i peed the bed last night

prolly not as much as that lil boy you diddled did

I thought you weren't butt hurt? You defintely aren't butt hurt enough to follow UB around and post petty ad hominem attacks. My goodness how NOT butt hurt you are. You mastery of trollery is astounding. Kudos, dear sir. Kudos.
I blacked out on pills and pissed all over the refrigerator in my room.like 3 times in one night.My gf said she was screaming at me to stop but didn't work.
i never imagined there were so many bed pissers out there. now i don't feel that bad.

except for the part about rainbowbrite turning down my golden shower offer.
i've done a lot of blow in my days dizzle, but i can't say i have ever shit me bed.. my pants, lots, but me bed, nada once, lol..


Never pissed the bed but woke up plenty of mornings getting yelled at by the ex for pissing in our walk in closet, never on my side lol or on the wall, she didnt mind when it was at least the bathtub!

it was cause 3 twelve year olds were robbin yo ass, and you was to scared to go out and stop em wreckin yo life.

I got drunk as fuck on my birthday. Apparently I woke up whipped my dick out pissed on the coffee table in a room full of people then walked back to my bed. I swear I was in walmart and it was the urinal there.

I showed my all friends my weiny
Has anyone been molesting you? You know, touching you down there. Bed wetting can be a sign.
I only do it when I dream im swimming, Yes I pee in the pool. I pay for the chlorine too~
Its good to be the king!
i see red is so not bothered by my trolling of his dumb, romney loving ass that he is now spending his time going through my posts and reviving them.

this guy says he works with nobel prize winners :lol:

hey red, do you empty their garbage and clean their toilets or something? LOL!
I hate those dreams where you dream you are pissing. Then wake up all worried that maybe you let it go in bed...

This thread is pretty gross so I feel like I should contribute.

I've had the same dream three times in my life. It has to do with me being in a spitting contest with some dude in a bar. I always wake up to a big glob of spit smacking me in the eye when I have that dream.
wowwww. at least i know i pleased her.

lol.. Not fighting with you, but I call bullshit on your fake ignorance. Have you ever seen grandma's boy? Remember that part where that dude beats the high score and he's like "what does that mean? Did I break it?".. Again, not fighting with you.

Oh and nice job dude. (high five).