Johnny Retro
Well-Known Member
I find it ironic that he talks about faith and God yet has spent his life getting rich by destroying companies and lives.
Yes, go on and tell us about how venture capital destroys lives. Go ask any small business owner how much they would KILL to get an investment from a firm. Or how about go ask a business who has been funded by venture capital how much they hate them, lmao. Here's a link to just a few..I'm sure you could give them a call and ask
Shit, or maybe you could go ask obama how he feels about them
Or how about the CPS? Maybe go and ask them how they feel about venture capital
Maybe you could go ask some college students how they feel about this? Damn them venture capitalist!
69bil in loans to small business in 2011? nah fuck it, they ruin lives!
I bet you had NO idea what the fuck venture capital was until your narrow mind saw an ad on youtube or tv. Go educate yourself my man.