what piercings have you got?????

Bleh! No piercings on me, I don't really care for them; just don't find it attractive. Nothing against pierced people.

When I was a tattoo apprentice my mentor pierced and asked if I wanted to learn piercing too. I said yeah sure after I get tattooing full-time Ill start to learn it. After watching a few piercings i didn't really dig it.

So eventually he got another guy that wanted to learn piercing and he started teaching him. About 2 months in to his apprenticeship there was a walk in that came in when the boss wasn't there. I was in my room tattooing and didn't realize the apprentice was gonna pierce this girls tongue. Big time no no.

I heard a scream and then the apprentice shout "Fuck, dude I need help." The poor girl was bleeding so heavily I thought he might have cut her tongue off. I had to call 911 and get her help. He pierced the wrong spot and hit a big vein, fucking crazy shit I tell ya. Her mouth was a faucet of blood. So yeah no piercing for me, I'm happy with tattoos.

Dude that would put me off piercings for life too. no doubt
and i gotts say that VCH looks insane!
My belly button was pierced , woke up one morning and my stomach had decided to try and eat the damn earring, surgeon left my perfect flat belly with a neat tree like scar , boooo to bad piercings :( Never again, i only had my ears done, 1 hole in each, which was done was i was a week old, lol i look like frankenstein in my baby pics
wanna get my nose, but that will have to wait, i have my ears peirced, just one hole. my sister and i are supposed to get the industrial bar in our ears, or the tragus peircing
ears gauged at 5/8th's
had a dermal under my eye on my cheek for about 6 months
i loved it.. until it decided to one day pop out on me lol
thinking about getting redone again..
just the ears now, and i don't even wear earrings any more. i shove a paperclip through there every now and again so they don't close. used to have the eyebrow and tongue. had to take out the eyebrow one when i was 22 because of a job, and the tongue bar came out soon after because i kept fucking up my teeth with it.

fun fact: if not for my tongue piercing i might never have stopped sucking my thumb. that's right. i was 15 years old and sucked my thumb. to be clear, it was never while i was awake, only after i fell asleep, and there was absolutely nothing i could do about it. when i got the tongue bar it was physically impossible, and that was that.
i used to have my tongue and ears pierced... that was many moons ago. Don't google VCH... that was scary.
i've had my ears stretched to 3mm for about a week now and i already want to go up in size.
gonna resist the temptation tho so i might get a scaffold done.
i used to have my tongue and ears pierced... that was many moons ago. Don't google VCH... that was scary.

vch pics or it never happened lol
you have to have a cute snatch if you get that done..
turkey sandwich pussy's are just not attractive
Wow, a VCH! It takes some strenth to tolerate that sort of pain! Kudos! I'm sure it looks attractive!

:weed: ....... LOL!

Thanks but it wasn't so much bravery as it was just college student stupidity. I like it though, so I chose to keep it.

vch pics or it never happened lol
you have to have a cute snatch if you get that done..
turkey sandwich pussy's are just not attractive

Indeed. Some of those vch pics will make you wanna hurl. :spew: