can i grow and sell 154 plants in michigan?

so- imagine if i know 80 folks with rotten buttholes. they need 2 pounds apiece yesterday(RSO), plus smoke. that would be 5 plants apiece( in varying stages of doneness). so, 80 * 5 = 400. then, the transaction to reimburse the farm. all legal beagle id say. if you are confused, go back to the ninth amendment to the US Constitution.
so- imagine if i know 80 folks with rotten buttholes. they need 2 pounds apiece yesterday(RSO), plus smoke. that would be 5 plants apiece( in varying stages of doneness). so, 80 * 5 = 400. then, the transaction to reimburse the farm. all legal beagle id say. if you are confused, go back to the ninth amendment to the US Constitution.

under this same plain language is how an RSO bank could also help out non-registered users who are terminally ill. right away. healing centers ftw
so- imagine if i know 80 folks with rotten buttholes. they need 2 pounds apiece yesterday(RSO), plus smoke. that would be 5 plants apiece( in varying stages of doneness). so, 80 * 5 = 400. then, the transaction to reimburse the farm. all legal beagle id say. if you are confused, go back to the ninth amendment to the US Constitution.

meanwhile, back here in reality...
As much sense and truth are in Murps words - saddly there is just as much truth in Bucks.

This is a wonderful country - it's against the law for the government to eat you after they kill you - and they agree!
We have had other threads on this topic. Quite a few in fact. The consensus many of us Michigander's have came up with is that it would behoove you to stay in the double digit range of plant count. IF you do decide that you would like to battle the United States Government and grow cannabis then your ass mine as well go for the 999 plants.

154 is just enough plants to have the feds kick you in your face. Break it down into two houses, two caregivers, 10 patients.
154 plants...... each plant is worth at least $1000 , so that crop will bring you $100k-250k a harvest.

well to the cops...

as per search warrant affidavits I've read

"the affiant knows from training that a marijuana plant can produce up to 1 lb"

LOLOL -the cops know how to grow some good stuff i guess...

but just so we are all on the same page.

plant count doesn't mean a thing under the Affirmative Defense.

  • 154 plants...... each plant is worth at least $1000 , so that crop will bring you $100k-250k a harvest.​


or it could ALL be used in RSO and only help out 5 cancer patients.

stop thinking of the finished material as just smokable bud.
for the most part the feds will leave you alone unless you cross that 99 plant barrier or are moving product across state lines....It is just too bad Obama is a lying pussy and did not come through and mandate the feds respect state law.

Watched Bill Maher on Friday, and a couple members of his panel were saying that Obama is going to re-classify (at a minimum), or completely decriminalize marijuana at the federal level right before the election in November. His campaign is worried about this upcoming election, and will want to shore up the youth vote.

They pointed to the fact that Obama is picking off voting blocks one by one in this manner. Pushing hard for womens reproductive rights over the last few months=shoring up the female vote. Going on record in support of gay marriage= shoring up the LGBT vote. Using an executive order to allow undocumented young Latinos (without a criminal record) to stay and work in the country=shoring up the latino vote ..... and supposedly legalizing marijuana to shore up the youth vote.

We shall see .......
What would a reclassification do to employers rights to fire employees for having thc in their system?

I'm guessing here stump, but I would imagine that would change the game all together.

If it's reclassified to schedule II, then it would be conceded on a federal level that it does have medicinal value, and would be considered in the same classification as other narcotic pharmaceuticals.

Like everything else, it would probably have to work it's way through our judicial system.
Watched Bill Maher on Friday, and a couple members of his panel were saying that Obama is going to re-classify (at a minimum), or completely decriminalize marijuana at the federal level right before the election in November. His campaign is worried about this upcoming election, and will want to shore up the youth vote.

They pointed to the fact that Obama is picking off voting blocks one by one in this manner. Pushing hard for womens reproductive rights over the last few months=shoring up the female vote. Going on record in support of gay marriage= shoring up the LGBT vote. Using an executive order to allow undocumented young Latinos (without a criminal record) to stay and work in the country=shoring up the latino vote ..... and supposedly legalizing marijuana to shore up the youth vote.

