being irrational but at this point I think there is just too much.

The fact that people are defending the DOJ for this, because they like Eric Holder I guees, and they want to make this shit paritisian probably so we argue amongst ourselves and not look towards seeing justice in this corruption is unprecedented. I can't believe they are convincing you guys of this, what kind of stunt will they pull next and just divide us so they can get away with it?
I understand your caution but I really don't feel you have researched this very much to say "There is a lot we don't know"..your right but there is also "a lot we do know"..to be fair this has been reported on quite extensively for at least a year, largely ignored by corporate press.

That doesn't mean we know what information those documents have.
I was wondering about the boarder agent who was found killed with the murder weapon and one other weapon left at the scene. Gangs don&#8217;t leave the murder weapon behind after they kill someone. They usually take the weapons from who they killed. Is it a possibility that to speed up the ban all weapons agenda that a plan was hatched to kill an agent and leave the weapon on the scene? The government would know it would be tracked back to the USA and they could use that as an excuse to start banning weapons in the USA. With Executive privilege being exercised this late in the game instead of at the start, is it possible somewhere in all those pages, the idea to kill an American may be on some? Possibly with the president signing off on the plan? After all, the president does have a kill list. Maybe he was just warming up on using the list.
That doesn't mean we know what information those documents have.
pfft, honestly who gives a fuck really. I don't see how that is relevant unless your here to just try and defend Obama (which btw I am sure you are lol). Fast and Furious fucking loook it up bro, Injustice! Please Imagine Your not defending obama here your defending the fucking DEA. Don't fucking join in with the partisan bullshit.
I was wondering about the boarder agent who was found killed with the murder weapon and one other weapon left at the scene. Gangs don&#8217;t leave the murder weapon behind after they kill someone. They usually take the weapons from who they killed. Is it a possibility that to speed up the ban all weapons agenda that a plan was hatched to kill an agent and leave the weapon on the scene? The government would know it would be tracked back to the USA and they could use that as an excuse to start banning weapons in the USA. With Executive privilege being exercised this late in the game instead of at the start, is it possible somewhere in all those pages, the idea to kill an American may be on some? Possibly with the president signing off on the plan? After all, the president does have a kill list. Maybe he was just warming up on using the list.

Geezus I was right is that what happened they turned this into some left vs right crap? Holy fuck..I fucking blame Glenn Beck for this take our guns away theories. What a perfect way for "The Man" to get us all fighting with each other and not blame the true guilty party here, THEM! and now we got people like abadoned fucking defending the crooks, sigh..meanwhile they blacked this whole thing out for an entire year barely mentioning it on MSM.
ohbama is becomming the worst pres we ever had. in fact, he is. incompetent, is the most accrurate word. protecting one of his liberal appointees is just another way of letting us know to not vote for him. i never did. i voted for the american... i wont vote for anyone for one reason. like hey! he likes mmj! better vote for him, and let the test of the county burn! NOT. dems are not the dems of old. now they are are more sociallsit, and the reps have become more easy going. like the dems of old. the days of voting the way mom and dad did, are gone. both should go to jail. the rules are for all. not just one party. hopefully, we will get lots of the dem seats out of there. yes. we need change allright. stop hating the weathy, for they provide jobs. this class warfare thing is only fodder for the three great peddlers of hate!- jackson, farachan, and the other fellow. how are reps keeping people out of work? they are trying to get pipeline, just to name one, and naterl gas. and other stuff. our pres says no. not green enough. fine in 30 years, it will be greener. not now. not developed enough. see solindra. and the idea, that anyone thinks its racism, to want ohbama out, well you are RACIST! id hire Cain and rice in an instant!!!