We shall see .......

Tat would be fantastic and it would work, I would vote for the first time in my life to send a message...hope it happens
Well first he will try student loan forgiveness; then if that doesn't look like a homerun he will probably Talk about decriminalization.

I don't trust that fucker any more than I did Bush; but he is a bit less evil than most Republicans...

And to be honest: he will almost surely be that desperate come October.
Any day now they strike down the Affordable Care Act, (ObamaCare), and then the games begin.
whats wrong with that. they should be fired, just any other employee having any doctor prescribed medication in there system.

What's wrong with that? How about invasion of privacy? It's none of my employers or potential employers business WHAT I DO ON MY OWN TIME. I'm not condoning medicating at work. I'm talking about pre-employment and random drug screens that people fail because they used marijuana a week before..

People high on the job deserve to be fired but I think there needs to be proof. People don't get fired for taking prescription meds while on the job, they sure as hell shouldn't be penalized for something they do while off the clock in their own home.
What's wrong with that? How about invasion of privacy? It's none of my employers or potential employers business WHAT I DO ON MY OWN TIME. I'm not condoning medicating at work. I'm talking about pre-employment and random drug screens that people fail because they used marijuana a week before..

People high on the job deserve to be fired but I think there needs to be proof. People don't get fired for taking prescription meds while on the job, they sure as hell shouldn't be penalized for something they do while off the clock in their own home.

yup exactly....

this was my situation: dept manager that knew i smoked even WAY before i got my card made a joke, "hehe hey your eyes are pretty glazed over there, smoke a big ole fatty before work??"

my reply, "actually i'm pretty tired, i had to come in an hour earlier so i figured i'd sleep back here (break room) but for your information, no i didn't smoke a fatty, i did however smoke a bowl."

-another dept manager overheard... tattles to the store manager.

he then an hour or so later comes to me, asks me if this was true if i "smoked before work" - i was not in any mind to lie and i'd still do everything i did the same.

i was honest. i said "yes!" (in my head.. like everday, ever?!)

then it goes on, i could go on, point was.. i mention i have my card and they don't care.

even though their prescription pill policy is different. and medical marijuana ought to fall in that category. like stump says.

so not only was their no accident, i was actually helping another worker at one point before work. working.. off the clock...and i'm the one who gets fired?
(i was glad to leave - coincidentally the day i was fired was 1 year to the day that my dad past away and that i got my recommendation)

the accidents occur on the days when i'm out of meds. i'm disoriented and ache. work sucks like that.

edit: i shouldn't say i was fired that day, i was sent home, then had like 3 weeks for HR to figure out what they wanted to do. after 1 week they had me piss.. i told them emphatically i'll fail. i'm proud to fail. you guys are doing this ALL wrong and i wish that i could afford a lawyer. kicker was when i tried filming for unemployment. i made 200 less than what i needed to qualify each quarter. FUCK CORPORATIONS.
Private property. They have the right to hire/fire people for any reason. Don't like it? Start your own business.
Private property. They have the right to hire/fire people for any reason. Don't like it? Start your own business.

that statement is filled with a pretty big falsehood.

sex,creed,color,disability,religion, shall i go on?

medical marijuana is a civil right as well.
I agree patients should have as many rights as anyone else. That being said, a boss should be able to fire anyone they want without any reason whatsoever. If I am running a business, I should have the right to run that business, short of assaulting an employee. People that cannot be fired have done much damage to this country. An employer should not be forced to fire a certain number of blacks, asians, handicaps, fucking retards, whatever.

This is a terrible subject, but I couldn't imagine a judge telling me I couldn't fire some asshole that I wanted to fire. A judge telling me that would probably get me locked up. I had a laborer call me a fucking asshole one time. I threw him off the site by his face. That is illegal, that probably wasn't necessary, but it worked beautifully.

I probably wouldn't last at Walmart long.